Denton on Sept. 13?


John C., Are you going to start this match early like the last one or stick with the draw at 9:00 and shoot at 10:00 schedule?

Thanks, tim
He means September 13th. It is a 200 yd. club match.


Yes, I'm curious too....... Sep 13... Think the NTSA Benchrest member were gonna move-back the start time an hour.....?

I'll PM Jon...

Denton Match Time

From our last general discussion at the club we moved the match times to draw bench at 8 a.m. and start the match at 9 a.m. General opinion appeared to be that we had everyone at the match by these times just sitting waiting to start anyways. This also allows people to get out a little earlier Sunday p.m. to head home. We always have extra room so if your a few minutes late on the 8 a.m. dont' worry we will get you in - not planning on anyone going home without pulling a trigger!

Club match time czar

I purpose a solution to this confusion: the appointment of an official club match time czar. We need a stimulus package of say 30- 50 billion dollars for studies running a minimum of 1500 pages from 50 committees stating that the starting time for the match should be racially, religiously, sexually and age related neutral. No one will be forced to get up earlier or later then convenient for them to make the match. The target crew will have card check unionization and paved sidewalks will need to be placed with guard rails out to 200 yards for any mobility impaired shooters to set their flags as a side regulation incidentally included in the new 500 page guide as how to accomplish the starting time compliance codes. The match director, referees and target scorer must submit to a background check, drug testing and body cavity search on a random basis or face a $3,800 fine. The club must pass an EPA inspection to ensure that no endangered species such as hunter class shooters are harmed and the scoring computer must be wind or solar energy powered or pay a $1,000 carbon credit tax. Concerned shooters who overhear any grumbling about these new rules are encouraged to bring them to the attention of the czar along with the description, name and license plate number of the person complaining. Best of all these new regulations will be revenue neutral. Remember, the czar knows best. Tim
Dear Dr. Tim,
I hearby nominate you to run as president of the USA, whats left of it, in the year 2012. You could run on the Lonniebin ticket. I think you have got this liberalspeak thing down pat. Oh!, I forgot.....that is what they teach in med school, right......You must have excelled in theoretical medicine. :D Keep it up, you bring us all back down to earth now and then. :)

Tim, I had a large bowl of beans last night just before Obama spoke does that mean I owe a carbon credit???
$3800 Fine

El Timo,
What I want to see is the formula you used to come up with a $ 3,800 fine. I bet it's a doozy! :D

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"