
Manual cartridge feeder nbrsa approved

Carlito Gonzales of Buenos Aires , Argentina , is proud to announce that
his MANUAL CARTIDGE FEEDER has been approved for use in NBRSA registered shoots by the NBRSA board of directors .

he can be contacted at :
Everytime we add new technology we make the sport more expensive so that fewer will take it up. I tried to interest two new people who were interested until they added the costs. We should regulaly look at the numbers publically. I'll bet they are decreasing most every where. Yes, we can blame the economy but how about the sport start up costs?
my answer is that you do what jackie's club and others have done. you establish local classes and shoot those. my club shoots 6 classes, 4 center, 2 rim fire...only one is a benchrest class as we know it. it aint a cheap sport...plain and simple. new technology does not make the sport expensive. often it makes it less...bbls are better today than in the past. the 30br bbls last a long time...and advancement that saves money...that loading device will only help those that can shoot at the top...the rest of us are still trying.
i know of know way of reducing costs in the sport......make it a claiming event...all rifles have a max dollar value of $2500...anyone can buy the winning rifle for $2500.
that would be sillly in our sport...
remember both major organizations are about ultimate rifle accuracy, not about cost.......
eliminate the ability to use a rifle in more than one class...either fewer shooters or more cost.
add a factory class...but where is the limit...the current savage factory rifles kick butt. is a cooper a factory rifle ??
we sorta tried ar's but the rules limit the class severly as far as accuracy goes and the brass on the bench rule is just plain stupid.
mike in co

I do not agree that the "MCF" will help only to top shooters.This will help to improve the concentration of all shooters to put better attention on wind conditions.
The MCF is going to help proportionately more to those shooters with problem in this regard.

yes..but you are the guy selling it..i'm not.....thus a difference in opinions...

mike in co

I do not agree that the "MCF" will help only to top shooters.This will help to improve the concentration of all shooters to put better attention on wind conditions.
The MCF is going to help proportionately more to those shooters with problem in this regard.


I think that I am a authorized opinion about this because I am the creator of the MCF concept wich was made thinking in this regard.

I think you have a fine product. I think we have too many keyboard shooters worrying about this. Do you really think not having one will make you a loser? I think the most of us have a lot more to be concerned about than Carlo's device. I'm glad it has been approved.
Mybe we need to find something else to argue about on this forum. It ain't even winter yet.

Sorry, I am interested part in this discussion, but,
My intention is to do understand the premise that I had in mind when designing the MCF.

You may have not understood my post. I was directing my thoughts to the other people out there. I think your device is very nice and I hope you do well selling it.
Butch much for my abilities as a predictor of what the powers that be will decide. No matter. I was just expressing an opinion about what I thought the meaning and intent of the applicable part of the rules were. Based on the latest ruling, I was wrong.

Being able to look at both sides of the rifle has made a big difference in my understanding of your invention. I am impressed with your design, and its execution. It will be interesting to see what happens from here forward. Good luck.


Thank you for your words.
I can add that technology is a tool that we should not give back, perhaps, in this case, our beloved benchrest could go to the next level.
