Dublin IBS Score Match

Jim Wooten

Just Me
Well, MGGOA held our first IBS score match Saturday, and I want to thank the eleven dedicated shooters who were willing to miss part of Mothers Day weekend to come out and support our initial effort. I also want to give a special thanks to all the people who helped prepare for and run this match. Mike Rippey took on a huge amount of work, as did Wayne and Gloria Lewis, Sandra Long, Joe Pittman and his nephew, and Frank Parker. Without them this match would have never become a reality.

Dublin, "The Snakepit" as one competitor called it, was it's usual tricky self, and even more so due to the strong but switchy winds. After all was said and done only one competitor was able to stay clean, "Middle Snake" Mike Rippey. Carl Waddell and Lynn Moss also did some great shooting to finish second and third in the Grand Agg.

100 yards
1st Lynn Moss 250 22x's
2nd Carl Waddell 250 21x's
3rd Jim Wooten 250 21x's

200 yards
1st Mike Rippey 250 6x's
2nd Carl Waddell 249 7x's
3rd Lynn Moss 249 5x's

100/200 Grand Agg
1st Mike Rippey 500 24x's
2nd Carl Waddell 499 28x's
3rd Lynn Moss 499 27x's

I will try to get full results to Dick Grosbier as soon as possible for posting to the IBS web site.


L-R Jim Wooten, Lynn Moss, Mike Rippey, and Carl Waddell
Sorry I couldn't be there Jim. Between Mothers Day and a funeral that I was an honorary pallbearer, I couldn't make it. I was expecting more than 11 shooters. I'm sure Mothers Day weekend kept a few home. Do you know the date of the next IBS shoot there?
Sorry I couldn't be there Jim. Between Mothers Day and a funeral that I was an honorary pallbearer, I couldn't make it. I was expecting more than 11 shooters. I'm sure Mothers Day weekend kept a few home. Do you know the date of the next IBS shoot there?


We would love to have you at the next match. It will be July 10.

Actually, I was pretty pleased to have 11 shooters for our first match, while competing with Mothers Day;). I hope that everyone had a good time, and that word will get out about our next match. If we can get to the 15 shooter range, that would be great, but we have the facility to accommodate as many shooters as would like to shoot. I know that July is traditionally a slow month for Benchrest as well, but we were limited in dates due to the lateness of our decision to hold matches this year. Hopefully we will be able to do a better job of scheduling next year.

I have spoken to several new-to-competition shooters recently, and they have expressed an interest in the Dublin matches, but they are a little hesitant to take that final step and actually shoot a match. It can seem a bit intimidating if you have never done it before, but you will find Benchresters to be more than happy to share their knowledge with new shooters. If there is enough interest, I will volunteer to meet at the range one day, and have an informal "Intro to Benchrest Competition" day. We can go over any questions about rules and procedures, and answer other questions you might have concerning equipment, etc. Maybe we can get a good competition shooter to demonstrate how they set up their equipment for matches, go over a few reloading tips, or help with your own individual situation. If anyone wants to do this, please let me know, and we will try to get a small group together. It should be a helpful way for new competitors to "get their feet wet" before actually shooting a match. This won't be a formal Benchrest School, but I think you should be able to get a bit of good information out of it if you want.

We need new shooters to keep Benchrest alive.


Tough day, but a great run match, thanks to all the guys and gals that made the match possible. Boy my hats off to Mike for staying clean at 200 yds that was no easy task, big winds switching in every direction. also hats off to all the winners great job. For the shooters that could not make it look forward to seeing you next time. Looks like around the SOUTH we are losing places to shoot, please come out and support the ranges trying to keep the matches going. Putting on the matches is a lot of hard work my hats off to the ones for putting them on, thanks again!!!!!

Congratulations to the winners, and especially Mike, for staying clean in some nasty conditions. Wish I could have been there, but a retired friend from Arizona contacted me recently to ask to get together while he was in town Saturday. I was at Pinetucky Saturday morning shooting a club RF match & the wind was really terrible, and I was thinking: "Boy, those guys down at Dublin must really be havin' some fun today." I am planning to be at the July match.

A suggestion about the potential new shooters: Why not get them to come to a match & put them all on their own relay with an experienced mentor for each one. I would be glad to do that, and I'm sure several others would, too. The rules allow coaching for rookies, and this would be a good application of that allowance.

Thanks to all the folks working to make the matches at Dublin a reality; it IS a lot of work.