Duncan Bullets


Just wondering how to get Duncan bullets. After Raton I'm dangerously low on 30 caliber bullets. Not sure whether to use Duncan, Knight, or Cheek. I would use BIB's, but I think he's always covered up. My Bergers shot well in the HV, but they are the same price as the others. I only need contact info for the Duncan's.


I've got Jack Duncan's phone # somewhere, but can't seem to find it. Maybe some of the Northern Colorado guys will see this and reply.
Those "thuty thuty's" of yours are very impressive!;)
I'm shooting the 112 bib's and have shot a number of gps in the ones in practice. The 118s may work a little better in the wind although I have not tried them yet. The reason I like the bibs is the very first gp I ever shot with my new gun was a one!! doesn't get much better than that.

There are a lot of good bullets out there. We use Bib's, Saubier, Berger, Eubers.

In the past few weeks we have been testing the Berger 110's as well as the BIB 118's again in preperation for the BR school. The Bib's are my bullet of choice, (I know Randy pretty well he is a hell of a guy) but I was also very impressed with the bullets Eric Stecker from Berger sent us for the School. Thank you Eric

for all the input guys. I have shot quite a few Bergers in my 30-30. The BIB's are supposed to set the standard, however shooting ones with Bergers in the 30-30 is actually very common. Just this last weekend in Raton (a tough range I've had no experiance with) I shot three groups in the ones. These days my HV will shoot a group in the ones everytime I take it out and shoot 3 or four groups. My LV 30-30 has shot three ones in a row at the TX State. I would love to think it could do even better with better bullets. I have talked with Eric at Berger about a 118 gr. project. Also discussed with him about making fatter bullets. I believe Berger will soon be making better and more consistant 30 caliber bullets than ever before. Something should be in the works soon.

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Do you headspace on the rim or on the case mouth???

Mike Swartz
Mike Swartz

I headspace the 30-30 in both places. The rim insures that the headspace is never greater than .001" to .002", even when the case has never been fired before. The shoulder maintains as close to zero headspace as possible, because the shoulder never has to be bumped back. Since the 30-30 has a 15 degree shoulder angle and brass that is thinner than most other cases, the shoulder never causes the bolt to close with much effort, but it is always touching to minimize headspace.
