Common Benchrest Faults and Fixes

Bart, and anyone else, a question... front bags, and what they fit into have become standardized. What if we started with a blank sheet of paper? Would the ideal front bag look different than what we currently have available? If it would, in what way(s)?

If it weren't for the rules, it would help to use a material with more consistent dynamic response than sand. Given that one must use sand, more consistency might be provided by allowing the sand to pack rock hard, therefore taking its response out of the equation, and adding some compliance, in the vertical direction only, underneath the sand. Say, steel springs.

I am not sure

If my front bag has the right amount of sand or not but what I know is this. I can shoot 1 target and the sand settles enough in the ears that it goes from from a firm grip to a slightly looser grip. If I dry fire after settling the gun back and forth and pounding the butt in the rear bag i get next to no cross hair movement. Throw a fired case in the chamber with an old primer and let the pin drop, no movement.

Sometimes I want to put that extra tablespoon of play sand in the front bag but I just cannot do it.

I decided to go back old school this year with the rear bag and see how it goes. All leather rear Protektor bunny eared bag with a cordura front Protektor. Just stock tape on the rifle. No powder, carnuba, or silicone spray. The rifle breaks free cleanly, and not to slick.

The other thing with side tension is you need enough to prevent the rifle from rocking in your bags when operating the bolt and reloading. Not enough and big time disruption in the bags.

Just my thoughts.....
What a great thread. Especially for a greenhorn like myself. Thanks guys.
I wish we could get these kinds of threads to go 6, 7 or more pages with good info but its seems like the "political" threads get all the attention. man dont we get enough of that all day long on TV. Thanks Bart for starting this a while back any more info from you and others on "Common Benchrest Faults and Fixes" would be nice.

Bullets, Barrel twist/ barrels, scopes, powder, primers, brass, stock, action, trigger, ect ect ect. info info info.

I wish people would start adding to this again.
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Scott your right I could read on if it was there . Very enteresting stuff here. This is what helps me the beginer .
Scott, now that Bart and Billy have the DUNNEL (ditch/tunnel) hopefully they will come up with more of these common sense, but very important, bench tips.

Book title;

Barts Benchtips
What a wonderful and informative discussion you started, Bart. I have already learned a lot from it and hope that many people will add more.
