another important characteristic is its morphology. Shape and size have a profound effect on the burning rate and power generation of a
powder (Meyer 1987).
I would guess you don't want any of this lot.and the resulting mixture is shaped by extrusion and cut into specified lengths. The granules are screened to ensure consistency,
I see it this way, a little compression is OK., but can be over done as in anything.In the manufacturing process, smokeless powders are recycled and reworked (National Research Council 1998). When a powder within a batch is found to be unsatisfactory, it is removed and returned to the process for use in another lot. Manufacturers save money by recycling returns by distributors or the return of surplus or obsolete military powders. Hence, reworking and recycling the material assures good quality control of the final product, reduces costs by reusing materials, and reduces pollution by avoiding destruction by burning.
Clarence, nice to see you're alive! I hope you make it down the mountain a time or two this season
Chad, I got tired of fooling with Varget; trying to stuff a .30-06 load into a .308 case is just too aggravating. I switched to H4895 and have been happy with that but now am also using something else.
Worth a try if you have some.