Drinking water contamination in west virginia



Chemical contamination of the water supply in West Virginia indicates how badly the lives of people can be affected when their water supply is cut off, as well as how bad it is for the economy. In the coming years, water issues may well become critically important as the population increases, aquifers are depleted and contamination is widespread. In the northeast, vast areas of several states may have contaminated water from hydro fracking with several toxic chemicals used to extract natural gas from rock formations. Until now, we have taken safe, clean water for granted--but crises like those in West Virginia may signal that we need to re-think how we approach the whole issue of ensuring pure water supplies for the future.
You wouldn't be joking and dismissing it if you lived in the affected area.
Vicvanb No its not funny, is it just the wells that are affected or is that the only place you guys get water from. I know we pump water all over , can't tell you all the places. But if something like that happened here I have an alternative, my well! You people are in deep doo doo if that is the only place you get water.

Joe Salt
The Republicans desire for dirty air and water is coming to fruition :)))))) .
In the northeast fracking water can and was purified quite nicely in most modern treatment facilities before folks became unnecessarily scared. In a few years, cheap plentiful desalinization units will be around to take up the slack, you know from the melting polar ice.........once it stops expanding.
You gotta be kidding Vinny in a state controlled by Democrats.

Just feeding into the Democrats narrative that Republicans are cold hearted uncaring bible thumping gun toting morons
Joe Salt

You live in NY so you probably know the Hudson River History. By the 1950s after decades of dumping chemical wastes into the river, the lower reaches were biologically dead and highly polluted. You certainly couldn't drink it, couldn't fish or swim--it was one of the worst rivers in the USA. Strong public pressure to clean it up finally resulted in programs that worked and today the river is recovering. General Electric dumped huge quantities of PCBs into the river years ago which still persist in sediments and always will despite the dredging program in recent years. Dredging costs are huge.

Despite the Clean Water Act and greatly increased public awareness, severe pollution of rivers still goes on. Witness the coal mine pollution in Appalachia.
Vicvanb: But also Mother nature gets rid of a lot of pollutants that we put into the rivers and streams, I'm not saying all of it but she does a good job. When I was in my teens many years ago everything was dumped into the water ways, I could tell some things that would make your hair curl. I swam in that water and ate the fish I caught, and guess what I'm still here. So let me say one thing, no one is getting out alive, and what you think is going to kill you probably won't. And I have two brothers that are in their Eighties, they did the same.

Joe Salt
Chemical contamination of the water supply in West Virginia indicates how badly the lives of people can be affected when their water supply is cut off, as well as how bad it is for the economy. In the coming years, water issues may well become critically important as the population increases, aquifers are depleted and contamination is widespread. In the northeast, vast areas of several states may have contaminated water from hydro fracking with several toxic chemicals used to extract natural gas from rock formations. Until now, we have taken safe, clean water for granted--but crises like those in West Virginia may signal that we need to re-think how we approach the whole issue of ensuring pure water supplies for the future.

OK, let me be clear :)

The problem vic is in how you present. I shouldn't react but I DO, because my entire worldview is different than yours. Your post is couched in inflammatory terms, "rhetoric" in my world, and culminates with a sentence so full of dreck I just can't leave it lie.

I'm sorry, but I live by this motto......."All that is necessary for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing"

So, in that light I'll address your culminating statement only :)

Until now, we have taken safe, clean water for granted--but crises like those in West Virginia may signal that we need to re-think how we approach the whole issue of ensuring pure water supplies for the future.

This is just utter crap, false in it's face, ignorant and an unwitting jab at our forebears. I realize that it's inadvertent. I state this clearly in my usage of "unwitting." Unfortunately the road to hell is paved with "unwitting." READ A LITTLE vic, and not just the pap fed you by your party but HISTORY, unbiased HISTORY..... we have not "taken our water supply for granted"..... ever..... We've worked hard as a nation, paid a huge price and are still paying ALL OVER THE WORLD that people may have access to safe drinking water. For you to write this effort off in so cavalier a fashion with verbiage like "until now" and "rethink" is an insult to the very people who've given you the lifestyle you enjoy.

The incident in WVA is a blip, a bump in the road, a page in the ongoing journal.

Show a little respect for your betters.

And until you offer an alternative, ANY real alternative, please quit beating the drum against fossil fuels.

Or quit driving.

You man up and stop driving, stop heating your home and living in the luxury offered by fossil fuels and I'll back out and bow to you. I'll publicly acknowledge that you are a Man Of Principle in the mold of those great men who founded this nation and that I admire your ethic. Until then, gobbling on about the negative aspects of our fuel-based economy is just whining.


C'mon guys I am sure that vicvanb powers his computer and everything else with completely carbon free all natural environmentally freindly power, no petroleum based plastics or components in his computer or his lifestyle in general.
In my earlier post I blamed global warming, and for that I apologize. Clearly a mistake.

Since this farce of global warming started, the libtards have been proven wrong in that there is no global warming, and history has proven that. So, in an effort to maintain their push for yet more money and takeover, they have switched to.... CLIMATE CHANGE!
Thank you

I'll publicly acknowledge that you are a Man Of Principle in the mold of those great men who founded this nation and that I admire your ethic.

Thanks, Al. You're not such a bad guy after all!!!
There you go again, al...

The incident in WVA is a blip, a bump in the road, a page in the ongoing journal.

Let's see...In your words: "utter crap, false in its face, ignorant..."

Ask some of those 300,000 WV people affected their reaction to a guy in WA dismissing their problems as a "blip, a bump in the road." Vinny was right--conservatives truly are uncaring. Sad.
But also Mother nature gets rid of a lot of pollutants that we put into the rivers and streams, I'm not saying all of it but she does a good job. When I was in my teens many years ago everything was dumped into the water ways, I could tell some things that would make your hair curl. I swam in that water and ate the fish I caught, and guess what I'm still here.

I hope you are not saying we can just dump anything we want into water bodies and hope that natural processes will wash pollutants away? That was the approach until about 1970 when people realized something had to be done.

As with anything, there are limits. I can drink a couple of beers, but give me 8 or 10 and I'm in serious trouble--and likely dangerous to others.

And Mother Nature couldn't get rid of those Hudson River PCBs. They had to be dredged at a huge cost.
Guess you didn't read between the lines like most people usually do, Mother nature will take care of it when she has had enough of us. Accidents happen we just have to know how to correct them before it goes too far. From the news it sounds like there doing just that, fixing it.

Joe Salt