Eddie Harris wins 2022 SE Regional 4 gun & 3 gun. Andy Shifflett wins 2 gun

Steve Lee

Active member
Middle Georgia Gun Owner's Association in Dublin Georgia hosted the 2022 NBRSA Southeast Regional Championship September 22-25. MGGOA is the home of the Shamrock held every March for the last 21 years.

Next year the Shamrock will be held March 25-26 2023. Y'all come shoot!

Here are the winners:

Wayne Campbell won Unlimited 100, 200 and Grand plus Sporter 200.

Brian Shumacher won Sporter 100 and Heavy Varmint 100. These were Brian's first wins and his first 2 SER Hall of Fame points.

Danny Morgan won Light Varmint 100 to secure his first SER Hall of Fame point.

Scott Haywood, refugee from Texas, won Heavy Varmint Grand. He now owns (for a year) the Jeff Fowler Heavy Varmint travelling trophy, which means he is obligated to show up next year to defend his title! He also picked up his first 2 SER Hall of Fame points.

Andy Shifflett won Heavy Varmint 200, Light Varmint 200, Light Varmint Grand and 2 Gun. 6 HOF points, plus his previous 4 gets him into the SER Hall of Fame.

Eddie Harris won Sporter Grand, 3 gun and 4 gun. 6 HOF points plus his previous 6 gets him into the SER Hall of Fame.

I wound up winning Southeast Region Shooter of the Year for the first time! Feels pretty good!

Beautiful weather and occasionally challenging conditions over the 4 day shoot. Two new Southeast Region Hall of Fame members! What's not to like?

Earlier this year Jeff Summers pointed out that the Southeast Region Hall of Fame is now 50 years old!

Next year all of Y'all come shoot!

I tried to attach results but for some reason BR central won't let me upload files. I'll try to figure out the problem tomorrow and update this post.


Update 10/2/2022
Since BR Central is no longer letting me upload results I have decided to post them on my website. A link to the Short Range Benchrest Match Results page can be found at the bottom of the Bughole.net main page.

Click here for 2022 NBRSA Southeast Regional Championship Results

Also, I have created a page for navigating to results on my website. This is a work in progress and I will be posting historical results for past years as I have time.

Click here for the Bughole.net Match Results Page
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Thanks Steve

I really enjoyed the weekend, you folks sure do put on a great matches. This was my second time to shoot in GA and it won't be my last! The ranges and facilities are great, the guys are great and it's a lot tougher conditions than I though I would find before I ventured east! Thanks for everything! Congratulations to Eddie, Andy, Wayne, Danny, Brian and yourself!

Results now available plus link to Bughole.net Short Range Benchrest Match Results

I just added links to the results in the first post on this thread.

I have created a page on Bughole.net where I will be posting future results as well as historical results for past years.

At this time results for 2022 NBRSA Southeast Regional Championship as well as several past year's NBRSA Group Nationals are available.

Click this link to see the results.