East-West Show Me Shootout 2011 Results

Steve Lee

Active member
Here are the results from this years East-West.


  • East-West 2011.pdf
    330.6 KB · Views: 829
  • East-West 2011.xls
    79.5 KB · Views: 445
Congratulations Richard N., Bart, Chris, Don, Richard Watson. Doc and all ... especially Larry Scharnhorst for what had to be a mighty effort for him!
Thanks for posting the results Steve! I love getting the results now in PDF and Excel form.

Thanks for the congrats. I was delighted to win and in the company of such fun people. I had good laughs Thursday through Sunday loading with Andy, Jack, Lowell, Ken, Wayne and Chuck. Hope we did not make too much of a nuisance of ourselves. I found the conditions weird. The wind was pushing the shots way way more than typical. If you just looked at the flags and held like you would at any other range, you were in for a big surprise.

I did miss Del this weekend. First match where I was not able to call him and chat about his bullets, strategies etc. I think I will miss him every match I go to!
Thanks for posting the results Steve! I love getting the results now in PDF and Excel form.

Chris...I'm doing that for all SE Region shoots. Since I was at this shoot I did it and showed Scott how to do it in the future. Bughole is using an old version of Crystal Reports that doesn't export xls and pdf very well, so there is some manual work involved to get everything formatted correctly.

At some point I'll set it up to export properly formatted reports so the manual work isn't required, but probably won't happen till the next major version upgrade.

Everybody - I'm brand new to this (first group match), and it was reassuring for me to see Chris helping the shooter to his left (I was on his right) with technique thoughtout the matches. I had a meltdown of sorts myself at one point and later he chided me for not asking for assistance during the moment. I didn't know that I could, but now I do. He's a great competitor.
Thanks for the kind words Joey. I did not know it was your first shoot. I enjoy trying to help if I can. When I started I was so totally at sea - and frankly still feel like that most times. This sport has so much clutter to it. I have been very fortunate to have been helped by Wayne, Tony, Jack, Bart, Andy and several others.

It seems I learn more and more at every shoot I go to. If I was starting now I would buy Tony's book and go to one of Jack's tuning sessions. I take Tony's book (I have 3 copies of it) to every match I go to and still attend most of Jack's sessions. You can use TB's book as a great reference during a match from setting flags to tuning to checking your bench technique and a ton of other things. There is always something that is about to bite you and Tony has certainly managed to minimize the threats.

Good shooting and fun learning...
Congratulations Chris!!!! Good win in some fast company with a pretty hot competitor list. You are also correct in that it doesn't matter who you are you can learn something new every time you sit down at the bench..