" Common Sense" gun laws

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
We in the gun culture have witnessed a number of mass shootings in the press recently. We are also faced with a political group in DC and a popular press that is sympathetic to gun control laws. Some new federal gun control laws seem inevitable even without these mass shootings. These shootings without exception are perpetrated by seriously disturbed individuals. What do we do as American gun owners to counter both the shootings and the gun laws that are sure to follow. How do we stop these crazies that have the propensity to cause our constitutional rights to own a firearm to be curtailed or, god forbid, abolished? Feel free to vent your spleen.
But, the GUN is just a TOOL. By itself it does NOTHING....That's reality.

The evildoers of out world spell it differently!!!


They are wanting "common sense" gun laws. BUT, whose common sense???! Congress? Heck they are a completely clueless lot in both houses. They have no idea when it comes to problem solving. The Media?? They are just after ratings, and all about stirring up untruths, inaccuracies, and putting a spin on a story to sensationalize a news show. What they are currently proposing is not going to be effective in curbing violence.

Until someone can actually figure out how to take firearms out of the hands of robbers, gang members, drive-by shooters, and mentally disturbed people without taking the rights away from law abiding citizens things are going to be a struggle.

A perfect example of congress and the media's answer to solving this is to take Daffy Duck, Elmer Fud, and others off the air and label them as violent. Yet seem to be just fine with promoting and airing some types of violent promoting music and selling video games that are extremely graffic in carnage. Also the lack of parenting skills are contributing to the rise in violence as well. When a teenager is prowling the streets at night with a firearm.... I'm pretty sure he's not selling girl scout cookies. SO, where are his parents and WTH are they doing and why are they not held responsible too? Again, JMHO. WD
Neither criminals, nor "common sense"...

...are the reason "they" want gun laws - those are just talking points to get the mindless masses to trudge after them. It's not about fixing crime (look at all the stupid gun laws and proposed stupid gun laws - they're aimed at lawful owners, not criminals) - it's about control. So the mentally ill and the criminal don't really matter - all that matters is that they have the power, and they want *control*.

We have a constitution and we have inable rights. So why would anyone in their right mind be willing to start talking about sacrificing any of those rights. The responsibility to keep all of those rights for our children and their children's children is up to we the people. All elected folks work for us and we do not work for them. Some folks seem to forget who is actually in charge of who. And they cannot change one damn thing unless we the people just let them. They are not after our firearms they are out to destroy our constitution and once that is accomplished their is no longer a 2nd amendment or any other existing rights period. They have already destroyed some of it are you going to let them destroy it all?
So true GeneT and what they are trying to do is a direct slap in the face to every generation who died to establish and to keep this country free. And now we are just going to let all of those lives now to just become wasted and meaningless lives. That even pisses me off even more as some of those folks were actually friends, relatives and family who I never got to enjoy or them me nor was I ever given the opportunity to even thank them for what they did for me. And yet we sit here and do absolutely nothing for them other than to let what they fought for us to be able to keep to now be freely taken away.
...are the reason "they" want gun laws - those are just talking points to get the mindless masses to trudge after them. It's not about fixing crime (look at all the stupid gun laws and proposed stupid gun laws - they're aimed at lawful owners, not criminals) - it's about control. So the mentally ill and the criminal don't really matter - all that matters is that they have the power, and they want *control*.


Gene is 101 percent right NO gun law is made against criminals they do not and will not abide any new laws or old law. It's all about CONTROL nothing else.

"common sense" is a term used by demorats.....
they have no common sense, it is just a term to forward an agenda....
We in the gun culture have witnessed a number of mass shootings in the press recently. We are also faced with a political group in DC and a popular press that is sympathetic to gun control laws. Some new federal gun control laws seem inevitable even without these mass shootings. These shootings without exception are perpetrated by seriously disturbed individuals. What do we do as American gun owners to counter both the shootings and the gun laws that are sure to follow. How do we stop these crazies that have the propensity to cause our constitutional rights to own a firearm to be curtailed or, god forbid, abolished? Feel free to vent your spleen.

Quite specifically we show the world around us something better by BEING better but, point-by-point

Some new federal gun control laws seem inevitable even without these mass shootings.

Did you believe when you first started shooting that in your lifetime there would be millions of Americans owning, shooting and hunting with suppressors? This works both ways. I routinely thread barrels for suppressors whereas when I was in gunsmithing school people went to jail for them. Because effectual people made it happen, effectual caring people changed the society in which we live.

What do we do as American gun owners to counter both the shootings and the gun laws that are sure to follow.

Well, for starters that's 2 disparate thoughts...... "counter"??? Teach your kids to raise good kids.... this is a societal issue, not a "gun" issue and we/our generation has failed miserably in this department. NO excuses, we've failed. Now, we can whine or we can work at fixing it. Take a kid fishing...... seriously. re "the gun laws sure to follow".... again, we've FAILED to pass on the answer. The answer is dirt simple, VOTE!! I'm 60yrs old and 75% of my peers don't vote. And the folks 10yrs older than me?? I call them "the vietnam generation"..... they're even worse. I work daily to change that. "Letters to your congresspeople" well, yeahh sure.. but that ship has sailed, first ya got's to get people in there who represent US. Then you don't have to write them letter, they just do it right.

How do we stop these crazies that have the propensity to cause our constitutional rights to own a firearm to be curtailed or, god forbid, abolished?

This one is dirt simple easy..... we VOTE. And we TEACH others to vote.....
-we vote for folks who'll enforce the law.
-we vote to eliminate "gun-free-zones"
-we vote to crack down on welfare fraud
-we vote against EVERY feel-good agenda in the world.

WE.... the last remnants of our society who remember better times MUST get to work passing it on!! So we VOTE, and some of us choose to take it a little farther and actually shake the house a liddle... the "passing it on" takes many forms. But I still feel the need to pass it on, show a better way, an AMERICAN way, if nothing else to show reverence to my forefathers

(('cept it just might get you kicked out of the room....))

I've been kicked out of a LOT of rooms. To actually make a difference bigger than your single vote and that of your immediate, YOU MUST piss people off. You MUST be willing to call folks out and you MUST force people to think for themselves VS just getting through another day. I've been bringing bullets onto airplanes for 10yrs, in my carry-on.... sometimes getting them confiscated. I confront our local Code Enforcement, Fire and Police personnel daily in course of my work and have been involved with for huge changes for good. And School Board meetings.... and town meetings....

and I don't wear a mask on purpose..... And I explain my rationale well and kindly.. And when you kindly, politely confront people with the concept of "will not comply" or "please consider the long term with me" or "let's discuss the consequences of our actions"...... people DO get intimidated, which means scared, which means angry, which means if they're in charge they have to make a choice. And most often the choice is "you must leave sir, NOW!" which is a choice I make every day of my life. A choice I'm COMFORTABLE with because I come from a secure position... I know who I am. I know what I believe, I know WHY I believe it and more than that I've a track record of unmitigated success. I've got a legacy of 9 children, grandchildren and hundreds of stalwart friends who are absolute pillars of American society.....

So, I confront the issues, provoke the situation, 'poke the bear' until someone must step up and make a ruling. Which ruling is most usually to follow the diktat of the masses...... the masses which we've not taught properly. And I smile and leave politely. Two stores just today in fact, but I also had 2 store employees and 4 strangers comment favorably on the message on my shirt and on my lack of a mask.... and more importantly, 2 more who said "I'd never considered that"....... Which, by the unbreakable economic laws of multi-level-marketing means I WON, as in "I made a difference"

I also marched on our capitol carrying a sign which read "Provoke A Child To Think Today" and when the OPB reporter stuck the mic in my face asked "what does that even mean?" I was able to reply "this means it's working "

I'm not advocating that anyone else do as I do..... but to answer your question of "what can we all do?"

The answer is VOTE and teach our dear ones to teach their dear ones to vote....well, that and THINK :) think about WHY?..... not WHAT?

My old boss voted for Billy Clinton "because he plays the trombone".... 'course his kids are equally dysfunctional to him.
In essence, there are no common sense gun laws. Once a person decides to commit any crime -- including shooting someone -- law no longer matters. A shooting is the violation of several laws including murder. The criminal does not fear nor obey the law. One more law or 10 more laws will not prevent criminal acts. I'm troubled by the recent rash of shootings, some of which were done by people who had purchased their firearms legally, but these criminals have no respect of laws. The kid who did the Sandy Hook shooting several years ago broke 22 existing laws, including murdering his mother to steal her guns and ammo which a gun shop refused to sell him. What other law would have prevented it?
So do the people who run for and hold elective office actually believe that creating more laws is the essence of their government service, when we have scads of duplicative laws already? Perhaps they should realize that to speak and act with intelligence, integrity and dedication actually accomplishes more by setting a positive example for the citizenry. The notion that making laws actually accomplishes anything distracts attention from the fact that so many so-called "lawmakers" behave like totally amoral scumballs. Doesn't matter what political party they belong to. Precious few have actually earned our respect. When you look at how government service enriches most of these folks you begin to realize that "it's all about the Benjamins."
When the left finishes destroying our constitution it will be well beyond being to late to do anything. We have what now two generations who have not been required to pass a constitutional test before they can even graduate high school. My generation surely did and if one flunked that test you simply did not graduate and now they don't even teach it to my knowledge let alone require anyone to pass such a test. Bottom line is if they don't know what they will actually loose how could anyone expect them now not to vote for those who are going to take it all away from them?
So do the people who run for and hold elective office actually believe that creating more laws is the essence of their government service, when we have scads of duplicative laws already?

No, they don't......most cases they're what The Founding Fathers predicted from Day 1 would be the death of our Republic.....professional politicians. They're in it for the money. They get elected by the silly people by promoting empty promises. They work hard to keep the people silly ("never waste a crisis!!) and misdirected and they WIN over the apathetic populace who're just too lazy to vote.

We HAVE the laws, what we're lacking is enforcement. But all is not lost, every election cycle in my life there have been some candidates running who were capable of turning down a right road.

But we must rise up and vote, and we must get our friends to vote. And our offspring.... it actually IS working as we speak. While the news is full of "mass shootings" more and more states are relaxing gun laws, gun sales are up and therefore deterrents are on the rise. "Constitutional Carry" is becoming a watchword. Get rid of gun-free zones and in short order mass shootings will be a memory....

What scares me is the number of basically normal people who can't understand "deterrent".... I grew up in the era that vilified the term "Peace Through Superior Firepower" and I watched in dismay as my shooting friends bought into the lie that you could "catch" or "prevent" or "stop" crazies.

Only deterrence, consequence, swift consistent judgement and ENFORCEMENT has ever and will ever stop the crazies

In just a few short years we've let the mewling few drag us into madness like "Gun-Free Zones" and on to where we are now with "defund the police"...... basically without a fight.

It is not and never has been about "arming teachers" nor about having security guards in our schools. It has always been that in any situation someone MIGHT be armed...... that is what deters the crazies.

Haven't been a lot of church shootings in Texas lately....word on the street is that unfortunately churches ain't gun-free zones ;) better take a care when contemplating shooting up them Christian rednecks.....
There needs to be a death penalty for killing cops and for people doing mass shootings. And not one with years and years of appeals.

It is all about, VOTES!!!!! Dosn't matter, but it is all about, VOTES! Good case in point, I am a gun owner and I agree with you, but I am the only one on the street, so I cast me VOTE for for gun ownership, which I have and always will, but the rest of the street wants gun control. Think about it, that is 250 votes for yes and 1 vote aganist, do the math. Here is a guy or girl in charge of gun control and they want to keep their job, which way are they going to say. DUH!!!!!!!! and don't say it dosn't matter because it does.
There is lots of good observations here on what is wrong. I think most of us recognize what is wrong. The real question at this point is what do we, individually and collectively, do to correct the wrongs? Al has offered some good practical advice when he says vote. What other practical actions are there that we can take?

1. I do believe that writing your representatives is worthwhile. Even if you have vetted them carefully, they still need the reminder that states what your position is on issues before them.
2. You can join and contribute your hard earned dollars to the organization of your choice. They all seem to have some good points and bad points. But collective action does lend force.

We did get into this situation over a long period of time and I believe it will take a long time to correct as well. But, it won't correct itself if we just continue to bemoan the situation and do not take concrete action.

Lets hear your other suggestions.

There is lots of good observations here on what is wrong. I think most of us recognize what is wrong. The real question at this point is what do we, individually and collectively, do to correct the wrongs? Al has offered some good practical advice when he says vote. What other practical actions are there that we can take?

1. I do believe that writing your representatives is worthwhile. Even if you have vetted them carefully, they still need the reminder that states what your position is on issues before them.
2. You can join and contribute your hard earned dollars to the organization of your choice. They all seem to have some good points and bad points. But collective action does lend force.

We did get into this situation over a long period of time and I believe it will take a long time to correct as well. But, it won't correct itself if we just continue to bemoan the situation and do not take concrete action.

Lets hear your other suggestions.

Thanks Joe! That was a step in the right direction. Tim
The question has been asked "what can we do?"

Wel'p, the first rule of Alcoholics Anonymous is.... to recognize the problem ......"Recognition of the problem is 9/10 of the cure"

So, we've got a few more people than normal huddled out in the middle of the freeway looking into the headlites and finally recognizing that WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!!


IMO the question that needs to be answered is "how did we get here?" so we can recognize the enormity of the thing.... and THEN, and only then can we begin working toward the "cure"

Here's this month's Imprimus,


I say to all reading this thread,

READ this article 'Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It'

And if'n you're too lazy to read it................ YOU're the problem!
And if'n you're too dim to understand it........YOU're the problem!
And if'n you're too insecure not to get mad...YOU're the problem!

Now, clik back and read , digest and understand the last two years of Imprimus if you really want to develop a direction...... this DIRECTION is a big deal IMO. We are saving our grandbabbies.....

or dooming them.

The 1st direction, getting off the freeway and out of the semi headlights will allow you to live another day. But once you're safe back under the covers and out of sight of the monsters..... what then?

"waking up" isn't enough in this job..... waking up just BEGINS the work
I don't think the dems

want to do anything about seriously disturbed individuals getting guns. They might loose a vote.

AL, Thank you, great stuff.


The question has been asked "what can we do?"

Wel'p, the first rule of Alcoholics Anonymous is.... to recognize the problem ......"Recognition of the problem is 9/10 of the cure"

So, we've got a few more people than normal huddled out in the middle of the freeway looking into the headlites and finally recognizing that WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!!


IMO the question that needs to be answered is "how did we get here?" so we can recognize the enormity of the thing.... and THEN, and only then can we begin working toward the "cure"

Here's this month's Imprimus,


I say to all reading this thread,

READ this article 'Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It'

And if'n you're too lazy to read it................ YOU're the problem!
And if'n you're too dim to understand it........YOU're the problem!
And if'n you're too insecure not to get mad...YOU're the problem!

Now, clik back and read , digest and understand the last two years of Imprimus if you really want to develop a direction...... this DIRECTION is a big deal IMO. We are saving our grandbabbies.....

or dooming them.

The 1st direction, getting off the freeway and out of the semi headlights will allow you to live another day. But once you're safe back under the covers and out of sight of the monsters..... what then?

"waking up" isn't enough in this job..... waking up just BEGINS the work