Clarification on proposed IBS rule change

It seems to me the IBS,NBRSA and Williamsport are trying to new people to help the sport grow. To keep coming back year after year and want what other people have to pay for plus be able to shoot a record at the expense of the others is a bit much. I think it was established for new people to get their chance to see if they like it. Records come from hard work and endless years of refining your equipment and loading plus your ability, not a once a year thing. I think Williamsport letting people shoot year after year as a new shooter is very generous to say the least. ……… jim

I don't get it....I have NEVER told anyone how to vote, tried to persuade anyone to vote a certain way, or argued one way or the other on this issue. Nor have I mentioned how I was going to vote. My only comment was that I thought it was a bad idea to ban people from shooting at regular matches unless they join the IBS...that is no way to promote the sport. ( post #10) And it has been clarified that this has nothing to do with regular matches. And it seems to only affect short range.

That's it...I am not "chasing" anyone away from the sport. I simply wanted clarification of the wording...and mentioned to Mike that this rule has nothing to do with having to join a "club" (post #34).
Tod: The first post you had it right, You have to be an IBS member to compete! And all I'm saying is you are going to keep people away that would otherwise shoot. So if the club charged an extra five dollars, over the match fees Light Gun And Heavy gun, thats ten bucks times ten matches thats $100 extra for the club. So there just going to have clarify what they mean.

Joe Salt
Joe, IBS will shoot 4 matches a day,so if you go a match two times you might as well join……… jim

Who shoots 4 matches per day?
I see a lot of 2-match days scheduled and some 4-match weekends (2-days), but none that shoot 4 complete matches in one day.
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Yes sir, 2 light and 2 heavy and out the gate by 4:00, That is the advantage of no pits and using clay birds. WH. did it with pits and pullers also. Those guys in WV. have it down to a science……. jim

Breaking a record isn’t that important to me, obviously keeping the numerous ones you set is important to you especially if you are afraid of a “lesser qualified” person may be the one to do it. I understand it doesn’t come easy and I don’t believe any record holder in any club, organization, or shooting discipline got one by 100% luck. You are indicating since you spend so much time and hours of shooting you are more deserving than someone that hasn’t. I don’t believe it, I think any shooter that shows up and out guns everyone else should be recognized as the winner and if he breaks a record doing so it too should be recognized.

Calling me out doesn’t gain you anything, maybe you can beat me, maybe you can’t. I don’t really care.

I brought up a thought to Tod, he explained his point and I appreciate it. I have no relationship with Williamsport or Joe. I know who he is but have my doubt’s he knows me. I like the way they look at things. I used to be a member there but do not attend enough matches to justify the club fee anymore. Maybe next year I will attend more and then become a member again. But in the meantime if I am able to go to 1 or 2 matches a year and hit the W.O. I can always be hopeful that I can win a big prize and if the stars align one of those days and shoot small group it will be recognized as a new world Record. Just because I didn’t spend all my time shooting that discipline doesn’t mean I haven’t put as much time, effort, or money into it shooting as everyone else.

Many, many shooters put in a lot of time and dedication to their sport, Just because you don’t see what everyone else does doesn’t mean they aren’t deserving.
Mike, i don't have any doubt about my ability, and that never entered the picture. I will tell you this, the IBS has rules and i have to play by them also.The part that lets you shoot to see if you like it and want to persue it further without being a member is in place, and was for the purpose of getting new shooters to try it. The clubs charge nothing extra but you can't advance for the win but all non IBS members are on the same relay can compete against themselves.I can't change the rules for you,but i'll still will your dues if you want to come down and try. Be prepared because anybody down there will at any time will hand it to you. The whole relay shot a screamer and all but two lost.
If you can get to my house and i live in Pa. i'll give you a ride down. Come to Reade Range that should be close to you and give it a go there,they are a great bunch of guys... Jim
gunnermhr -

Do movie theater's let you in for free because you hardly go to a movie?
Can you go to a ball-game for free because you hardly go to a game?
Will your state issue you a vehicle license for free because you hardly drive the car?

Sounds to me like you have already shot for free several times in your life....
But you always want to be able to shoot for free regardless..... because your extra special !.!.!

A happily paying member, who's glad to do my small part each year,
Donovan Moran
I've been to Reade, shot small group there a couple times, had my share of bad luck there too. Did prettythe well at Ridgway and Williamsport also. Seem to hold my own at the game I like most, groundhog matches at Mifflin and South Fork.

I have nothing to prove to nor am I interested in riding to WV you.

This post certainly seems to have gone from input on INS rules to a personal attack on me by you. I'm done here.
Mike, I don't see anything personal about it, as for a attack on you i don't think so. But it seems to me you just want something for nothing, but i can't help you i guess……… jim
Tod: The first post you had it right, You have to be an IBS member to compete! And all I'm saying is you are going to keep people away that would otherwise shoot. So if the club charged an extra five dollars, over the match fees Light Gun And Heavy gun, thats ten bucks times ten matches thats $100 extra for the club. So there just going to have clarify what they mean.

Joe Salt
So, are you saying "you (Tod Soeby) are going to keep people away that would otherwise shoot"

Or....."you (the IBS) are going to keep people away that would otherwise shoot". ?

Because the way this reads it seems you are saying that it is ME that is chasing people away!

I hope that it is just me not comprehending your meaning. And I assure you, I have major comprehention wouldn't be the first time!!:D
NO NO NO not you Tod: If the vote goes through it will take money from the clubs by not allowing none IBS members to shoot. You have to make money to keep your heads above water, that means let non members shoot but charge an extra five on top of the entree fee. Got It?

Joe Salt

I'm not asking to shoot anywhere for free. I have no issue paying the entry fee, what. I'm saying is the same thing Joe is trying to say. If you want to see bigger turnouts for the Nationals you may see it with allowing non members to participate. I am a member of more than one club/organization, if every club/organization/sanctioning body required you to be a member you could easily pay upwards of $500 a year. Then add in entre fees? I truly believe guys would soon limit how many places they attend.

My gosh, this thread is soon going to need a catheter

Got it load and clear....
1 - you want to attend the IBS Nationals
2 - be able to set IBS records
3 - be honored to what ever position you finish at
4 - be awarded trophies
5 - take home from the prize tables
6 - and be able to do it all for free.......... at the current IBS members expense

Do you want to bring your own gun and ammo, or do you want that furnished as well ?
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Mike, it cost 45.00 @ year to belong to the IBS. The matches at Harry Jones are 15.00@ match, You don't have to belong to a club. If shot heavy and lighten all HJ. matches it would be300.00 for the whole year……. Now you can get in on all the aggs. and everything…….. jim
Donovan: NO not every match, Like I said in one of my posts, shoot two times as non- member but you get Trophies or points after that you have to join to go any further! I hope the Weather is nice so I can make that Meeting! If anyone wants to talk call me (315) 342-3088

Joe Salt
Jeff: if your still reading here ,The other thing the IBS should have is a LIFE MEMBERSHIP I would have had one years ago!

Joe Salt
Joe, Does it take two weekends to shoot a light and heavy? and you add 5.00 to each entry? So that would mean two trips to Williamsport to do a light and heavy……. jim