CT vs NJ grudge match - group results


Mike Suhie
It was a beautiful fall-ish day and the benches at Cherry Ridge Rifle range in NJ were bustling with activity as 30+ shooters readied their gear in what was to be the 3rd annual CT vs NJ Group/Score competition.
Bob White runs regular, non-registered, group matches at Cherry Ridge and if you are in the area and have a chance to shoot in one they are quite enjoyable. A factory score match starts off at 9a.m. where competitors shoot two IBS 100yd score targets for a total of 100 pts and 10x's - todays victor was Vicki Olenick with a 100 - 8 (I think) x. The group portion of the match starts shortly after the score shooters finish and allows for any gun to be shot be it factory, custom or full blown benchrest gun. Most of the shooters there have full-race BR guns and on any given day are capable of some great groups.

In the group portion of the CT/NJ match ten shooters from NJ and ten (today it was 7) from CT match up and the best 5 groups from each are averaged for a team score. There were a total of 30 shooters competing in the group match overall and Bob lead the field with a nice .25xx with second place going to Ms. Olenick at .27xx and a mere .0004 separating 3rd a 4th place at .2950/4 respecitively (yours truly falling in the 4th place position with my old man not too far behind).

The CT shooters would like to thank Bob and the crew for putting on the match and for keeping this format alive for the third year in a row.
It is really great to start to recognize more of the faces of the NJ crew and to see more of them coming up for our registered score matches at Bell City. If it wasn't for work, family, etc...I would make a lot more of the NJ matches!

If there are any clubs out there that have an opportunity to set up a format like this I would highly encourage it. It only adds to our sport and that is a good thing.

Oh, and NJ kicked our butts again, but we are closing the gap. Great shooting, guys!
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My pleasure, Russell. I would like to say that I will see you at the Bay this winter, but the trip (4hrs) gets tough to justify when it's 8 degrees outside!
Good luck this winter, and congrats on a great season.