Some of the regular Saturday shooters will be at the Cactus but there will be a few us shooting.
I get there around 9:30 and stay till around 4:00. As always, if someone wants to shoot they can sign in as my guest.
All 100 yards, we shoot score in the morning and after lunch we shoot group.
Lunch will be provided for $8.00. Sign in at 9:00 for $25.00 and shoot at 10:00.
Come on up and shoot with us. We won't be using any moving backer system since it is a club match. There will probably be some of the regulars missing as Jon was saying due to the Cactus in Arizona but it still is always fun. Since we have several registerd matches at the range it is good practice.
One thing you don't need is tall wind flags
just go back to the range. There will be a sign up sheet there. No need to stop at the clubhouse. That is the new rule for all matches. The match director is responsible for signing in guests and members.
Man I am ready for a match. But alas, I will be in Austin over the weekend. Got a new grandson, 2 months old. First for my son, he is 51. How would you like to have a 2 month old at 51. ............Donald