Couple of pictures from Riverbend today


e publius unum
The match doesn't start until tomorrow. The 1st shot is of the mist early this AM on the gravel road leading down to the range.



Really a fine photo of the winding road Tom. Great lighting and composition. The only thing that could of possibly made it a bit better would have been a truck barreling down the road, kicking up gravel and dust. But it would of killed the serenity of the moment.

No Mustafa, the only thing that would have made it better would have been if it was my truck barreling down the road...and I was in it.;) It looks like they have the perfect setting and weather for a match. I hope that they have a good one, and we get to see the results, and more pictures.
Absolutely Boyd.

You and me both. That would surely ruin the serenity of the moment for some.

Looks like a great range, hope to attend someday. Good shooting to all.
