crosshair material

Dave B

New member
I've been trying to replace the crosshairs in 2 old unertl programmer scopes. One's a 12x ans one's a 20x. I know of several places that can do it for me if I fail, I'm just having a little fun trying.
So far I've used a piece of dacron pillow filler...too small and delicate
2 year old grandaughter's blond hair...a little too large
my golden retrevier's ear hair....a little too big
What do the real guys use? Any ideas?
Spider web and platinum wire have been used successfully. I've got a sample of Leupold wire, I'll go down and mic it if you'd like.

Have a Unertl also

I have an old unertl as well a 12x that I have been considering tossing if I can't get it fixed. Unfortunately I don't work in the optics lab any more. But the cross hair wire that broke in it was a platinum thread that was .0002" in diameter.
I have used un waxed dental floss and picked it apart to get one strand. It worked fine in 6 and 10 power scopes. I used nail polish to glue it in place while stretched tight. Old Lyman scopes.
I have a friend who builds his own scopes. He uses single threads of polypropylene twine.

Try John's suggestion - it actually works pretty good. Finding a suitable material is easy compared to getting them set sraight in a Unertl.
I unwound a single strand from the thread from a woman's no-run hose. When you loosen the hold down screws' for the wires', apply a small drop of super glue to hold the strand in place when you stretch it across.One of my troubles was dust particles in the air clinging to the strand. I rinsed the whole assembly in lighter fluid held with a tweezer's before putting it back in the scope.This was on a Unertl 1 1/2, 20-X, it lasted a good many year's.
I have some scope wire that I used a while back to repair a Weaver M73B1 military scope I own.
I believe that the thickness is somewhere around .0005 to .0008.
If you need some, I'd be happy to send you a few strands.
by the way... fun is not what I'd call it working with this stuff !
Kevlar Fishing Line. Start unraveling it, and you finally get down to strands that are about .0003 to .0005. That is what I used before I went to the glass ones from Klarmann Rulings........jackie
Thanks guys!! If I fail I can always send it to someone or to unertl. They're back in business and just down the road in Las Vegas.