Charlene's Meadow Results (Greg King wins the 100-200-300)


The match under the lights at 300 went very well. We didn't get the tunnel conditions but there was not any weird mirage or anything bad at all. Chet Whitebread shot a real nice .2555 agg to win the 300 and also won the 200-300 agg. Good job Chet!
The 100-200 stage was windy and tricky. Darrel Loker won the 100 with a .2624 agg and I won the 200 with a .2944 agg.

The 100-200-300 agg was won by Greg King. Greg also won the 100-200 grand with a .2897 agg. Great shooting from a really great guy!

Charlene and the benchrest gals fixed an evening meal and we all came up to house and relaxed for awhile and ate to much. My secret plan was for everybody to eat to much and fall asleep during the 300 but it didn't work:D

Thanks to all who came.

Richard Brensing


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Am I seeing right? In picture two I count at least 36 targets. That’s a lot of shooters. It nice that there was more than one guy hogging all the wins.
18 targets

There are 18 targets on the wall. Richard has 6 benches and runs 3 relays. I think it took about 3 hours per yardage. It’s a really fun match. Richard and his family run a great match.
Richard did you have lights set up for the flags? The few times I shot in the dark there was only light in the target making the flags pretty hard to see.
Lights on the flags


I played around with some rechargeable Li-Ion LED's from Walmart. You need at least 500 lumens and 1000 lumens is a little overkill. Once I figured what would work I talked to alot of the guys and most bought at least three lights. Ray Barnes and I picked up 20 or so lights so that every bench had decent lighting. It worked out really well and actually you could see the flags better at night than you could during the daylight hours.

I will try to post some more pics of how it looks. All I can say is the 300 yds under the lights was a huge hit with the shooters. You could sure tell who was in tune and who wasn't.

Light pics

Here's what it looked like on the range.



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Yes Richard and his family put on a top notch match the trophies were even solid oak! It was very challenging but equal for everyone Congrats to the winners!

Way to go Greg. You keep shooting better and better. a little surprised Mark H hasn't posted some remarks yet. Congradulations

Gave my congrats direct via the phone. Sounds like everyone had a great time.

Glad to hear Chet looked good and shot good. He’s had tough year.

Is it true,,,, Scharnhorst stayed for all of the matches?!?!

300 yds.

This was the first registered match at Richards range (Charlene’s Meadow). If anyone has ever wished to set a new World Record this is the range. Richard is planning from now on shooting the 300 yds. on Friday night starting half hour or so after sunset when all the wind and mirage calms down. The 300 yds. Records are wide open to be broken. So tune up your guns and call Richard to get on the list it fills up fast. Very fun match shooting 300yds under the lights.
