Drinking water contamination in west virginia

Guess you didn't read between the lines like most people usually do, Mother nature will take care of it when she has had enough of us. Accidents happen we just have to know how to correct them before it goes too far. From the news it sounds like there doing just that, fixing it.

Joe Salt

Joe, I came to realize a long time ago that Liberals/Democrats are morally superior to Republicans, I mean just look at their signature achievement, Abortion!!!!! :)
Signature Achievments

Recent signature achievements of Conservatives/Republicans (or the party of "NO"): Most Senate filibusters ever, block unemployment insurance extension, cut food stamps, block immigration reform, shut down the government, block raising the debt limit ceiling...a very impressive record indeed.
Recent signature achievements of Conservatives/Republicans (or the party of "NO"): Most Senate filibusters ever, block unemployment insurance extension, cut food stamps, block immigration reform, shut down the government, block raising the debt limit ceiling...a very impressive record indeed.

I thought this was a gun forum.
Recent signature achievements of Conservatives/Republicans (or the party of "NO"): Most Senate filibusters ever, block unemployment insurance extension, cut food stamps, block immigration reform, shut down the government, block raising the debt limit ceiling...a very impressive record indeed.

$17 trillion and steady going up.......why stop?
Vicvanb: Conservatives will let us keep our GUNS, Liberals say we will protect you. What a laugh! I just want to be left alone to do what I like. At one time this was a free country. And with 300,000,000 people we can't afford to take in everybody that want to come across our boarders. How about taking care of our own first.

Joe Salt
Thanks, Al. You're not such a bad guy after all!!!


If anyone here wonders how a democrat works.... go read post #16 before vic deletes or modifies it. ;)

The old out-of-context gag as an argumentative gambit, whee......
a couple hundred thousand vicvanb's go to vote,w/ blinders on/head buried where the sun doesn't shine & the result is the 2 term illegal immigrant that we have on PA Ave in D.C.

Where ever & When ever fracking is used, the water table will be un-drinkable.

It's all centered around mis-representation & GREED!
We seem to agree and disagree

.....much better when the subject is shooting. Why don't we just stay there and leave all this stuff....hey wait....never mind...I was just thinking out loud and not looking....never mind I say!

If anyone here wonders how a democrat works.... go read post #16 before vic deletes or modifies it.

Why would I delete or modify it???

If anyone wonders how a Republican works....seems like they have absolutely no sense of humor.
.....much better when the subject is shooting. Why don't we just stay there and leave all this stuff....

WHAT? And deprive ourselves of what few brief moments of entertainment we have each day watching fools bloviate?