CNBC Exposes Remington trigger coverup

Butch Lambert

Active member
Most of you are aware of the special CNBC will run the 20th of this month saying that Remington has covered up problems with the trigger for 50yrs. Jack Belk is the lawyers shill in this deal. He disappeared a few years ago with customers rifles and gunsmith's fees. I guess he thinks he can make more testifying against Remington than taking client's money for gunsmithing not done. Read below what he has to say and he ain't no engineer.

The problems with Remington triggers are mostly due to the fools operating them, e.g., the woman in Montana who shot her son while unloading her 700 with her finger on the trigger apparently. Obviously Remington's fault, since they should supply someone with a yardstick with each rifle who will whack the knuckles of anyone who does something stupid.
Ya i think this is a lot of crap myself. When i was way new to varmint hunting and i bought my first used rem 700 the trigger had been hacked on, by obviously someone who didnt know what they were doing. I did have that rifle discharge on me when i didnt want it to while cocking the bolt. When i took the rifle apart that afternoon you could obviously see where someone had been messing with the trigger, all the seals were busted loose from the set screws. I did a little research here on the web and found an article from a Paul Corbin on how to properly set the trigger. I followed those instruction and i never again had any trouble. It wasnt the lightest trigger by any means but it was ok for hunting and it was safe. Like said above, the only trouble i see are people jacking with the trigger trying to make them lighter because there hunting buddy said it can be done. After they jack the triggers all up, they sell the rifle at the local gun shop, and some farm kid buys the darn thing with a jacked trigger, then accidents can happen. Thats the way i see it anyway! Lee
Sure is blown out of proportion...

I love 700 triggers and will continue too...
That this is being sold to the public as a cover up is oh so inflamatory. No doub't he
sees himself as the next best thing to Ralph Nader and he'll probably even run for office
somewhere in tim-buck- to.
Here We Go Again!

Damn, I hate to hear about this case. It's just this kind of crap that destroyed our small aircraft industry back in the late seventies and early eighties. I know, because I was there; trying to make a living in general aviation.

You can't fix stupid! :mad: And when stupid, careless, incompetent people operate dangerous equipment like aircraft, firearms, boats, motorcycles, etc., there WILL be so called "Accidents." These so called "Accidents" are not accidents at all; they are caused by stupid, careless, incompetent people.

Invariably, when someone is killed or injured by a firearm, aircraft or other such manmade device, there are always those who try to hold the manufacturer responsible when the blame should be placed squarely upon the shoulders of the idiot that caused it.

There is not a damn thing wrong with the Remington 700 trigger. I regard it as the best ever made for sporting/hunting rifles. I've studied them, worked on them, adjusted them and have many years of field experience with them. I have NEVER had a problem or accidental discharge with a Remington trigger!

If we continue letting frivilous lawsuits and product liability destroy manufacturing in this country, we deserve what we get.

There is no way you can make anything completely safe and foolproof. Some things are dangerous by their very nature; if they were not, they would be useless for their intended purpose.

Oh well,, enough of my rant. Things like this have brought us to where we are in this country. It's damn hard to find ANYTHING that is still made right here in the USA.

Sad. :( When are we going to wake up?

Gene Beggs
Back when I rode a motorcycle and subscribed to Cycle News there was a report about some bozo who'd thrown his bike up the road, and injured himself. He or a family member decided to sue Bell Helmets although as I remember the brand of helmet was unknown (it's possible he wasn't even wearing it when he crashed too), but it was "the best available". Bell decided enough was enough and countersued thinking that if they hammered some knothead into the ground over some frivolous lawsuit it might just scare off the ambulance chasers. BTW, Bell Helmets are no longer manufactured in the USA.

Maybe Remington and other gunmakers could do something similar.

As Gene says stupid cannot be fixed, unless that is we allow the stupid to suffer from their own actions by having judges and juries throw cases out that are the result of stupidity, ignorance, incompetence, or other forms of faulty judgement.
The problems with Remington triggers are mostly due to the fools operating them, e.g., the woman in Montana who shot her son while unloading her 700 with her finger on the trigger apparently. Obviously Remington's fault, since they should supply someone with a yardstick with each rifle who will whack the knuckles of anyone who does something stupid.

I remember that one katie couric from nbc interviewed the parents, they thought they had a anti gun piece . katie asked about them being anti gun and they said no not at all,well couric's jaw hit the ground and the interview was over.
There can be no doubt! Guns are dangerous. That is why we hunt with them. These things will kill.

Concho Bill
If we continue letting frivilous lawsuits and product liability destroy manufacturing in this country, we deserve what we get.

VOTE NOVEMBER 2nd.............. You all know what I mean..!!! Lot's need a FIX'N....!

Sorry moderators for the political rant.....
Why not watch the program first, then comment on it. This is like shooting first, then aiming.
I shot a hole in the flloor of my old 74 4x4 chevy once while unloading my 700 VS 6mm Rem in the 80s. I had been out coyote hunting for the evening and after walking 4-5 miles, I sat the gun in the passenger's seat and got in on the other side. Once I started the truck to get the heater going I reached over and turned off the safety and started to cycle the bolt and it went off and blew a small hole in the floorboard without hurting anything. Yes, I should have unloaded out side before sitting in the truck. My finger was no where near the trigger, but I can't be sure that the seat wasn't touching it in a way that caused it to go off. I was 17 at the time and this ranked right up there with a ton of other poor judgement calls of my youth. When I got home, I took the stock off (first time to do so) and saw the trigger was dirty as could be with dust and other field particles. I had shoot 2000 plus round in this guns and I got it used. Cleaned it with lighter fuild as instructed by my grandpa. Never had another issue. When Remington did the trigger exchange in the 1990s I had all mine replaced.

The number one rule I teach my kids with guns is never point a gun at something unless you plan to shot it. No. 2 is your finger is the primary safety. No. 3 is treat all guns as load until you verify they are not. My boys are 8 and 11. I enjoy teaching them to shoot. Ran a brick of 22 RF through an old Marlin carbine this weekend with my 8 yr old. It was my dad's old behind the seat gun. Rust everywhere and strached all up. However, it has powerful memories. I had to order a bunch of parts to get it functional again. Consumed about 5 coke cans because nothing was left to shoot at. Life is good. Tim
It has been forty plus years since this trigger left the drawing board. Many of the
people involved in the design, testing are in a different place now. It would be
difficult for anyone to defend a design that old without appearing vague. The arena
for this public trial is TV, which all of us know can and is modified to create an effect.
The Media which will bring this to public view is no more objective than the guy who
claims a cover up.
Forty years ago, if you stuck your finger in a pickle slicer, you got out the bandaids
today you can
call your lawyer. Cause an accident while texting, and sue the cell phone
people. Certainly they knew some would cause accidents. Anecdotal evidence would
say that few people are killed by phones. Why is anecdotal evidence not acceptable
regarding rifles
Should something like this land in front of a jury today, emotion rules. The jury
no doub't would have some who have never operated a pencil sharpener. The
plaintiff would find that a happy thing
All this talk about the old M700 triggers being safe is just a ploy to get the real cause of injuries out of the media and to suppress my voice.

The other day I bought a seemingly safe ice cold diet coke at the McDonalds drive thru. While traveling down the road eating my Big Mac, the coke turned over and spilt in my lap due to the negligent top heavy cup and the poor liquid restraining device (lid).

By God....I'm sueing McDonalds for Hypothermia

Stupid is as Stupid does....

Hi, Hovis,
I hate to side with McDonalds but in this case you are definitely at fault ! If you would have ordered the regular coke instead of the diet coke, this wouldn't have happened as the regular coke has sugar in it and would have stuck the lid to rim of the cup ! :) But keep up the good fight, McDonalds is making too much money anyway !

Dan Batko

" Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

All this talk about the old M700 triggers being safe is just a ploy to get the real cause of injuries out of the media and to suppress my voice.

The other day I bought a seemingly safe ice cold diet coke at the McDonalds drive thru. While traveling down the road eating my Big Mac, the coke turned over and spilt in my lap due to the negligent top heavy cup and the poor liquid restraining device (lid).

By God....I'm sueing McDonalds for Hypothermia

Stupid is as Stupid does....

Thanks Butch


Thanks for posting this--I had seen an article about the upcoming show and to me it is just another ploy by the anti-gun crowd to get at our gun liberties. If they can not get us through Congress-they will get us through availability --they are running a smear campaign to bankrupt the firearms manufacturing community. I believe this Remington piece is just the tip of the iceberg. Folks like Mr Belk that are part of our community are playing into the hands of those with broader objectives.

The show supposedly tries to play on emotions with clips or references to the people who have died--seems that they spent little to no time determining how the people died and why a rifle was pointed at the person. The negligence is on teh part of teh user.

Offense is the best defense ...

Butch Thanks for posting this--I had seen an article about the upcoming show and to me it is just another ploy by the anti-gun crowd to get at our gun liberties. If they can not get us through Congress-they will get us through availability --they are running a smear campaign to bankrupt the firearms manufacturing community. I believe this Remington piece is just the tip of the iceberg. Folks like Mr Belk that are part of our community are playing into the hands of those with broader objectives. Jim

Crying wolf too often, and insinuating another conspiracy by the anti-gun crowd, isn't going to cut it anymore.

What hard core campaigns have the IBS and the NBRSA launch lately to change the minds of the citizenry that guns provide them with an advantageous tool vice an easy to acquire instrument for causing mass casualties as seen day-to-day on CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and other major networks and print media?

Going on the offensive is the best defense.

I don't see anyone in the gun community, taking a strong case to the public as to why guns are less harmful than driving a car down the freeway at 70 to 80 MPH. This community needs to do a better job of beating the media at its own game. For every show or story "they" run, the gun community should be running one in lockstep with theirs. Better written, better delivered, better produced, and better directed ... and presented in prime time.


A legally constituted GROUP, [disassociated from the NRA] comprised of, for instance, the gun writers association, in partnership with a wide variety of the shooting sports manufacturers, and other such organizations, should be created and should start making collective, offensive moves on behalf of all safe and conscientious shooters. It would protect their livelihoods, and continue to ensure our rights as ordinary citizens.