Dan Opel


It is with profound sadness I am letting everyone know that Dan Opel passed away yesterday. Dan was a friend to shooters far and wide. He was a mentor to many and one of the guys you could always count on to be at a match and support anyone who needed help in this game. Dan was the President of the BRSC and a strong supporter of the Canadian World Team. So many fond memories it is difficult to know where to start. We are sure to miss him. Please keep his wonderful wife Sue in your thoughts and prayers.
I have know Dan for years even though He live 3000 miles from me. You could have knocked me over with a pasta when I heard the news. You 'RIP' old buddy.
I did not know or ever meet Dan Opel but I know Bill and what he says about Dan makes me wish I did know him. R.I.P.
Shot next to him in St Louis a few years back, he was a real nice guy!! Very sorry to hear this.
Dan was one

of the truly nice and good guys in the game. Always more than willing to help anyone however he could. He played a big role up there with all the guys out in the Calgary AB area affectionately self proclaimed ICE MEXICANS.

They are a pretty tight group and we send our condolences to all.

RIP Dan O.....

Wayne & Pam
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I had met Dan at several Nationals

This is a real shock. You could not meet a nicer man.

Does anyone have a link to an on line obituary?
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Is this the same man that owned Plenty O Patches? If so he was a great person to deal with.

Either way R.I.P
This is a shock

To the Canadian shooting community as well as the Benchrest world.

I still cannot believe it.

You could not ask for a nicer man. I do not think there was ever a day that Dan did not smile. He had such a easy going personality and a soothing way about him. He will be missed.

My condolences to his lovely wife Sue and there entire families. RIP DanO. Gone way to soon buddy.....??

Yes Dan and Sue are the owners of PlentyOPatches.

I hate to hear this about Dan. Always enjoyed visiting with Dan at matches. I’m not sure how long I’ve known Dan, but certainly not long enough. He will be missed.
Can't believe it

Just in shock to read this. What a great guy and another huge loss. I ran into Dan everywhere. Nationals, Colorado, Phoenix, he got around and left a trail of smiles. He seemed as healthy as anyone which makes this all the more shocking. Condolences to especially our Canadian friends, I know he was a big part of you guys adventures.

We are definitely diminished....

What sad news. Dan and his wife Sue came down to Tacoma and shot with us many times over the years. Talked with him recently and he was hoping to make it down this year for the Sniper King. He’ll sure be missed.
We first met Dan in 2005 on the Canadian World Bendhrest Team and crossed paths with him over the years, including the Nationals in St. Louis and the Worlds at Rosebud in Calgary last year. We all aspire to leave a legacy and Dan has shown us the way – he was a hell of a nice guy you could depend on for a smile and good advice. His passing reminds us to live our lives every day, to stop and reflect on what matters most in this crazy world. Our thoughts are with Sue tonight. We will miss our friend.

George & Vera
Tragic news...

Dan was pleasant man dedicated to the shooting sports and was a great ambassador and promoter of our sport. Gonna miss his quick smile and nod as we went up for our next relay. Condolences to Sue and the Opel family.

RIP Dan, we are diminished by your absence.
A real shock to hear this. I met Dan at the WBC in Canada last year. What a nice guy! All of the Australian team had dealings with him for their powder and bits and pieces.
I am sure that he will be sorely missed.
Condolences to the family

Brendan Atkinson
This is sad news indeed. I met him 15 years ago at the Super Shoot and you could not meet a nicer guy. He was a great guy to know and shoot with. My condolences to Sue
John VM