Do we clean our Rifles too much?

There is one very prominant Benchrest Shooter, ( I will not say his name, but every body knows him), who will go to the line in a Unlimited Match with a block of 25 rounds, and through the 12 minutes, shoot every darned one of them as he works the sighter and going to the record target.

This is his shooting style, and he has a whole bunch of HOF points, and is always a threat to win where ever he goes.

I wonder what that barrel looks like after that 25th shot, even though it goes right smack in the middle of the group.
Years back

when I first join this forum there was discussion Ad Nauseum regarding bbl break in and cleaning in general. What I took out of all the back and forth was that all bbls are different. I also gleaned that carbon was the nefarious scoundrel that needed to be avoided. Once it is there it's hell to pay to get rid of. I think that I probably clean too much because of this fear. Soon as permission to leave the bench is given I am on a mission to at least get a solvent patch down the bbl. When I have the opportunity to have my guns checked with a scope there has never been a carbon build up. Having said all this I have, after 75-80 rounds without cleaning, shot good enough to get wood. Gun does not seem any dirtier than when cleaned after 15 or 20 rounds, but I wonder about the carbon.
