Congrats Mel Eck!!!

Bill B

New member
Mel Eck, 2011 IR50/50 National 3 Gun Shooter of the The Year. Great job buddy!!

Also congrats to Bob Raide for Unlimited and Sporter SOTY.

And congrats to Gordon Eck who smithed their rifles.

Great job guys!!! A big year for Team Eck.
Way to go Mel............. Where's my Kraut ? Is it ready yet .......

Congratulations to Melvin, Bob, Bill and Kent! Y'all done good!!!

Congratulations are also in order to the individual club winners and also to the folks that tried and didn't make the listings. All of you together have supported the clubs and thereby your fellow competitors ensuring a future for sanctioned rimfire benchrest shooting.

Extreme appreciation is warranted to the Rangemasters and the clubs they represent. We often lose sight of what these folks do for us...their selfless attitudes make that easy. It's just as easy NOT to lose sight and tell them how much we appreciate what they're doing. How many are willing to commit five or more Saturdays and then be there to open the gates? Buy targets and awards, put out target frames, get club approval (fight for club approval), keep score, bring in the target frames, send in results....etc...?
Congratulations,Bob Bill and Kent.Thank you Gordon and Rock Creek for your dedication and hard work.
Congrats to all the winners, great job. However, there was an error that I'm working on getting corrected for the 13.5 class SOTY for Blue Ridge. I've sent an email to Bill Hinegardner. I don't know how it happened, but we got it corrected once, and then the final stats came out incorrect.

Mr. Ken Camper had a 1000-66X agg. in 13.5 class going into our last SOTY match of the season, so he was the winner before the last match started.

I had a 250-20X on the last target and won that little battle, but my friend Ken won the WAR:)
Congrats to Ken Camper, you earned it!

Congratulations to all of the SOTY winners. I cherish that title most of all the games we play because you have to be consistent
Thanks for the update Kent.

I noticed that the UL SOTY winners for Easthampton MA were incorrect, they should be:
1 Penny Hadfield 2992.209
2 Al Hadfield 2982.176
3 Walt Tarka 2981.186

Rachel says she's looking at getting it fixed.

Kent and Michael - do Y'all know how the SOTY totals became wrong? Wrong score, missing score or the calculation is wrong?
Sorry, don't know what happened with the Easthampton UL SOTY. The other categories are correct. Maybe Rachel has some insight.
I do know that Penny Hadfield wants that point, cuz she's showing Al what's what!!!

Y'all take a "looksee" at those SOTY winners and holler if you see anything wrong at the moment. It looks like both of the named errors are corrected and by fixing those, any other errors prolly fell in line as well.
Thanks Wilbur! --- Rachel said that you caught the mistake for the Easthampton UL SOTY ... so, as always, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
