Clarification on proposed IBS rule change

Tod Soeby

New member
I just got my IBS ballot. I have a question regaurding one of the proposed rule changes.

TP#1---Must be a member of IBS to compete at IBS tournaments.

Does this mean that you can't even shoot at a match?? Currantly, as it stands, you can shoot the match without being an IBS just can't advace into the shootoff. If you are the relay winner, the next highest score/smallest group of an IBS member advances to the shootoff in your place.

Is this for all IBS matches, or just the National events?
As I read it, the key word being "tournaments", which would not include regular matches.


It pretty much escapes me how you could arrive at the above conclusion, but I can assure you all registered matches in IBS are considered tournaments.

Attached is an excerpt of the top 2" of an actual IBS match contract. Granted most people never see this document.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Vice President

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The way it is worded it would have no effect on IBS Long Range. You already have to be an IBS member to shoot at a 600 or 1000yd IBS match, meaning as you pointed out you cannot advance. The rule appears to be written to only effect short range.
It pretty much escapes me how you could arrive at the above conclusion, but I can assure you all registered matches in IBS are considered tournaments.

Attached is an excerpt of the top 2" of an actual IBS match contract. Granted most people never see this document.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Vice President

If that be the case, I do think it should be worded as such.... or there maybe further confusions (as I was).
I just never looked at a regular match as being a tournament, and viewed it like other sports, where games are played and tournaments are special events, contrary to the regular season.

Thanks for the clarification in any regards !.!.!

Best Regards
Donovan Moran
The way it is worded it would have no effect on IBS Long Range. You already have to be an IBS member to shoot at a 600 or 1000yd IBS match, meaning as you pointed out you cannot advance. The rule appears to be written to only effect short range.

Then why the Williamsport exemption for the IBS 1000 yard nationals? If any match should require IBS membership, it should be the nationals.
If that be the case, I do think it should be worded as such.... or there maybe further confusions (as I was).

If you were confused about a proposed rule change perhaps you should have consulted the IBS Rule Book. The word Tournament is used three times on the Table of contents page. Also the biggest section of the rule book, section III is titled Tournament Procedures and yes it applies to all disciplines.

Why then in schedules are they referred to as "Matches" and not Tournaments. No need to answer, just saying.....

Then why the Williamsport exemption for the IBS 1000 yard nationals? If any match should require IBS membership, it should be the nationals.

I agree. That is why I am voting NO. No reason to show favoritism to one club.

So basicly, this change would only affect the national events then....where currantly you can be an NBRSA ( I think) or Williamsprt member and still fully compete in the event?

Or, are they saying that NON IBS members CAN NOT even shoot in a normal, registerd club match in any way...not even in the relay, ALONG with restricting the Nationals to MEMBERS only?

I guess I don't care either way as far as nationals, but I think having a non-member shoot a regular match ...without having to pay the fee, is a GREAT way to get new shooters into the sport. That 45 dollars might just be enough to run them off.

Sorry for the confusion,

NBRSA members are currently allowed to shoot in short range IBS tournaments without becoming IBS members, they are not allowed to shoot (advance) in IBS long range matches. The new rule would not allow them to compete in short range matches without becoming members, that is what the rule changes.
NBRSA does not allow IBS members to shoot in any matches without becoming NBRSA members(no reciprocity). This rule makes it more even between those two organizations.

Currently the only exemption in the rule book for the Long Range Nationals is for Williamsport members.

Todd and James I was the one that got the rule changed back in 2006 when I was President of the PA. club. Because the Nationals were losing shooters because most people refused to pay an extra $40 on top of the $125 or so at the time. As for regular matches, or club says you can shoot two matches before you have to join! But if in those two matches you win a relay, you can still advance to the shoot off. So we just need to get this stuff a little clearer so we don't start losing anymore members.

Joe Salt
I believe that if IBS requires IBS membership just to participate in an IBS-sanctioned match ii is a terrible mistake. No problem if a non-member shooter doesn't qualify for records, etc., but I believe any shooter should be allowed to participate at the match/tournament/contest. At our range, we have always encouraged and welcomed non-member shooters at our IBS matches. As the host club I believe I have right to determine who shoots. IBS, and the sanctioning body, as a right to say who qualifies for points, standings, etc.

I understand the urination contest between NBRSA and IBS and so be it. But let's not let old grudges cut off our nose ...
While we are on this subject, after the PS. magazine went bye bye I never got an application to rejoin the IBS. So if someone out there would please send me one I would appreciate it. With the price of components these days, I'll be happy to see 80 shooters at a match!

Joe Salt
IBS rules

The way it works at Piedmont Gun Club anyone who pays to shoot can shoot but if they are not a IBS member and happen to shoot a record it wouldn't count. We encourage anyone who wants to ,to come out and shoot and shoot what ever you have ,have fun and fellowship and learn from some of the Pro's. Lot of record holders here always willing to help a fellow shooter. After they get their feet wet if they want to become IBS members that's up to them. All they have invested is match fee's.
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I was confused also

I have not been in this game long enough to fully understand the implications of my voting, so I didn't vote. I joined both the IBS and the NBRSA just to support the sport. The wording of the rule in question did bother me a bit, but it doesn't affect me as I am a member and am not in any danger of winning anything. I was also somewhat concerned by the Hunter rule change because I campaign a .308, but again, no danger of winning anything beyond the factory class, so what to heck?

I also would prefer to see a line for a signature on each ballot rather than the outside of the envelope. I don't want some stranger seeing both my address and my signature. I know I could have left off my return address, or I could put the whole thing in another envelope, but not everyone is that aware of identity theft.
Vtmarmot Thats how Obama got Elected, by people that didn't vote! So just vote NO. that way you can say I didn't vote for it.

Joe Salt
I'm with you on the signature on the outside along with your address. The 600 is easy with a non member because it's an 4 target agg. and can shoot al the way through, but with 1000 they have shoot offs. and they can not advance. Last year the non IBS members shot on a relay by themselves…..jim