Electronic Powder Dispenser



Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about either the Lyman or the RCBS electronic scales and powder dispenser? I'm considering one or the other but don't know which. Thanks in advance.
As Don said----

Many of us are using the Green one. I have adapted two powder pans to weigh exactly the same and set my dispencer on automatic. That way while I'm filling a case and seating a bullet the next pan is filling with powder. Gives me pleanty of time between relays. That said, my shooting pardner, just uses one pan and still has time between relays. Good luck
I have had both

I sold my Lyman for an RCBS because of speed but I noticed in a recent catalog that Lyman has offered a new hopper that is suppose to be faster. I think the RCBS is a better unit all things considered.
Compared to a Harrell's, how accurate are they?


Depends on how good you are with a Harrel

I discovered That when I droped 100 charges that I would get at least 0ne .3 gr over and at least 0ne (more likely 3) under .3 gr. I tried every techinique known but still could not get better. I tried this several times the last 3 winters
Hc ...

The RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 is Excellent !!! Go for it !!!
Can you see a difference on paper between a thrown charge and a weighed charge on paper at 100 and two hundred yards?

I have never been able to detect a difference.
It depends - -

Can you see a difference on paper between a thrown charge and a weighed charge on paper at 100 and two hundred yards?

I have never been able to detect a difference.

If you jam your bullets and you have a very good barrel PERHAPS you can't tell any difference BUT, I have never seen, from my testing that tenths difference in powder charge didn't change the shape of my groups. Same is true with seating depth. If you load a series of cases with seating depths
.003 apart you will see a dramatic difference in the group size.

If .03g didn't matter, why does one see loads published in thenths? If tenths didn't matter, we could simply dip cases in powder, shake them a bit to arive at the desierd level in the cases by sight and shoot. Perhaps one's goups could improve by being a bit more careful with what one is doing.
I've been using an RCBS 1500 since 2005. I depend on it so much I carry a spare. Never had to use the spare though.

Does the 0.1 grain accuracy make a difference on paper? It sure can't hurt. During the day during a match there are so many other variables that wander in and out that not having to be concerned about variations in the powder charge is a welcome relief. Besides, it has been proven several times that powder dropped by weight produces more consistent velocities than powder dropped by volume.
Coming out of the closet

How many of you guys are using these contraptions and how many are not ?
Column A---users.
Column B---non users
Column C---using them but thinks its a secret.
Column D---using them but embarrassed to admit it.
Column E---using them but can't manually throw a consistant charge to "save my ass", so I don't care if I'm embarrassed or not.
Colume F---using them in the secrecy of my motor home( so Nader,mind your own business).

If you ARE using them, I have one question. How do you transfer a measured charge( especially a heavy charge) into the case?
OK, two questions.
Do you think a slowly dropped 28.7 load will shoot the same as a quickly dropped 28.7 load. In other words,is volume irrelevant?
Regarding transfer - -

How many of you guys are using these contraptions and how many are not ?
Column A---users.
Column B---non users
Column C---using them but thinks its a secret.
Column D---using them but embarrassed to admit it.
Column E---using them but can't manually throw a consistant charge to "save my ass", so I don't care if I'm embarrassed or not.
Colume F---using them in the secrecy of my motor home( so Nader,mind your own business).

If you ARE using them, I have one question. How do you transfer a measured charge( especially a heavy charge) into the case?
OK, two questions.
Do you think a slowly dropped 28.7 load will shoot the same as a quickly dropped 28.7 load. In other words,is volume irrelevant?

I use to Lyman plastic pans with a small funnel in their handles. For most of my charges they are all I need to transfer the powder. For those charges that need to be DROPPED, I have an 8" drop tube attached to a funnel.

I pre-load so have the advantage of my entire reloading room at hand. Most of the time, I throw charges close (within 3 or 4 tenths) and then trickle to the desired charge. I find it to be faster than using the AUTO cycle. I alternate between using the power trickle feature and simply trickling by fingers. Fingers generally are more forgiving because sometimes the tube carrying the powder will have a LUMP in it and drop too much powder, requiring that charge to be dumped.
RCBS Chargemaster

I have to agree with Pete on this one, I have tried to use the RCBS unit but I quickly went back to weighing each load. Saw my groups go open too many times with the machine, But weighing them is much more accurate, so I guess that makes me a column "B" user
How many of you guys are using these contraptions and how many are not ?
Column A---users.
Column B---non users
Column C---using them but thinks its a secret.
Column D---using them but embarrassed to admit it.
Column E---using them but can't manually throw a consistant charge to "save my ass", so I don't care if I'm embarrassed or not.
Colume F---using them in the secrecy of my motor home( so Nader,mind your own business).

If you ARE using them, I have one question. How do you transfer a measured charge( especially a heavy charge) into the case?
OK, two questions.
Do you think a slowly dropped 28.7 load will shoot the same as a quickly dropped 28.7 load. In other words,is volume irrelevant?

I have a column to add to the list. Column G: tandem users.
I'm a G. I use both but lately, I have been throwing from a Harrells the majority of the time. The reasons are that it's nice not to have to baby an electronic to and from matches and the electronic is sometimes too slow. I can throw 10-12 charges from the Harrells in the time it takes to do one on the CHargemaster. I can't load ammo and clean my gun both if the match director's hair is on fire.

As for accuracy, they both do fine. .1 grain accuracy either way. Often, dead nuts on. I questioned the Chargemaster's accuracy too until I shot this 10 shot group with weighed charges:

Can't do that if all the charges aren't pretty exact!
I have a column to add to the list. Column G: tandem users.
I'm a G. I use both but ...... if the match director's hair is on fire.

As for accuracy, they both do fine. .1 grain accuracy either way. Often, dead nuts on. I questioned the Chargemaster's accuracy too until I shot this 10 shot group with weighed charges:

Can't do that if all the charges aren't pretty exact!
Some comments on the RCBS 1500 Chargemaster.

-So far there have been 2 revisions on the 1500. The initial one was not programmable, i.e. you could not change the speed of the dispenser cycle. The later version has the wind cover that can hinge either way, thanks to a comment from Jim Carmichel to RCBS.

-If you want to change the speed of the cycle, call the RCBS 800 number and ask for Don Legg Jr. Note; if you speed the machine up in the 30 grain range it may be slower in the 50 grain range meaning if you use the 1500 for several weight ranges, reprogramming may not be best.

-Those of you who are commenting on its accuracy; when the dispenser is operating it will show the weight approaching on the LCD display, then it beeps and the display shows the charge number, then it shows the weight again. This last display of weight is from the on-board scale itself and is the accurate weight. The first time the weight is shown the reading is from the internal computer that feeds the dispensing tube speed. If you wait for the second reading the scale will be as accurate as any scale you will find that is used for reloading.

As to Match Directors having "their hair on fire", under IBS and NBRSA rules they are required to give you 30 minutes between when your relay is called.

Joel, I reload in my motor home, that is no secret. But.....I do have my RCBS 1500 covered with camo netting so it can't be seen from the outside. Benchrest shooting is all about secrets isn't it? Whoever has the most secrets wins????

(Oh yes, a 28.7 gain slow charge is not as fluffy as a fast thrown 28.7 grain charge-another secret).

(Another well kept secret is which is faster, a charge thrown in a van or a charge thrown in a camper)
Thanks for the Advice

I guess I'll go with the RCBS but I won't tell anyone. I'll only use it when I'm alone so no one will know.
How many of you guys are using these contraptions and how many are not ?
Column A---users.

If you ARE using them, I have one question. How do you transfer a measured charge( especially a heavy charge) into the case?
OK, two questions.
Do you think a slowly dropped 28.7 load will shoot the same as a quickly dropped 28.7 load. In other words,is volume irrelevant?

I use it exclusively, even when I need to load at range I have glass vials I use for pre weighed charges.

Filling cases is easy I have a funnel and long drop tube attached to my workbench. I hold the case under the tube while pouring powder direct fro the chargemasters weighing pan. All my charges ar compressed so I do not believe there is a difference in density.
