Considering a change....


Club Coordinator
and may put my benchrest rifles up for sale. Got to think about it some more and will post an ad in the classifieds. Have two Leupold competition scopes and one March scope. A LV and a HV and a Panda action w/two bolts.
Quitting is in my mind at this point. I'll call Wilbur to see if he objects to just listing everything in a post or if he'd rather I put it all in classifieds.

I have other commitments that put me in a quandry when it comes time to get ready to go to a match. I don't shoot enough to be a serious contender and may make the choice to go in another direction. I'll still hold matches at Rachel's Glen. That's not even on the table.

I've already committed to go to the Winds of Manatee next month and the Super Shoot but I'll not commit any further than those two.

I have a Farley rest, Hood press w/two die stations and two rifles and the three scopes just to get started on the list and the Panda action w/two bolts.
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You are too much of a Gentleman to quit, but I understand. Me and the boys plan to make both of your matches this year. We had a wonderful time and learned quite a bit of valuable info. I have never been around a nicer bunch of people.
I don't know you except for the internet and some really good pecans that you donated at the SS one year that I drew for a door prize( I opened the bag and left em on the bench while everybody was setting flags,they were gone in about 10 minutes!)But I figure you wouldn't have posted your BR shooting retirement on the internet unless you wanted somebody to "talk you down", so here goes.
As far as the "serious contender" thing goes,only a handfull of guys really give a rat's ass about that and they're not alot of fun to be around anyway.Most of us are there 'cause we're shooters,nothin more, nothin less. From tin cans to woodchucks to Water Buffalo,what else would we be doin ? cliff diving ?,ski jumping ?,alligator wrestling ?
No matter what you decide,keep your minimum BR stuff( one light varmint rig,loading stuff,rest/bag and five wind flags),hey, you never know,you might get the urge to drill a little one again,just for old times sake. A guy's gotta have one good rifle ,one good fishin' pole,and a good pair of walkin' shoes.
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Joel, you are

I don't know you except for the internet and some really good pecans that you donated at the SS one year that I drew for a door prize( I opened the bag and left em on the bench while everybody was setting flags,they were gone in about 10 minutes!)But I figure you wouldn't have posted your BR shooting retirement on the internet unless you wanted somebody to "talk you down", so here goes.
As far as the "serious contender" thing goes,only a handfull of guys really give a rat's ass about that and they're not alot of fun to be around anyway.Most of us are there 'cause we're shooters,nothin more, nothin less. From tin cans to woodchucks to Water Buffalo,what else would we be doin ? cliff diving ?,ski jumping ?,alligator wrestling ?
No matter what you decide,keep your minimum BR stuff( one light varmint rig,loading stuff,rest/bag and five wind flags),hey, you never know,you might get the urge to drill a little one again,just for old times sake. A guy's gotta have one good rifle ,one good fishin' pole,and a good pair of walkin' shoes.

a refreshing breath of reason and forethought. All things in moderation at all times, including moderation!

Thanks. That is something to consider but I'm leaning heavily towards getting out.

Here's what I'm faced with: I own 12 dogs and it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to arrange for their care while I'm away. By trying to plan on attending a shoot, especially where the need for 10 days is in the picture, is becoming almost impossible. In fact, almost any shoot requires a minimum of 4-5 days if I'm to secure a camping spot and approach the game at any sort of relaxed pace. I'm not one to come to the range at midnight Friday sliding in sideways and trying to get everything ready to shoot at 8 am the next morning.

Just trying to arrange everything so I can be gone puts a lot of pressure on me and I don't enjoy that. As many of you know I leave just as soon as the shoot is over and driver straight through on my return home. In fact, after leaving the Super Shoot on Saturday I'm usually home, 825 miles away, early the next morning. That's just the way I'm wired and I can't help it.

I turned 70 this year and enjoy good health so far as I know but I find myself loving home more and more. I have all the gun work I can handle and I want to fish some this year. I have a 16' Carolina Skiff w/a 25hp Yamaha four-stroke that I've owned for nearly five years and don't have 10 hours on it. I'm just ready for a change. In the back of my mind I'm considering some sort of rescue for abused/unwanted dogs. I have the land for it and the heart for it but don't have all the time required. That's where I am at this point.

I appreciate all your input. I am truly blessed by knowing so many of you fine people and want to keep in contact with all of you. I bought my motorhome a little over 3 years ago and have only used it to go to benchrest matches. It has 11,000 miles on it. It's a modest model but it's paid for and is just sitting under the shed. I may even go to the Super Shoot a few times just to visit. I couldn't find a better class of people than you do at the Super Shoot.

Thanks, guys.
I don't know you except for the internet and some really good pecans that you donated at the SS one year that I drew for a door prize( I opened the bag and left em on the bench while everybody was setting flags,they were gone in about 10 minutes!)But I figure you wouldn't have posted your BR shooting retirement on the internet unless you wanted somebody to "talk you down", so here goes.
As far as the "serious contender" thing goes,only a handfull of guys really give a rat's ass about that and they're not alot of fun to be around anyway.Most of us are there 'cause we're shooters,nothin more, nothin less. From tin cans to woodchucks to Water Buffalo,what else would we be doin ? cliff diving ?,ski jumping ?,alligator wrestling ?
No matter what you decide,keep your minimum BR stuff( one light varmint rig,loading stuff,rest/bag and five wind flags),hey, you never know,you might get the urge to drill a little one again,just for old times sake. A guy's gotta have one good rifle ,one good fishin' pole,and a good pair of walkin' shoes.

Amen, that pretty well says it.
Giving thanks

Thank you. I truly am blessed and give thanks for it many times a day.

Hey Mickey,
When you try and stretch yourself thin and it becomes a chore, instead of enjoyment, it's time to re-prioritize; been there with several endeavors. You, and you alone know the right path to take. We're only here a short time and have to make the most of it. Good luck and God bless in whatever endeavor you partake in.

Lou Baccino
I think that's where I am at this point. Getting ready and then going and then trying to get home has gotten to where it's not fun to me now.
Thanks for your good advice.
I turned 70 this year and enjoy good health so far as I know but I find myself loving home more and more. I have all the gun work I can handle and I want to fish some this year. I have a 16' Carolina Skiff w/a 25hp Yamaha four-stroke that I've owned for nearly five years and don't have 10 hours on it. I'm just ready for a change. In the back of my mind I'm considering some sort of rescue for abused/unwanted dogs. I have the land for it and the heart for it but don't have all the time required. That's where I am at this point.

There is everything right in knowing where you are, what you love the most, what you want to do, and then enthusiastically pursuing your current interests. They can give you a renewed sense of enjoyment, purpose, and satisfaction. I say: Go for it !
Good luck Mickey!!

I made the decision to dump my bench guns some time ago. I never competed in a match & shot for relaxation and the thrill of never shooting that perfect 0.000" group.

I just figured I can't do it all & w/ the kids came along and the time spent hunting & fishing, it just didn't make any sense for me to keep them. I do miss it at times.

You are one of the most solid guys I know and hope your future is filled with many blessings regardless of your direction. God bless & look forward to meeting you face to face some day.


You have ten years on me, so I can't say I am in your position.

But sometimes, the entire thing just gets to the point to where I say, "screw it".

My problem is business getting in the way of shooting. Many times I have been packed, ready to head out of town to a Match, only to have the phone ring and plans cancelled. Then, I have to make the decision to either stay home, or drive all night, arriving just about in time to shoot. Since most of our Matches involve over 7 hours drive time, (damned Texas), that means getting home late Sunday, tired, and having to face what ever the world has to offer Monday.

But that is one of the drawbacks of owning a Company and attempting tobe competitive in something as demanding as Benchrest. I do not have the priveledge to simply walk away from work, because while I am my own Boss at work, there is no doubt that the Customer is my Boss. Responsibilities do not simply dissappear.

This year, I am considering just shooting Matches that had Unlimited as part of the Format. That will leave me out of contention for all of the State and Region Championships, but even at 60 years old, I am starting to simply run out of gas when I burn the candle at both ends. I guess the best way to put it is I "get tired of being tired".

Realistically speaking, I can only afford to be away from my business about 18 days out of the year. That means I have to delagate my time and make decisions as to whether I am going to make a Nationals, plus try to shoot the entire Region Schedule and make a really nice trip out to Rachels Glenn at the end of the year.

I think I might just go to the Unlimited portion of the Nationals, make the shoots that involve Unlimited in our Region, and come out to Rachels Glenn in October.

Anyway, good luck with what ever you decide. Whether we like it or not, every one of us will have to make the same decision in the future.........jackie
Mickey, that's quite a herd of 4-legged kids! Goodonya!

Here's what I'm faced with: I own 12 dogs and it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to arrange for their care while I'm away.

I turned 70 this year and enjoy good health so far as I know but I find myself loving home more and more. I have all the gun work I can handle and I want to fish some this year. I have a 16' Carolina Skiff w/a 25hp Yamaha four-stroke that I've owned for nearly five years and don't have 10 hours on it. I'm just ready for a change. In the back of my mind I'm considering some sort of rescue for abused/unwanted dogs. I have the land for it and the heart for it but don't have all the time required. That's where I am at this point.

To paraphrase a quote attributed to Will Rogers, if there are no dogs in heaven, then I want to go where they went. My gal pal and I have six dogs, and we wouldn't mind more. :D

When we both go on trips, it's a bit stressful wondering how the dogs are getting along, although we have family who drops by to take care of them and professional pet sitters. Even so, I getcha.

We too have thought about getting a place on some acreage, and taking in strays/neglected animals, or raising a herd of wild wiener dogs maybe. ;)

Heck, I'm pondering whether a vet school would have me and totally changing my career/life after 25 years since college!

Sounds like mebbe we should buy the parcel next to you if it's available, study up on southern accents, and we could sit your dogs while you're gone and vice-versa...

As to the boat, you have source of ready labor for deckhands:


I think you should keep 1 good rifle and a set of arbour style dies.
That way if you do get the urge to shoot a match you can just put your tuff in the car and go. Make shooting your recreation not a job. Measure success by how much fun you have seeing your friends and shooting a good group here and there.
So what if you don't practice for the match. Just go shoot for fun. Even if you get to the match at 9 am and then only shoot the afternoon.

Ted H