Cooling the barrel

Depends on how much time you have as air cooled is rather slow. Ambient temperature light oil will cool much faster. ie, Kroil or thinned Hoppes recirculated through barrel with a 12 volt fuel pump. You do not want to cool below air temperature.
Think about this/ A barrel feels hot to the touch at about 125F.

No barrel steel, Chromoly or SS is effected by heat below 625F.

Well, how about the heat build up in a barrel when fire forming cases or load testing? Is it a "don't care"?
Depends on how much time you have as air cooled is rather slow. Ambient temperature light oil will cool much faster. ie, Kroil or thinned Hoppes recirculated through barrel with a 12 volt fuel pump. You do not want to cool below air temperature.

When I was having my knees replaced, the hospital used a cold water circulation device to cool my knee and reduce pain. When I was leaving the hospital the attendant asked if I wanted the device as they were going to throw it away if I didn't want it. So I took it and have periodically toyed with the idea of using it to cool something. The device is the size of a 12 pack cooler and has a built in 12v pump. I just hate to throw neat stuff away.
I would use something that is compatible with the seals in the pump that won't rust the barrel.
When I was having my knees replaced, the hospital used a cold water circulation device to cool my knee and reduce pain. When I was leaving the hospital the attendant asked if I wanted the device as they were going to throw it away if I didn't want it. So I took it and have periodically toyed with the idea of using it to cool something. The device is the size of a 12 pack cooler and has a built in 12v pump. I just hate to throw neat stuff away.

Happy New Year Jerry,

A posted photo of that device that the Hospital was going to thrash would be interesting. Use it to cool your barrel and report your findings.

An idea is a terrible thing to waste.

Use a tank of CO2.

You do not even need a regulator.

It is not hard to prevent it from getting overly cold.

CO2 has a nice high mass and comes out cold enough.

I used it for fire forming in live varmint AI rifles for years.
Hensler used to use a cool down machine that circulated mineral spirits through the barrel. Am I right Jerry? Barrel doesn't need to be cold.
Kerosene, I think. If you cool it below air temp, condensate will form in the bore until you shoot it. Not a good thing.
Many moons ago

Many moons ago when I started in BR were talking '75 - '76 there was a guy at the range who cooled his barrel using a heat sink. A block of steel kept in the shade that had a hole bored in it that was a really close fit to the barrel. After he cleaned the warm barrel he would place the barrel in this block while he loaded. It used to bring the barrel back to ambient air temperature quite quickly and evenly. Cannot for the life of me remember his name.
If your barrel feels hot and is really 125 degrees how hot is down in the throat where you can't feel?