Farley Action..?


steve b.

Anyone shooting the Black Widow that Farley builds? Would like some comments about it. Thanks.

Not yet

I think they were only introduced a couple of years ago ....so no one has probably gotten their's yet.:p

Actually I have an old model - its great.

Black Widow action

I have been shooting a Black Widow for a little over a year, a RB/LP/RE. My action is one of the cast actions but I believe they have gone to an all stainless milled action now. The fire control system is different than the older Farley and some who have looked at it feel it is an improvement. I have no complaints about the action or the BRX stock it is in, any problem in my aggs. can be traced to the nut behind the trigger.
new action coming


If it was for a lefty , i would bid. Looks like i'm out of luck.

I've been shooting #14 built by Cecil Tucker in one of his wood stocks. It performs very well, love the new shroud and the small pin. It was possibly just a bit stiff initially but has slicked up quite nicely.
I like the Old Ones

It is just my opinion, but I think Jim made a mistake when he dropped the cast action Body. I have three of the older RB-LP and they are slick as grease and shoot quite well.
I am no big fan of the new fire controle system either. I think it is hard to beat the screw in shroud and pinned firing pin assy.........jackie
I don't know Jim at all but a friend that talks to him regularly says he's gone back to a cast action. Anyone else confirm this???
I don't know Jim at all but a friend that talks to him regularly says he's gone back to a cast action. Anyone else confirm this???

I wouldn't be surprised as it was costing him too much per action to have the raceways edm'd on the barstock actions.