Classifieds--Dave Coots

Dave Coots

64 Chevy 409 10.42 129
Anyone waiting for me to respond to your e-mails about my ads-be patient-i will answer when we get service back in the area. I can access the internet from my daughters place when i get in at nite, but can not reply to email. The humidity is very high in this area of Iowa right now and the serivce is out. This flood is over 5 1/2 feet higher than any records in this area. If you google Vinton, Iowa right now you will see what i mean. I hear we made the front page of the Austin, Tx paper, so for once i aint kidding. BTW-no water in the barrels-they went to the second floor.

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hang in there, man....


I sure hope this doesn't happen but if the Sheriff or National Guard pulls up in a boat to get you out of the house I can just see you loading 8 30 lb hard cases, a rail, a dozen jugs of powder, a few a cases of primers, a Farely rest and assorted tools and such until the back of boat tips underwater and the whole thing sinks!

I'll be over in the morning in a pontoon boat and we'll take that stuff off your hands for you.

Hey, hang in there and good luck getting through this with the least amount of damage possible. We'll be rootin' for you....

High Water!!

I Talked To Dave Yesterday, He Loaded Up His Powder,primers,bullets And His Most Important Treasure-mary!
Into A Boat And Sent Them All To Somewhat Dry Ground As There Is 3' Of Water Running Through His Livingroom.
Please Keep All The Folks Down There In Your Thoughts.
Mark B
Thanks Guys

Boated in today and got more stuff out of the house. The water had been 3 inches from the top of the electric stove. The top of the mailbox is still under water. There was 8 1/2 feet of water in front of the house on the county blacktop road yesterday. My propane tank is down by my 100 yd target. Took some cool pics of about 20 head of cattle on a guys deck attached to his house, lounging around. They had been taking them hay and the cattle seemed pretty content.

oh boy...

Well, I sure admire your good attitude about the whole thing. I guess it's out of your hands at this point anyway. Just glad you guys are OK and thanks for checking in. I hope the Cedar has crested and you can get back to start the salvage process. Wow, what a thing to come home to...
Hang in there Dave

You surviving? anthing getting any better over there? You and all the others that are getting flooded out take care, and be careful retrieving your stuff. We will be thinking about you. Hope to see you again next fall at the Nationals, but understand if you can't get out.

Wow, I come on the forum to see all this bad news, it's distressing.....

Take care my friend-

Thanks Guys

For all the calls and emails, encouragement, ect. Had 25-30 people cleaning up Sunday. Everything on the ground floor of the house, garages, and toy shed was pretty well trashed. Saved about 1/4 of the stuff. Mud all over. Guns all were upstairs and got the Harleys and 64 Chev out in time. These people in this town are awesome. After the house went under i took one of our end loaders into town to help haul sandbags to save the Electric Plant and the Law enforcement center. We hauled in over 1600 tons of aggregate for sandbags and there was an army of people filling them. There were 7 loaders carrying sandbags and 6 or 7 skid loaders ferrying the filled bags to the loaders. What a group of people. Makes u proud to be an American. I saw guys piling sandbags in the strong river current with water up to their neck. At least no one was injured during all this.

The good news is this weekend is Coots Materials Co. 50th anniversary party. Were gonna have a hell of a bash with over 600 RSVP's. Starting out with 70 cases of beer. The band has 8 people in it.

I'll get along just fine. Things ain't never been easy for me, but the people i really feel sorry for are the flood victims that are retired on their 401K and Social Security. Also for those people having to deal with FEMAand all that crap. I have a couple of stories about the State Health Inspector and also what i said about Congress at one of the town meeting's the other day.

Pics later
Dave, times like these really illustrate the toughness and resolve of you Iowans. Your response is a LONG way from New Orleans (thank God).

I had asked Dave if there was a local charity that I and possibly others could donate to. He is from Vinton, IA, a community of 5,000 persons. This is what he said:

Donations-after seeing how the Red Cross worked here i will no longer donate to them. Not sure what to say about a donation that would included all the areas affected, but i do know that the Farmers State Bank is taking monetary donations here in town at 401 B Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349 No obligations to end anything here, don’t know much about Salvation Army, I think I have donated to them in the past, but I try to donate local and cut out paying all the wages going to management. (per Dave Coots)

Dave, our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your neighbors. Are we all invited to the 50th Anniversary party?? :D

Hey old Coot,

I thought I would try and say something funny to cheer you up, but nothing comes to mind for a disaster like this. I know you will survive and I hope I will see you at the Nationals this year.

Good Luck
