Chris Roland wins Buck Creek night shoot with 500-37X



I want to thank everyone that came to the night shoot. I also want to thank the ones that helped out with running the match, I really appreciate your help. Everyone seemed to have a good time as the weather was near perfect with lite rain moving in for the last half of the 200yd match. Competition was close all night long with Chris Roland coming out on top in the grand with an impressive score of 500-37X. Here are the top 3 places for 100,200 and the grand. Full results will be on the IBS website shortly. Thanks again to everyone that attended, we will probably do it again. Jackie

1. Steve Eller 250-22X
2. Jerry Nettles 250-22X
3. Chris Roland 250-22X

1. Chris Roland 250-15X
2. Steve Jaynes 250-14X
3. Hope Carlton 250-14X

1. Chris Roland 500-37X
2. Steve Jaynes 500-35X
3. Jep Sumpter 500-32X
Wow! How many 500's, Jackie? With those scores, is it safe to assume that you had it lit well enough to see all of the flags?
Wow! How many 500's, Jackie? With those scores, is it safe to assume that you had it lit well enough to see all of the flags?[/QUOT

Mike, best I remember there were 8 500's shot. If not for several mishaps such as slamfires, and trigger blunders, there would have been more.
Great shooting Chris

it makes a mans day to have friends like George and Jackie,, Good shoot Jackie Thanks
Congrats Chris! and a big "Thank You" to Jackie for hosting this shoot as well as all those who helped to make this "Night Shoot" happen....from my perspective it was a very unique experience!

Thanks Again!
Curious & confused...

which isn't unusual -- at least I'm still curious in my dotterage.

I thought Buck Creek shot the Ultimate BenchRest format? And that format was a 4-target agg with 6 bulls per target? Is an extra point awarded for an X? But that would make a 264 a perfect score...

I tried to figure this out from the UBR page, but failed...
which isn't unusual -- at least I'm still curious in my dotterage.

I thought Buck Creek shot the Ultimate BenchRest format? And that format was a 4-target agg with 6 bulls per target? Is an extra point awarded for an X? But that would make a 264 a perfect score...

I tried to figure this out from the UBR page, but failed...

They hold both, Charles. This one was IBS. The UBR Nats are next month, there.--M
thank you

Wanna say thanks to the entire crew that made this match happen. Can't find a better group of folks to shoot with. I believe everyone had a great time. Hope to see y'all soon.
Thanks and Jackie for putting up with us till 2am!!!!!! Lol

wow good shooting men !.........who's shooting for jep lately ? can't be him

I think I recall a "50-5x" target shot at 200 from Jep's bench....however,it was late and I could have dozed off .....Jackie was wide awake all night so he may give better testimony about who shot what....:)... possibly Jep's wife slipped in there and shot for him.... but I think it was Jep.!...:)
Good shoot'n Jep!...