Eric Stanton Shoots New Unlimited Record 5 shot 100-200 Grand agg at Sniper King


Club Coordinator
I was pleased to see the number of people who traveled great distances to attend the Sniper King this year in Tacoma , WA.
They brought with them sunshine all weekend and fair to mild conditions.
Congratulations to our own Regional Director, Eric Stanton shot an Unlimited World Record grand agg (100-200yd) in the 5 shot match on Monday.
His agg. measured 0.1486"

Here are all the goods on Eric`s gear:

Craig Kensler Rail
Bat action made in 2008 Top loader action designed by Eric!
6ppc Bartlien barrel with homemade dampener and Ralph Stuart tuner
28.8 gr. of N133 same load all day.
Wolf SM rifle primers
65gr Bishop 5/9 FB ugly
Sightron 10-50x

Make your plans now to attend the 2013 Sniper King in beautiful Tacoma, WA
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Hi Eric,
Congratulations....I don't have word to say about you....We proud on you...keep on... have Amazing talent. Locksmith Stanton
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