Denton Match Rumors


Middle aged member
I have been asked to make a post here on this subject. John Conley is gonna run the Denton matches this year. He is a good younger guy and has been shooting and helping out for the last few years. He will do a good job and James and I are still around and helping. There seems to be this huge rumor going around that we are going IBS and not going to have the same NBRSA matches as usual. All I can say is shame on the people that started and fueled up this one. Denton is planned to have exactly the same registered matches as last year as well as the monthly club matches. I believe the club matches will be score and group alternating 100/200 monthly. John will hopefully correct me if I am wrong.

Here is the one POTENTIAL ADD ON. Because so many people shoot score around here and want a REGISTERED match, we have asked the IBS if we can have a registered match sanctioned by them and call it the Texas State Championship etc. They said sure and are currently informing us of the rules etc. It may or may not happen, but if it does, ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY WILL NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON THE NBRSA MATCHES. How much more can be said about this.

Now we have some of our NBRSA shooters that think this is blasphemy and God should rear down on us, but in my opinion, shooting is shooting, more shooters is better, quit whining, let bygones be bygones and get on with it. There is no rule that a club cannot hold both sanctions matches. St. Louis is an NBRSA club and held the IBS nationals there last year.

That sounds like a good Idea

There is no reason we cannot do both. We shoot score any way, might as well be registered.

I also think we should look at a few winter matches, (Group and Score) we have pretty good weather and the deer hunters will be gone here soon, so why not. We all like to get together and shoot. it will help to stay sharp.

Sounds like a great idea. I have only shot Denton twice at club matches but like shooting "score" also. Guess I will now have a reason to build that 30BR I been lusting for. Don't know why anyone would have a problem with what you suggested. Like was said, shooting is shooting. Would be nice to have a winter match. We usually have pretty decent weather up until mid December or so. Go for it.
That's A Good Idea

At Tomball, the club has decided that there can be no range closing activities, such as matches, after mid October and through Deer Season.

I would like to have a Winter Match to go to, preferrably score. Just show up, and have a good time.

One problem with adding a IBS match during the Spring and Summer would be its conflicting with other events. We already have 9 NBRSA Matches, plus New Braunfels, Tomball, Denton, and Midland all have an active Club Match schedule. That is a lot of shooting. Our four Club Matches at Tomball are held on the first Sunday of the month.

I bet you could get at least six shooters from the Houston Area to come up. Lots of shooters are building 30's to shoot in our next years club matches......jackie
Ralph, Here,here on those winter matches. Us guys in Oklahoma can't wait to get out of town in Oct, Nov, Dec. Lets shoot!!!
Denton Score Matches

Are they going to be VFS matches??? I have not competed in a
IBS score event yet......:D
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