Expander for Pumpkin

Harold M

New member
I'm helping organize the benchrest "stuff" for the estate of an old friend. I found his Neilson "pumpkin" neck turner, but the expander seems to have gone missing. So, (A) what does the part I'm looking for look like, (B) if I can't find it, how do I get a proper replacement, and (C) are there instructions for its operation?


If it were me. I'd sell the pumpkin. Several sources for expanders. PMA has a very good one. Anyone who would buy the pumpkin probably has one.
It looks like some 7/8 threads with a small shaft sticking out....maybe a small screw sticking in the end. You can't miss it!
If you're looking for an expander, to sell the neck turner, I think we can all agree to just sell the neck turner as is. The buyer can scrounge up an expander just as easily as you can and it won't increase the likelihood of selling the neck turner.
The Pumpkin is a great neck turner IMO best I have owned. But as stated previously, procuring an expander mandrel is going to cost more than it is going to add value.