Clarification on proposed IBS rule change

You have a point, sort of.....

Joe, I can sort of see your point, although I wouldn't let Obama wash my dog, whereas I trust the higher-ups in bench rest, with far more experience than my meager 2.5 years, to make a better decision than I could. Maybe when I wade through another five or six books, get through the 30 years of Precision Shooting sitting by my chair, and attend another dozen or so matches, I'll be more confident about my opinions. In politics, I always vote against all the liberal clowns, even though I live in Vermont, where such activity is like p**ing into a strong wind.

At the risk of highjacking the post, I take it that the impetus for the hunter rule change is to keep the clubs from having to give out so much hardware when only one or two might be in a class? Seems like that's not the way to encourage people to try something new and keep coming back. We only have one or two in factory class sometimes, but that little bit of bling can be an inducement to new or marginal shooters (like me). I ventured into Hunter class to become a more complete shooter, but to place once in a while would be a real shot in the arm.
Vtmarmot, I know I try getting people into joining or club. I bring an extra Rifle, and if I talk to someone at the range that has never tried shooting 1000 yard, I ask if they would like break a clay bird at 1000 there eye's usually light up. Then you know you've got them hooked! But I for one on the shooting then advancing to the shoot off, you should let them advance twice, then its you have to join!
And as for not having enough in a class, they should advance to the next class, we have people shoot their light guns in heavy class, all the time and do very well. Its about competing, not about winning!

Joe Salt
All this rule is doing is getting rid of the so called reciprocity with NBRSA....never was reciprocity anyway because NBRSA didn't recognize IBS cards. As far as Long Range is concerned, non-IBS members are still gonna be able to do as they always changes there. Williamsport ( not NBRSA ) memberships will still be allowed for the Nationals.
Jeff I understand that about the Nationals, Its the part about IBS regular matches. I believe you would get more shooters if you let them shoot twice like we do at Williamsport, but not keep them from the shoot off. Then if they want to continue and shoot for points, they should have to join. And the two matches that they did shoot should count. Just trying to help.

Joe Salt
Joe, if you see one short range club in Pa. is having both NBRSA and IBS matches the next year is it or would it be fair for one to let the other shoot with out belonging while the other would permit it? Jeff said it best, i think they both should let the other shoot for say 2-3 times a year and it would end all the problems. With the gas going to going up 27 cents in Pa. to fix the roads again for the 5th time the expense to go to the matches will go up even more will hang it up and having to belong to so many different organizations just to shoot a couple more matches is ridiculous. Those in power should set down and talk about the extra burden placed on the shooter having to carry so many cards just to shoot a couple matches. All clubs should honor all card carrying members even from other national organizations, but you know that will never happen. Each has the best sand box to play in….jim
All clubs should honor all card carrying members even from other national organizations

That is exactly how it was for around 30 years, in a perfect world that is how it would still be.
NBRSA made the decision to cut reciprocity around 12-15 years ago. IBS has made several attempts to get it restored while still allowing NBRSA members to shoot IBS matches. A minimum of 25 IBS members said it was time to end the one sided arrangement by signing an agenda item to cut our remaining portion of the reciprocity. A majority vote of the members at the annual meeting agreed it was time to end the reciprocity arrangement which had not been a two way street for 10+ years. It is now the complete membership's turn to speak their opinion with their votes on the subject. It is as simple as that, decide how you feel about the subject and vote accordingly.

Dick Grosbier

P.S. IBS is a Scheduling , Rules, and Records organization, non IBS members can always shoot. They cannot participate in any IBS awards, set any Records or earn any Points or in long range advance to the shoot off (as I understand it). In essence they can "shoot for fun" . For records keeping purposes they must be listed as "non IBS" if they are shown in the official results.
Dick & Jeff If the Weather is nice here when you guys have your board meeting I'm going to try and make it. And I agree we should all honor each others membership like it is now for Nationals and World Open, but should be a member for awards during regular agg. matches. AM I CORRECT ON THIS PART?

Dick & Jeff If the Weather is nice here when you guys have your board meeting I'm going to try and make it. And I agree we should all honor each others membership like it is now for Nationals and World Open, but should be a member for awards during regular agg. matches. AM I CORRECT ON THIS PART?


Hope you can make it Joe.

I just looked it up to make sure, but yes, the Williamspoet recognition is just for the Nationals.
Just to clarify if this change is approved non IBS member will not be permitted to participate in any IBS sponsored match/tournament correct? I am not a member however I enjoy shooting at some of the 600 yard matches in St. Louis - never finish very high however enjoy the getting together with fellow shooters. I'll stay tuned.

From what i see you can shoot but can not get points or awards or records. Read the post Dick wrote, it is to the point……. jim
BTW you men should realize this change is already in effect. If you shot IBS this year you were already under the new rule. The vote is as to if the temporary rule becomes permanent or dies at the end of the one year trial period.
I don't understand why you NEED to be a member to be able to set a record, just doesn't make sense to me. If you are shooting in a registered match as a guest and shoot a new world record why shouldn't it count? Small group or High Score is just that, no matter who shoots it, correct?

That would be like other clubs saying, hey come on over and shoot with us to see how you like it and oh by the way, you can't win anything. Pay your entry fee and you should be able to compete and win along side of everyone else.

I think Williamsport does a good job of promoting new shooters, I only shoot there a couple time a year and like to contribute to the World Open, I've been a member in the past but don't shoot there enough to justify being one now. I thought about the going to the IBS Nationals once then found out you had to be a member, I didn't contribute.

I would think in these financial times and seeing a decline in shooting events, clubs as a whole would do whatever it took to entice new shooters and encourage memberships, not deter, to keep the sport alive and well. If I had to become a member of every club that I shoot at I would drastically reduce the amount of events I attend. I'm in favor of supporting all shooting events that I go to and think when I pay to enter that is my contribution. I belong to a few clubs but no way would I shell out the cash needed to belong to each and every one I go to. I applaud those that have the extra cash to do so and maybe someday I will, but for now, in most instances my contribution is though my events entry fees.

Just my 2 cents,
Mike, I belong to the IBS and i hold records but they don't count at the NBRSA,nor would i expect them to. If you belong to Williamsport you can shoot the IBS national…….. jim
It has nothing to do with being a member of a "club". I don't belong to any "club" and I shoot all the time. It has to do with joining the IBS, which is the sanctioning body.
Tod: Hope this doesn't get into a pissing match, but you are on the same level as Williamsport or NBRSA! Look up the definition of SANCTIONING BODY, We're all are playing the same game, at the same level. Williamsport allows non- members to shoot you just have to pay like $5.00 more than the entry fee! And yes you can break a record and it counts. This may be one of the other differences in our ORGANIZATIONS, that needs to be changed.

Joe Salt
Tod: Hope this doesn't get into a pissing match, but you are on the same level as Williamsport or NBRSA! Look up the definition of SANCTIONING BODY, We're all are playing the same game, at the same level. Williamsport allows non- members to shoot you just have to pay like $5.00 more than the entry fee! And yes you can break a record and it counts. This may be one of the other differences in our ORGANIZATIONS, that needs to be changed.

Joe Salt


I was simply trying to clarify to Mike that you do not need to join "every club I shoot at". It seems that has the understanding that this rule woulld make him join each individual club. My point is that just one $45.00 fee allows him to shoot at all the sanctioned IBS matches at every club PLUS the national events. I wasn't pointing him in any direction.

Nope, this website is famous for pissing matches developing out of thin air. On this matter.....and the reason I started the thread .... is to CLAIRIFY what is what.

Tod: My point is you are chasing people away by making them join anything, let them shoot all they want without being members,pay an extra $5.00 each time but not have an agg. or compete for year end prizes! There are a lot of people that just like to shoot when they can or what they can afford. You would be surprised the people that join after they find out they like it.
I think we are on the same page, just need to refine thing a little better.

Joe Salt

I certainly am not looking to stir the pot, I do as much as I can to promote shooting sports. I'm not looking to offend you or anyone else or their organization or club. I like the idea of being able to shoot at williamsport 2 times and contribute to the W.O. and not have to be a member. If during that time period I break a record it counts.

I just wondered why IBS doesn't have something similar. I'm not a member and probably never will be because of the distance I need to drive to attend enough matches for me to justify it. I would however consider shooting at the nationals occasionaly and consider it as a small vacation.

Just a thought,
Mike, Is breaking a record that important to you? Without the ones that pay there dues there is no IBS ,NBRSA and no Williamsport 1000 yd. club. So you want us to pay so you can shoot a record for free but you want the record ? I'll tell you what i'll do i will pay your dues to the IBS just send me your info. But all you have to do is beat me, if you can't refund the money and i'll use it for the next years dues for you to try again……… Jim O'Hara