excecutive orders CANNOT infringe on CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS


mike in co

this has been before the supreme court in the past...

so he is limited on what he can do..not limited on what he can try...

mike in co
Don't forget He is now King Oboma! He has two people he has put in the supreme court that are on his side. And I don't put anything past any one the that are already turning on us.

Joe Salt
See here's the thing...... generally people only care about their own interests.

This is a pretty erudite bunch we have here, enough so that this is the only forum on the innertube where I'll post, if Wilbur kicks me off here I'll have nowhere else of interest to me.

But how many of you, before clicking the above link, had ANY recollection of "The Trail of Tears" let alone an understanding of what actually happened. I use this example because it's the first one in the article, not because it's more or less significant than another. It's about the fact that in some cases minorities HAVE BEEN trampled, not by our completely color-blind Constitution but by people in positions of power. It's about the fact is that gunowners who're willing to stand up and be counted are in the minority! There are gunowners here who think we ARE somewhat responsible for Sandy Hook!

This is sick.

It's sad

And it's a lot more frightening than all the flash-in-the-pan elected officials, including POTUS.

I hope this little interlude forces people to look within themselves and see exactly where they stand.


I am.

I believe there are 3 conservative SCJ's retiring in the next 4 years, what do you think will happen there..............


QUOTE=Joe Salt;697445]He has two people he has put in the supreme court that are on his side. And I don't put anything past any one the that are already turning on us.

Joe Salt[/QUOTE]
Dave Coots, I hear these rumors about Supreme Court Judges retiring all of the time. Never have heard of the number 3, usually it is B-Rack will have the chance to replace maybe 2 judges in his second term. I don't have a clue were the idea or fact of that statement comes from.

If you take a logical look at what may happen, I can only see 1 Judge R.B. Ginsberg that may be the one who will need her spot filled. I say that not from her words, as she has said she would not retire but die in office. Her age is the only thing or way I see that obama may get to replace her. She is 80 years old now and the oldest of the Supreme's, she also is a flaming Liberal. So if obama replaces her no harm can be done, no matter who he chooses.

Next in the age thing is Kennedy he is 77, then Scalia who is also 77, then there is Breyer he is 75 years old. All three of these judges have been quite vocal about "NOT" retiring any time in the forseeable future. Of those three Kennedy is usually the tie breaker as the usually 5th vote in the split between lib's and conservative's. Breyer is just as liberal as Ginsberg so once again no harm no foul if he goes. Scalia is very conservative but also a free thinker and makes logical choices down no party line at all. This would be a huge loss to the Conservatives HUGE, but he says he aint going anywhere, and I do not believe that he would even consider giving Obama a shot at his seat.

The rest of the court is fairly young Kagan is the youngest at 53 also a flaming Lib and in all truth should never have been confirmed in the first place.

Sotomayor is 59 she also is a lib. Then there is Clarence Thomas a very conservative judge he is 64. Alitio another conservative is 63.

Then we have the head of the court, Chief Justice John Roberts. Justice Roberts is 58 years old and everything about him screamed he was a conservative. That was until he actually had to vote on something that mattered like oh lets see ----- How's about Obama Care. In that case Justice Roberts the conservative joined ranks with the Lib's and shot the whole country down. So anyones guess as to what he is, is just that a guess.

The court was up until the health care bill divided pretty well. There were 4 Conservative Justices Roberts, Thomas, Scalia and Alito.
And there were 4 Liberal Justices Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan and Sotomayor. The tie breaker was "Usually" Kennedy who is a Very Good Justice and basically Middle Right in his rulings most of the time.

So if you take what the Justices themselves have to say, none of them are planning retirement. Ginsberg is getting up there in age so I could see her needing to be replaced sometime in Obama's Reign as His Majesty B' Rack the 1st.

But who would be the other two? All of them say they will stay, I cannot imagine Thomas, Scalia or Alito even considering leaving with this guy in office. So I think this is a Red Herring, and I sure hope so...

At this point I only trust two of the last three that you mentioned. I just don't like the way this is going, just like Oboma care all this stuff was written years in advance. They all know what they have to do!

Joe Salt
I don't trust anything that has to do with the Govt( I do have faith in our military and its leaders)!! I certainly have no trust in elected officials!
See here's the thing...... generally people only care about their own interests.

This is a pretty erudite bunch we have here, enough so that this is the only forum on the innertube where I'll post, if Wilbur kicks me off here I'll have nowhere else of interest to me.

But how many of you, before clicking the above link, had ANY recollection of "The Trail of Tears" let alone an understanding of what actually happened. I use this example because it's the first one in the article, not because it's more or less significant than another. It's about the fact that in some cases minorities HAVE BEEN trampled, not by our completely color-blind Constitution but by people in positions of power. It's about the fact is that gunowners who're willing to stand up and be counted are in the minority! There are gunowners here who think we ARE somewhat responsible for Sandy Hook!

This is sick.

It's sad

And it's a lot more frightening than all the flash-in-the-pan elected officials, including POTUS.

I hope this little interlude forces people to look within themselves and see exactly where they stand.


I am.


So am I Al!
Obama and the dems use an older governing philosophy than the Constitution: Might Makes Right

They will do anything they can get away with and just who among the current DC governing elite is going to stop them? Boehner?
Absolutely correct, as a matter of fact Bill Clinton had an executive order overturned!
The big O had one of his orders overturned just in the past couple weeks, when he tried to give all of the Federal Government a raise, including Congress. If I'm not mistaken, both houses voted to revoke his order.
True, we are an erudite bunch. We are also few, and invisible to the general public. So are millions who participate in various interesting shooting competitions, in creating guns that are works of art, and in collecting interesting pieces. Millions upon millions of us pursue interesting hobbies that nobody sees or cares about. They watch shows like "Sons of Guns" which are primarily about guns that are intended to shoot people. That's not helping our image any. I'm not saying take it off the air, I'm just saying that the general public doesn't know squat about why most gun owners have their guns, even for self defense. They think it's stupid, because "the police will protect them." Well, up here in the boonies of central Vermont, they might come when you call, but it for sure will take awhile. Maybe if you tell them someone is stealing a cow, they would. We need more and better PR.
To Mike in Co, All depends on your version of constitutional rights, Obamy's varies with his agenda, so far he and his czars have been very busy rewriting various definitions. Obamy is the Pied Piper of the freeloader class and practices Chicago cess pool politics on a national scale.
The big O had one of his orders overturned just in the past couple weeks, when he tried to give all of the Federal Government a raise, including Congress. If I'm not mistaken, both houses voted to revoke his order.

The only problem is that it was overturned because it "looked bad" and not on any Constitutional basis. I would not want to risk my right to own a firearm on this "logic".
Obama and the dems use an older governing philosophy than the Constitution: Might Makes Right

They will do anything they can get away with and just who among the current DC governing elite is going to stop them? Boehner?

They also use the corollary "It is always easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission".