Favorite Songs....

AC/DC was the first band I could call my "favorite"... still love that massive wall of sound they throw at you. My brother and I swore when we were in middle school that we'd see them the next time they toured and were nearby and a couple years ago we got seats 30 rows from the stage. WOW what a show! Hands down the best I've seen.

My dad was always playing The Eagles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Marshall Tucker Band, James Taylor, etc. when I was young so I know all the songs through and through but still like 'em alongside the louder rock (Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath... you old guys know them).

When I'm at my workbench I have Pandora on either the Stevie Ray Vaughan station (newer/older blues) or Trampled by Turtles (newer/older bluegrass).

My generation will look back at the music that is popular today with a headache. I can't see another outcome. If it is considered "classic" stuff in 40-50 years it'll definitely help make my mind up on moving to the Moon or not.
katokoch :eek:OLD GUYS........Imagine what MY parents (Big Band/Ballroom/Square Dancing)thought with Bat biting (OZZY) Snake Toteing (Cooper) to Wang Dang Sweet ******** (Nugent) . I'm amazed they let us (kids ) have a radio in the house.........
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No Cult huh? If you're bored sometime, look 'em up on the web. Two of their albums were listed by Rolling Stone Mag (back in the day) on the greatest albums of hard rock--Electric and Sonic Temple. Their singer, Ian Astbury, is currently touring with the remaining members of the Doors as a replacement (dare I say that word?) for Jim Morrison. Saw them on HDNET the other night and I coulda swore it was Jim singing every note. He even freaking looked like Jim!

A few of their most radio played songs you mighta heard, maybe:
Hey, they do sound great, thanks. I'll have to stick em in the Amazon wishlist. She Sells Sanctuary sounds so famailar I had to check the hard drive but nope, don't have it. So, I'm not sure where I've heard em, but I have.
katokoch :eek:OLD GUYS........Imagine what MY parents (Big Band/Ballroom/Squre Dancing)thought with Bat biting (OZZY) Snake Toteing (Cooper) to Wang Dang Sweet ******** (Nugent) . I'm amazed they let us (kids ) have a radio in the house.........

I was just waiting for that... yeah needless to say rock and roll opened the floodgates. Likewise my dad said my grandmom was livid when one of my older uncles brought a Nugent album home. No radios allowed. Ball games were listened to in secrecy after milking and my dad's first contact with rock was his older brothers blasting it in their car radios.
katokoch :eek:OLD GUYS........Imagine what MY parents (Big Band/Ballroom/Square Dancing)thought with Bat biting (OZZY) Snake Toteing (Cooper) to Wang Dang Sweet ******** (Nugent) . I'm amazed they let us (kids ) have a radio in the house.........

Roger, my parents just knew that young Alan had 'gone round the bend and straight to the crossroads when I started draggin' my weird-o albums home...Frank Zappa, Iron Butterfly, Cream, Black Sabbath, etc.

Speaking of old guys, here's one you'll appreciate. By all accounts, Pearl Jam were wringing their hands and all distraught when Neil didn't show for the rehearsals. They were already on stage when he just showed up and walked on. The Original Grunge Rocker was close to 50 then and simply slaps the new grungers around....they look like they just realized they're not in Kansas anymore. ;) He told the band later "Don't package it, just play it." The Old Master plays the same black guitar years later in the Dylan concert:

Enjoy! -Al
Great thread!

No mention of Van Halen? I could listen to the opening riff in "Unchained" over and over again. EVH, despite being on scene for 30+ years, continues to amaze me. Probably the most influencial and most copied guitarist on the planet. You can't watch a video from the 80's or early 90's where the guitarist wasn't playing this: Strat body, Floyd Rose tremelo, humbucker in the bridge position, and a maple neck. Their new album is pretty darn good and Edward hasn't lost a lick.

A couple of fingers of Tullamore Dew and "Kashmir" on 11. A great way to spend 5-6 minutes. Same thing with "Gimme Shelter".

Texas should be proud...Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmie Lee Vaughan, ZZTop. Such a shame that we lost SRV...what an absolutely unbelievable talent. He played Hendrix better than Hendrix played Hendrix. And we can't get Lady GaGa anywhere near a helicopter...

If you ever get a chance to see Jimmie Vaughan perform, go. I just love his Doo-Wop Blues style of music. You'll also see where SRV got his soul. Put's on a helluva show.

And ZZ...man...The Reverend Billy Gibbons is just a bad ass. Very underrated. And one of Hendrix's favorite guitar players (pre-ZZ...Moving Sidewalks era).

Uncle Ted. His personality somewhat hides the fact that he is a very good guitar player. Listen to "Stranglehold"...the guitar work in that is epic.

Alice in Chains. The best thing to come out of the NorthWest since Hendrix and Alinwa. Certainly my favorite "Grunge" era band. Lane Staley had a set of pipes like not other...and a heroin habit like no other. Another one lost...what a shame. Jerry Cantrell is something else...sings...plays hell outta that fiddlestick. Very talented. Their new stuff is pretty good.

Traffic: "Medicated Goo" and "Pearly Queen"...wow!

Blind Faith: One album...but what an album. "Can't Find My Way Home"...gives me chills.

But maybe the best ever? Cream. Jack, Ginger, and Eric. Three of the best musicians at their respective instruments...all under one roof. If you don't have it, get a copy of their reunion tour DVD from 2005. They are still amazing. Pay attention to Ginger Baker's drum work on "We're Going Wrong". He doesn't hit the snare once. Absolutley brilliant!

Cream broke up before I was born...I would love to have seen them in their prime.

Just my thoughts,
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Thanks for that new Seger song! I hadn't heard that yet. Great stuff. I'm amazed at how well Bob's voice has held up over the years. He still has it.

I'm surprised you hate the Beatles though. I think you're the first person I've ever heard that doesn't at least like them a little bit. I guess I'm one of those people that think together, they were great. Apart, they were so-so. But I agree George was probably the best. I have to plug my ears whenever Paul's Wings come on the radio!
My cousin is a Beatlemaniac and we are always arguing over who was better, the Stones or the Beatles. I always tell him that the Beatles forged "pop" music and the Stones forged "rock" music. Boy does he hate that!

The Bob Dylan video you linked was great too. One guy on the stage who I really respect was Tom Petty. I've seen him twice in concert and they were great shows. I saw a documentary on him once and somebody commented that Tom Petty's music can be played while you're riding your bike down the highway, or played at a party, or played while you're cleaning your toilets in your house and it just seems to always "fit" whatever it is you're doing. I think he nailed it perfectly!
Great thread!

No mention of Van Halen? I could listen to the opening riff in "Unchained" over and over again. EVH, despite being on scene for 30+ years, continues to amaze me. Probably the most influencial and most copied guitarist on the planet. You can't watch a video from the 80's or early 90's where the guitarist wasn't playing this: Strat body, Floyd Rose tremelo, humbucker in the bridge position, and a maple neck. Their new album is pretty darn good and Edward hasn't lost a lick.

A couple of fingers of Tullamore Dew and "Kashmir" on 11. A great way to spend 5-6 minutes. Same thing with "Gimme Shelter".

Texas should be proud...Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmie Lee Vaughan, ZZTop. Such a shame that we lost SRV...what an absolutely unbelievable talent. He played Hendrix better than Hendrix played Hendrix. And we can't get Lady GaGa anywhere near a helicopter...

If you ever get a chance to see Jimmie Vaughan perform, go. I just love his Doo-Wop Blues style of music. You'll also see where SRV got his soul. Put's on a helluva show.

And ZZ...man...The Reverend Billy Gibbons is just a bad ass. Very underrated. And one of Hendrix's favorite guitar players (pre-ZZ...Moving Sidewalks era).

Uncle Ted. His personality somewhat hides the fact that he is a very good guitar player. Listen to "Stranglehold"...the guitar work in that is epic.

Alice in Chains. The best thing to come out of the NorthWest since Hendrix and Alinwa. Certainly my favorite "Grunge" era band. Lane Staley had a set of pipes like not other...and a heroin habit like not other. Another one lost...what a shame. Jerry Cantrell is something else...sings...plays hell outta that fiddlestick. Very talented. Their new stuff is pretty good.

Traffic: "Medicated Goo" and "Pearly Queen"...wow!

Blind Faith: One album...but what an album. "Can't Find My Way Home"...gives me chills.

But maybe the best ever? Cream. Jack, Ginger, and Eric. Three of the best musicians at their respective instruments...all under one roof. If you don't have it, get a copy of their reunion tour DVD from 2005. They are still amazing. Pay attention to Ginger Baker's drum work on "We're Going Wrong". He doesn't hit the snare once. Absolutley brilliant!

Cream broke up before I was born...I would love to have seen them in their prime.

Just my thoughts,

Exactly. Everything you said.

"Eruption" leading into Orbison's "You Really Got Me" is proof enough that Eddie changed how the axe was played.
Neil Young was definately showing Pearl Jam how to ROCK a show...The lead singer of PJ looked like he was going to pass out......
goodgrouper WOW, I thought our little group (back in the day) was the ONLY ones to call Nugent "Uncle Ted".......ROTFL.....

I'm sure you meant The Kinks "You Really Got Me". They did Orbison's "Pretty Woman" on their Diver Down album. And what's amazing about EVH is that sound from the early VH albums came from some effects pedals, an old Marshall, and a $100 dollar guitar that Edward built himself.

To the poster who posted the link to Prince at the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame induction: Great call. I watched that live and it is one of my favorite live performances. The look on Harrison's boys face is priceless. He did a song on Arsenio one time that is one of the best all-time live performances I've ever seen. It was incredible! Never been able to find it on Youtube, though. That little turd has got a TON of talent.

Kudo's to the Guess Who posters. "American Woman" is out of this world good.

Mountain's "Mississippi Queen" and Montrose's "Space Station #5" are also good ones.

How bout' The Hollies "Tall Cool Woman in a Black Dress"? If that don't make you groove, you got issues...

Kinda sad about this thread is that a lot of the artists we're talking about died at their own hand. Overdoses...choking on their own vomit...choking on someone else's vomit...Hendrix...Joplin...John Bonham (the baddest)...the list goes on.

Dylan's vocals range from passable to painful, but there's no denying the man's ability to write. A few years ago we were at one of his outdoor concerts and his voice was as good as any of his earlier works, which makes me think a lot of his slurring and snide twanging are his way of flipping off everything. The next morning we were having coffee at a little shop downtown and seated across from us were a young couple that we overheard talking about the concert. Turns out they were college students that had just 'discovered' his music following Dylan around for a month hitting all his concerts....pretty cool, actually.

To me, this is one of his best..the ultimate 'up yours', put down song:
Such a shame that we lost SRV...what an absolutely unbelievable talent. He played Hendrix better than Hendrix played Hendrix. And we can't get Lady GaGa anywhere near a helicopter...

But maybe the best ever? Cream. Jack, Ginger, and Eric. Three of the best musicians at their respective instruments...all under one roof. If you don't have it, get a copy of their reunion tour DVD from 2005. They are still amazing. Pay attention to Ginger Baker's drum work on "We're Going Wrong". He doesn't hit the snare once. Absolutley brilliant!

Cream broke up before I was born...I would love to have seen them in their prime.

Just my thoughts,

I still get choked up that Stevie Ray is gone. My best album of all time is his Carnegie Hall album. Eric Clapton, not a bad guitar player himself, said "Stevie was a channel from God, and music flowed through it." No one else can do what he did with a guitar. He had immense talent and huge soul. Henry Garza of Los Lonely Boys has some of that combination. Johnny Lang has the vocal skills, but seems to have gone off on a different tangent. Eric Johnson is amazing on the guitar, but I am afraid they broke the mold with Stevie.

Cream, now that was a BAND.

Thanks for the memories,