Edgewood new 'Tracker' rear bag reviews

lets talk about that.
seems to me that since you have an opinion without facts to back it up....you reported me to the admin to get me banned because you could not win a discussion with facts...plain and simple. you are such a child.
i notice not once have you actually refuted the FACTS that ubr is a HANDICAP game, not heads up BENCHREST like in IBS AND NBRSA. GO AWAY LITTLE CHILD
I didn't get you banned over there...you were already banned!! I reported you for that because of this same crap and it wasn't a first time or a second but was many times before I reported the fact that you had backdoored your way in to the forum using a made up name, email and overall identity. Exactly why there are security measures in place to protect members from unscrupulous people from being scammed. In your defense, you can't seem to help yourself. It's just how you are. But being you is what gets in in trouble. You even had Paul, the forum admin on accurate fooled for a bit and I'm sure the same here. Unfortunately, this site is not being well moderated at this time or you'd be gone from here yet again because you are a multi time banned person posting as someone entirely different, beating the security measures in place here and there to protect other members.

mike in colorado ring any bells to anyone here. That's him. He has been banned under numerous names yet here he is again. What were your other alias' Mike? I can't remember them all. I left you alone there and I left you alone here but you can't act like a horse's arse and expect to be left alone forever, man. You're better at beating the rules than you are at playing by them. I'll give you that much. Those rules are for other members protection. I would not enter into any transaction with someone that goes so far out of their way to hide their identity. You're good at that. Even Paul said so. He was pretty amazed at how you did it. The question becomes, do you do it just so you can act a fool or for more sinister reasons. Either way, you are a banned poster who has beat the system and you're back without approval, afaik.

This site needs more posters and I'd love to see it get back to where it was before Wilbur passed but his intentions were for you to be gone. Again, how many times have you been banned here and elsewhere. The time I reported you accounts for only one, out of how many?
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Whoa dude. I have not reported you to admin. As a shooter I respect your opinions and trust the facts you report. I humbly ask only the same in return. I'll gladly depart this particular thread if that helps.
No, he's referring to me...and I did report him. See my post. It can all be verified.
Dang dude, I'm sorry. Someone needs to explain all this stuff about people being banned. Who, what, where, when and why.
Which time? He's a repeat offender on multiple forums that I KNOW of. He's playing it off like it's my fault, though.
well it is clear ms ezell likes to hear himself talk. the truth is he reported me because it is impossible to truthfully claim that ubr is real br, it is handicap shooting. no other shooting sport uses different targets based on the caliber shot in a match..everyone shoots the same. not in ubr. and ms ezells problem is he cannot stand to have anyone point it out. THE TRUTH HURTS. HE CRIES EVERY TIME. this time he knew he could not win a heads up discussion on the subject of ubr, so he got me kicked off. no one else on the site really cared i was there.
wilbur and i got alone well, we emailed and talked about stuff. it was cry babies making noise that was the issue. not real men but internet bullies. mike is an internet bully he attacks me everytime i pint out the error of ubr being called br,
Danyboy I have one of the first Tracker bags that Jack makes it work’s good on the different stock configurations it’s solid just don’t fill it up leave a little room for the sand move to shape your stock . The ears are a straight wall instead of a v shape . I like mine
well it is clear ms ezell likes to hear himself talk. the truth is he reported me because it is impossible to truthfully claim that ubr is real br, it is handicap shooting. no other shooting sport uses different targets based on the caliber shot in a match..everyone shoots the same. not in ubr. and ms ezells problem is he cannot stand to have anyone point it out. THE TRUTH HURTS. HE CRIES EVERY TIME. this time he knew he could not win a heads up discussion on the subject of ubr, so he got me kicked off. no one else on the site really cared i was there.
wilbur and i got alone well, we emailed and talked about stuff. it was cry babies making noise that was the issue. not real men but internet bullies. mike is an internet bully he attacks me everytime i pint out the error of ubr being called br,
I have two questions.
1) are mike in co and rsmithsr2 the same person
2)Is this person banned on this site or not

I could care less about your opinion Mike. Rules are there for a reason and just because you found a work around to be on here is not a defense. It's not about 2nd chances. You were given about 1000 chances both places. It's no one else's fault.

To log in with a fake identify violates Federal cyberharassment laws when you have been warned to stay away, aka banned.
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I have two questions.
1) are mike in co and rsmithsr2 the same person
2)Is this person banned on this site or not

I could care less about your opinion Mike. Rules are there for a reason and just because you found a work around to be on here is not a defense. It's not about 2nd chances. You were given about 1000 chances both places. It's no one else's fault.

To log in with a fake identify violates Federal cyberharassment laws when you have been warned to stay away, aka banned.
"Rules are there for a reason" but not when it comes to score shooting with a 6ppc...see then it is ok to have a second set of rules BECAUSE YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE ORIGINALS.

AS TO WHY I AM HERE, YOU WILL HAVE TO ASK WILBUR. basically he always let me back in. HE DID NOT HAVE AN ISSUE WITH ME. it was other bullies making noise, so he would block me but send me an email, and i would be back in, in wilbur's mind it was simplier to let the bullies think they won. SO TO BE CLEAR I HAVE NEVER BEEN TOLD TO STAY AWAY, always allowed in.
"Rules are there for a reason" but not when it comes to score shooting with a 6ppc...see then it is ok to have a second set of rules BECAUSE YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE ORIGINALS.

AS TO WHY I AM HERE, YOU WILL HAVE TO ASK WILBUR. basically he always let me back in. HE DID NOT HAVE AN ISSUE WITH ME. it was other bullies making noise, so he would block me but send me an email, and i would be back in, in wilbur's mind it was simplier to let the bullies think they won. SO TO BE CLEAR I HAVE NEVER BEEN TOLD TO STAY AWAY, always allowed in.
Same on Accurate Shooter? Careful now. The owner over there is still alive and might not defend your claim as vigorously as a dead man. Wilbur was a nice man but I doubt you very much because you are a proven liar(I saved the messages) and this is the most ridiculous claim I can remember, on the whole damn internet! Just smdh!

Produce those emails and I'll apologize. Surely you saved them.
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Same on Accurate Shooter? Careful now. The owner over there is still alive and might not defend your claim as vigorously as a dead man. Wilbur was a nice man but I doubt you very much because you are a proven liar(I saved the messages) and this is the most ridiculous claim I can remember, on the whole damn internet! Just smdh!

Produce those emails and I'll apologize. Surely you saved them.
i would if you were worth the effort. you simply continue to BULLY and add little to nothing to the site content. his son could check deposits for cancelled checks in my name long after the original account was closed. yes i sold in the ad's and paid wilbur with a check with my REAL NAME ON IT. you want your rules go start a site...you know like wantabe ubr!
the phrase "caliber neutral" is a way of hiding the fact that 6 ppc has an issue beating the 30br. so a bunch of 6ppc loosers wrote a set of rules that let them win. nothing "neutral" about it
You seem to not understand the difference the diameter of the bullets makes when shooting at a target with scoring rings and a point X. If ,both a 6mm and a .30 caliber bullet hit the same point on a target near a scoring ring or X, the .30 caliber could break the scoring ring or X while the 6mm could not due to the difference in bullet diameter. That is why, in most 100yd score matches the winner is determined by X count not score. So, in a match where the win is determined by X count a shooter with a 6mm bullet cold lose to a .30 shooter even though the 6mm was closer to the center of the X. All you got to do is draw a couple of circles and it should be obvious to see how this works.
yes but the game is not distance to the center, the game is score, either you do or you do not. close does not count
.i am very clear how shooting and scoring works. i am very clear that they did not like the rules and were too cheap to buy a competitive rifle, SO THEY CHANGED THE RULES. just the opposite of what mike just stated. the bottom line is they could not compete so they ruled out the top round BY CHANGING THE RULES... handicapped targets, not heads up like every other sport..as i have pointed out. see ya at the cactus or maybe the nationals ??
There are those of us who enjoy shooting the thrifty end of the benchrest spectrum. I shoot in a league that currently limits the cost of the rifle at $350.00 and the scope at $150. No internal modifications to the rifle are allowed. Ammo must be standard velocity and is also cost limited. Benchrests and rear bags are allowed but no wind flags. With 20 plus shooters on the line competition is fierce with many matches won by a single point. My personal set up is the cheapest 10-22 with plastic stock made by Ruger and a BSA Sweet 22 scope. At a recent benchrest competition that included a class for "thrifty plinkers" I won a gold medal with this set up. My score would have taken gold in the "sporter" class also. My point is this, it's not always about the equipment. BTW, my unlimited set up is a 40x with Shilen barrel, 2 ounce trigger, McMillan stock, Hoehn 4000 plus tuner and fixed 40 power scope.
We could be friends😁 never was the lastest and greatest kinda guy.
yes but the game is not distance to the center, the game is score, either you do or you do not. close does not count
.i am very clear how shooting and scoring works. i am very clear that they did not like the rules and were too cheap to buy a competitive rifle, SO THEY CHANGED THE RULES. just the opposite of what mike just stated. the bottom line is they could not compete so they ruled out the top round BY CHANGING THE RULES... handicapped targets, not heads up like every other sport..as i have pointed out. see ya at the cactus or maybe the nationals ??
Bless your heart. Wrong on every single thing you said, again, which further proves my point...that you know nothing about it except you don't like it. Good! I don't think you'd like me anyway.o_O

UBR was conceived by one man, who btw was a very active and former IBS national champion shooting a 30. Another UBR regular is a multi time IBS national champ. Nothing against IBS intended. Like most shooting UBR, we started out shooting 30's in it and migrated to other calibers, as the rules allowed while several still shoot and win with a 30.
The first year or so at my local club, we ran IBS and UBR side by side, together...then let the members decide which they preferred. Lost a few but won a lot more shooters in the end.

You see, it was never what you say or think, Mike. It was very different, indeed. It has grown and is doing well, with you or without you..
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yes but the game is not distance to the center, the game is score, either you do or you do not. close does not count
.i am very clear how shooting and scoring works. i am very clear that they did not like the rules and were too cheap to buy a competitive rifle, SO THEY CHANGED THE RULES. just the opposite of what mike just stated. the bottom line is they could not compete so they ruled out the top round BY CHANGING THE RULES... handicapped targets, not heads up like every other sport..as i have pointed out. see ya at the cactus or maybe the nationals ??
I was going to try to explain it to you one more time. However, you have your head so up and locked that nothing will penetrate your thick skull so there's no point in even trying.
Before the 30br came on the scene, most everyone shot a 6ppc in vfs and won with them. Occasionally, they still do but virtually no one builds a new 6mm vfs rifle these days because when the 30br came on the scene, it dominated vfs pretty fast...because it would shoot with a ppc but also cut a bigger hole in the target, giving it a clear advantage over the 6s.

Several shooters left the game because they refused to build a 30 to be competitive in vfs. But, the handwriting was on the wall that the vfs game had changed due to this scoring advantage. People bitched and moaned but it was too late. Pandoras box had been opened and the game changed. You no longer see many 6s in vfs and I don't know when the last one was built new, for vfs. It doesn't make much sense. The 30br changed vfs for good...for better or worse.

All of this was maybe 15 or so years before there was any such thing as ubr.

It's funny, looking back on all of this....all the bitching and complaining about how the 30 ruined vfs because of its scoring advantage...and now how ubr, a caliber neutral br for score discipline that does away with any caliber having any scoring advantage, somehow is unfair to the 30s.

Trust me, it's very equal. No scoring advantage given to any caliber. Simply weigh out the pros and cons and shoot whatever you think gives you the best chance to win.

In no way do I see how that is unfair or advantageous to any caliber. It doesn't favor a 6 and it doesn't take away from a 30. As well, the 22s have been pretty hot for the last year or so....in a score game.

That should tell you that it doesn't favor the 6s and that the caliber neutral aspect does not play favorites.
Again, ubr allows you to be competitive with whatever you believe is best. It's not decided by the size of the bullet hole but by the best gun and shooter. I'm not sure why that bothers anyone that understands it.
That should tell you that it doesn't favor the 6s and that the caliber neutral aspect does not play favorites.
Again, ubr allows you to be competitive with whatever you believe is best. It's not decided by the size of the bullet hole but by the best gun and shooter.
I'm not sure why that bothers anyone that understands it.
It baffles me that some cannot grasp this simple concept.