Custom FL size die. I need one made


Active member
Who is in the business of making custom FL size dies from a supplied FL die reamer? I know there are a couple gunsmiths that do this, but is there anyone else who does this type of work primarily? I thought about making the die myself, but i am not sure i am there yet, Like i say, i will have the die reamer, i just need someone to make the die for me. Any ideas? Thanks Lee
i will have the die reamer, i just need someone to make the die for me. Any ideas? Thanks Lee
Use a barrel cutoff and make it yourself. I've made several and used them for thousands of resizings. No need to have them heat treated either. Brass is not going to induce wear on 416ss. Just keep the brass clean and grit free.
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OK, I know I'm stepping on toes here (what's new? :rolleyes:) but please Skeet, try a well made HARDENED die before believing that "a die is a die." Of course fit is still the single most important thing about a FL die but I've got three perfectly fitted but un-hardened dies which DO NOT give me satisfaction. I will get by with a perfectly fitted but un-hardened die only on experimental cartridges where I never foresee using more than 2-3 barrels of that chambering. Or for hunting rifles.

I've had to have a second, hardened die made for three of my chamberings. (Of course "having three made" actually means having about FIVE made before being set up.....$$$....)


I would like to try and make one myself but I worry that my lathe isn't accurate enough? Does this type of process require super accuracy? I would assume; yes! Lee
No, making dies using a reamer requires no more accuracy than chambering a barrel.

Having them hardened is another story. I suggest you try having it melonited.

Thanks al. I will look into that. As far as making the die. Would it be best to buy a newlon blank or do i just use an old barrel? Thanks Lee
I couldn't make a good die from a hunk of barrel. I don't have the proper stuff.... I just own a lathe. I have used only die blanks which already have the caliber hole thru them. My guess is that Jerry's speaking from the viewpoint of being a master machinist with a fully equipped shop at his disposal, but that's a guess.
Use a barrel cutoff and make it yourself. I've made several and used them for thousands of resizings. No need to have them heat treated either. Nrass is not going to induce wear on 416ss. Just keep the brass clean and grit free.
Jerry`s money...time....make all my own and neck bushing too......
bill larson