Dave Dohrman needs your prayers

A prayer for Dave

I do believe in the power of prayer. I prayed for myself and I'm still as touched as ever. I prayed for Tinkham and although he's still a crab,he's shooting again. I prayed for Jack and he is no longer a "pain in the ass". I have come to realize that a couple of Hail Marys don't cut it these days. One needs a custom prayer to get one's soul "in sync". So, with this in mind I humbly submit the "Dohrmann Special".
It begins and ends with a sign of the cross.
Dear Lord, Our good friend Dave Dohrmann is in need of your care. I know his heart to be true and his soul to be in your service. Be by his side as he endures the days to come. The trials and tribulations of this earth are accepted by us your children as we realize that they pave the way to Heaven and your glory. Amen
Hey Dave,
Best and warm wishes from the frozen North.
You are a standup guy. Hang in there buddy.
Thanks Guys

I just wanted to thank everyone who replied to this post for the much needed words of concern and encouragement. It really has helped me.

Got the first report after a week of Rad treatment, and it looks good. I think the radiology tech was shooting bugholes, and nailed the problem areas with precision. And as I remember, never used windflags! I am really grateful.

Thanks again for helping me keep positive through this.

Dave Dohrmann
Glad to hear that....

I just wanted to thank everyone who replied to this post for the much needed words of concern and encouragement. It really has helped me.

Got the first report after a week of Rad treatment, and it looks good. I think the radiology tech was shooting bugholes, and nailed the problem areas with precision. And as I remember, never used windflags! I am really grateful.

Thanks again for helping me keep positive through this.

Dave Dohrmann

Great news Dave! Hope all continues to go well.--Mike Ezell
Glad to hear you're back on your feet and able to post.
I called the hospital and advised them to use the new Dave Dohrmann Protektor Bag under their radar gun. Sounds like they have you protected now. We have the Michigan State Police doing the same with their radar guns. Speeding tickets are increasing dramatically to cover the cost of the Protektor Bags. The reports are the guns are sliding in the bags much better since they began using the Dave Dohrmann Protektor Bags. Don't even get my started on who is using your bolt lube and how they are using it.

I got ticketed the other day and the cop just HAD to brag about the low-friction tape he had on his radar gun.

Kidding, but seriously glad to hear things are going well. Best of luck!
God willing he won't need chemo. I'll put in a prayer tonight. Cancer takes an emotional toll that's incalculable and my heart goes out to Dan.
Dan I've battled and won some and lost some with my cancer over the last 6 years. I have more good days than bad days these days. I've had chemo and radiation. I had an orechtomy and a Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND). I've spent off and on about 70 days in the hospital. I can understand what your going through and if your feeling discomfort I truly do have pity. The good lord is gonna have his way with you but if you can bear the physical and for me the mental load you'll be a better man for it in your life and his eyes. Some days I didn't want to continue and sometimes I felt like a jerk after being cross with the people who loved and cared for me. Word to the wise if you have to take chemo which damn near killed me demand some form of opiate. Your family will benefit more than you. Chemo has a way of making you feel like ass and can turn the most gentle of men aggravated at the least and pissed off at the worst. It's not your fault so don't let it beat you up. Good luck brother and I'm gonna have my grandmother put you on her prayer list at church.
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