Jeeeepers..... how did this turn into a Dan Lilja affirmation thread?? If I did this, I sincerely apologize for a tongue-in-cheek comment, an attempt to add some credibility to his opinion thru levity.
"Dan's opinion is worthy""
"Dan makes a good barrel"
"Dan writes a great article"
"Dan TESTS this stuff above and beyond....his opinions are not guesses"
Ohh, and did I mention, "Lilja Rifle Barrels are among the best on the planet" ..... that "Many folks win and have won many competitions including the BR disciplines where intrinsic accuracy potential is the single biggest factor"...... and that "Dan's barrels are LIT'RALLY as good as barrels can be"....
Ummm..... "Dan=Good"...... even, "Dan Lilja's opinion > Joe Blow's"
Dan also knows
what is important in a barrel, I currently have custom barrels in the pipe with Lilja because they offer some spec's which 80% of other custom barrel makers do not, where other makers are choosing to stay in their collective ruts Dan is expanding the field, pushing back the barriers, extending the bleeding edge, offering stuff which us experimentive types value.....all while maintaining a standard of excellence unparalleled in the industry.
Chris Dichter makes a good barrel too, and he offers things even Lilja will not........ but I won't mention this for fear of AGAIN completely derailing the op's question
I have no meaningful opinion regarding the op's question