Chargemaster combo..... (a few questions)

replying to what wilbur is trying to get across to me. he knows me pretty well (we were traveling buddies for a while). i tend to "JUMP" into things without thinking things through and with our sport and as expensive as it is we need to be careful by buying the next "fix" to our problems. he was saying he beat/ got beat ect by people using different things. very true. but its got to be a reason that aggs. are the way they are now. better barrels, bullets ect. but and i mean a big BUT...... do we not give credit to whats going on at the reloading table with all of this weighing thats going on now? its got to play some part in the aggs. being what they are. i know everything works together in what we do. good load bad barrel= bad group. bad load good barrel= bad group (never thought i would say that) :) bad action good action, bad scope good scope ect ect ect...... its just the more i think about it i could have the best equipment from everyone but if my load varies to much is my "best equipment" going to be able to do its part? im still in the camp that a good barrel can make you look like you know what your doing and im sure a good barrel can cover up "some" load technique. but if everyone went to weighing every load to the nth degree would aggs. even come down more?...... if everyone could read conditions :)
Scott, you made a very

replying to what wilbur is trying to get across to me. he knows me pretty well (we were traveling buddies for a while). i tend to "JUMP" into things without thinking things through and with our sport and as expensive as it is we need to be careful by buying the next "fix" to our problems. he was saying he beat/ got beat ect by people using different things. very true. but its got to be a reason that aggs. are the way they are now. better barrels, bullets ect. but and i mean a big BUT...... do we not give credit to whats going on at the reloading table with all of this weighing thats going on now? its got to play some part in the aggs. being what they are. i know everything works together in what we do. good load bad barrel= bad group. bad load good barrel= bad group (never thought i would say that) :) bad action good action, bad scope good scope ect ect ect...... its just the more i think about it i could have the best equipment from everyone but if my load varies to much is my "best equipment" going to be able to do its part? im still in the camp that a good barrel can make you look like you know what your doing and im sure a good barrel can cover up "some" load technique. but if everyone went to weighing every load to the nth degree would aggs. even come down more?...... if everyone could read conditions:)

telling comment without even knowing it. "if everyone went to weighing"...... No, they have not. And many who do not are still in the top 20 or better. Stop trying to "follow the crowd" and work on what works for you. The whole damn thing still depends on "butt time" If you do not get practice, you will NOT win.

I haven't tried it yet. Uses 8- D cell. It just came in the mail the other day. This unit has the required pigtail and plug already on it. $4.95 plus shipping. Can't beat hardly beat it

Got a chance this afternoon to try this battery pack out. Worked perfectly I'm not sure how long the D cell batteries will last from what a few others have said they will last a while
I figured out pretty quick checking my thrown charges that I need a lot more practice to throw more accurately I was getting as much as .3 to some .4 variance.
Using N133. I will use my charge master as much as I can until I get better at throwing charges
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Got a chance this afternoon to try this battery pack out. Worked perfectly I'm not sure how long the D cell batteries will last from what a few others have said they will last a while
I figured out pretty quick checking my thrown charges that I need a lot more practice to throw more accurately I was getting as much as .3 to some .4 variance. I will use my charge master as much as I can until I get better at throwing charges

Go to an auto parts store and get yourself one of the smaller battery booster units that has a cigarette lighter port on it. It will last many, many times longer between charges than a the D-cell unit. I doubt if you could get more than a few hours from the D-cell unit and you don't want to be turning the Chargemaster off and on between loadings/targets.

A unit like the one below will provide power to the Chargemaster for several days between charges. Plus, you can recharge your laptop off it.
This is from a 2010 thread:


03-25-2010, 04:07 PM


I cut one of the wires and measured the current drain on my chargemaster.

Interesting point, just connected, but OFF, it pulls 15 mA (.015 Amp) -- so put in a switch! (I had a boat where the radios did the same thing, killing batteries routinely, until I figured it out)

Once turned ON, the digital scale etc pull 50 mA (.050 Amps).

When dispensing, it had the expected initial surge to get the motor going, and then leveled out around 200 mA (.200 Amps)

One dispensing of 25-30 grains will be 30 seconds @ 0.200 Amps = 0.0016 amp-hours.

If we conservatively assume 10 Amp Hours in D-cells, then you could charge 6000 cases before the batteries were completely done--if you had no time spent jusb being "on". (Wikipedia says alkalines are closer to 20 Amp Hours, so this is way conservative)

If you are going to JUST leave it 'on', it would go for 200 hours.

200 loads (one weekend) = 0.33 amp hours (3% of battery capacity)
12 hours of ON time (one weekend?) = 0.6 amp hours (6% of battery capacity)

Hence you should be able to do about 10 weekends on one set of batteries.
This is sounding very successful to me.

I would recommend 6 [9 volts) or 7 [10.5 volts] "D" alkaline (NOT carbon-zinc cheapies!) in series, a switch [or else disconnect when not using], and maybe a 2amp inline fuse (just to covery my liabilities).

Obviously the fellow you talked to is correct -- this is a good solution and will go a long while. I think I'm going to pick up a battery holder or so and rig this up for myself. If you just do the D cells, you should not need any voltage regulation, or diodes.

I didn't measure the voltage of my supply (pretty hurried) but I'll look into that. It is specified as 9V, but that may have been at a much larger load, so it may well be 11 or more at this light load -- so the folks running them directly off 12V gell-cells may be fine. But no promises from ME! on that one!

03-25-2010, 04:11 PM

Also, Boyd, 8 batteries may be perfectly safe. I just cant swear to it, since I don't have the internal schematics to look at to see how they are doing internal voltage regulation. You can bet that they have a 5V regulator inside there. (so I really wouldn't worry much about small changes in the battery voltages as they get weaker) It may or may not do OK on 12 volt input -- problem might occur in Texas in the summer, and might do fine in Minnesota for the whole year. I just can't say with any certainty. And I doubt you'll get the manufacturer to agree to anything, due to liability concerns."

In a previous post I had mentioned that Jerry Hensler had had good results from an eight D cell home made battery pack.
The CM power supply is an unregulated one. The voltage goes all over the place. The CM is designed to work with between 9 and 16 volts, but as with any electronic deveice, better, smoother current is a good thing. That's why a constant 12v power supply is better, IMO, which either the battery pack or a sealed lead acid battery will do. I prefer the rechargeable SLA design. Run times are great with either, but SLA's are cheaper in the long run due to being re-chargeable. Run times vary with amp/hr ratings, but it's a looong time, and you can use the figures in Boyd's post or the instructions that come with the CM to estimate run time with your respective amp/hr rating. Also, you can charge on the way or even at the match from your car cigarette lighter as well as with wall wart chargers that will maintain charge as long as they're plugged in, with a charger designed to maintain charge levels.
I use an MTM die storage box to hold a SLA battery and its charger. I also put together a battery pack of 8 D cells and both worked fine. The picture of the die box shows a DC-DC converter I bought because I thought I had to reduce the voltage from the SLA battery to 9 volts.

Here's how one guy solved the wind problem

nice box. also jerry how do you like that adam scale?
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In my opinion, the best upgrade you can do for the chargemaster (besides having good power) is the insert for the powder tube that David Moore makes, he is on This replaces the McDonalds straw a lot of people use. I tested it and out of 20 dispenses, I only had one that was .1 light and the rest were dead on. They are selling like hot cakes.

nice box. also jerry how do you like that adam scale?

Assuming you're talking about the wood/clear plastic box, here's a pic of the builder. Note the detachable bottom section that contains the battery and other stuff.

The rechargeable battery on the Adam scale failed. I bought one of the A&D FX-120i scales. Got it when the Canadian seller had great pricing. Haven't put it through its paces yet. Hope that one lives up to the <1 sec stabilization.
Assuming you're talking about the wood/clear plastic box, here's a pic of the builder. Note the detachable bottom section that contains the battery and other stuff.

The rechargeable battery on the Adam scale failed. I bought one of the A&D FX-120i scales. Got it when the Canadian seller had great pricing. Haven't put it through its paces yet. Hope that one lives up to the <1 sec stabilization.

yea i like that box
re; picture above, you are using a Chargemaster on a wobbly leg table that has your sizing press on it ..?

thats what im trying to say. most of use normal shooters (without a camper/trailer) would have to load that way. so what kind of accuracy can someone expect out of it on the same table that they do "everything" else on? if we are at a match with limited loading area the other shooters im sure wouldnt want use to bring 2 or 3 different tables to put extra loading equipment on and take up space that they might need. truth is most of the chargemasters being used (not all but some) that i have seen are inside a camper/trailer. should that tell me something? just how accurate can someone expect out of a scale of any kind in the real world of a match, when 95% of everything we do is outside........... even bathroom breaks :)
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thats what im trying to say. most of use normal shooters (without a camper/trailer) would have to load that way. so what kind of accuracy can someone expect out of it on the same table that they do "everything" else on? if we are at a match with limited loading area the other shooters im sure wouldnt want use to bring 2 or 3 different tables to put extra loading equipment on and take up space that they might need. truth is most of the chargemasters being used (not all but some) that i have seen are inside a camper/trailer. should that tell me something? just how accurate can someone expect out of a scale of any kind in the real world of a match, when 95% of everything we do is outside........... even bathroom breaks :)

Scott, remembering back to River Bend this year, someone did have a Chargemaster and their press on the same table but it was a table that had big husky legs. In my motorhome if the wind is hitting the side of it hard the Chargemaster will not auto start till the camper quits vibrating. My sizing press is on my cleaning table outside.

Buy a camper and they might give you a Chargemaster!
Scott, remembering back to River Bend this year, someone did have a Chargemaster and their press on the same table but it was a table that had big husky legs. In my motorhome if the wind is hitting the side of it hard the Chargemaster will not auto start till the camper quits vibrating. My sizing press is on my cleaning table outside.

Buy a camper and they might give you a Chargemaster!

......... Jerry I think you meant..... "Buy a Chargemaster and they might give you a camper! :) ............ the next question is...... who are "THEY"
Free chargemaster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU BETCHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll GIVE a Chargemaster to anyone who buys a camper.

SUCH-A-DEAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!