Cases For The Nationals

Ed Hall won the Super Shoot one year going preloaded........ So.......... I guess it can be done........... Maybe. :)
Sitting in my living room, I can pre-load 90 30BR cases for a Grand Agg in about 2 1/2 hours using my Dever Electronics Scale. I will have my Motorhome, so that's about the same thing.

It's just a thought. I could give it a try in the Unlimited 100, which will take all 115 cases, that's 4 extra for each 10 shot group. Heck, If I have to go to the sighter more than that, I will probably be on that score sheet that they have to staple to the bottom of the main one anyway;)
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Sitting in my living room, I can pre-load 90 30BR cases for a Grand Agg in about 2 1/2 hours using my Dever Electronics Scale. I will have my Motorhome, so that's about the same thing.

It's just a thought. I could give it a try in the Unlimited 100, which will take all 115 cases, that's 4 extra for each 10 shot group. Heck, If I have to go to the sighter more than that, I will probably be on that score sheet that they have to staple to the bottom of the main one anyway;)

Don't you use a tuner? Then what are you worried about?...It'll shoot. If not, then do the twist!:p...Tuner twist, that is.
Ed Hall won the Super Shoot one year going preloaded........ So.......... I guess it can be done........... Maybe. :)

Funny thing about Ed's preloading for that Super Shoot. He came up to me on Friday and said "I think I can win this thing"! This was about mid-day and he still had 7-8 targets to shoot.

I have wondered ever since if some of this winning and loosing is not caused by guessing which way to go when V133 starts to wander. Ed was shooting V133, IIRC. Since he had probably hit the V133 sweet spot for that environment, he didn't have to reguess???

Or does benchrest have one of those "zones"??

BTW, as far as I know Ed never shot again???

Jerry, Ed was also shooting moly bullets, and not cleaning. He did continue to shoot matches in Ga., but that could have been his last registered match.
At the east west i started a 300case rotation. Its bad to get it all goin but once you do you can use those cases a long time before they wear out. Lifes easier than gettin toward the end of a weekend and my 12-15 cases are going downhill fast. Im also experimenting with annealing them. After 2 matches they still seem brand new
Does all this extra trouble we go to, turned necks, trim-to-length every 2-3 firings, etc. improve accuracy?

Dunno, but, going to St Louis, would I spend some $500 for fuel, $200 entry fee,,$200 for a golf cart (my 77 year old knee joints are about worn out) , probably another $280 for bullets and so-on then skimp on no-turn brass? Don't think so.

Ed did use moly coated bullets and mostly went with no-clean and did win the Super Shoot. But has anyone before or since done the same?

I met Ed at the SS the year after he won it. I am not sure if he shot or not. He was "kicked out" of his club in GA, and after that, I believe he gave up BR shooting. Another winner of the SS who used moly was Eunice Berger...but she did clean her rifle. Good shooting...James Mock
Jackie, are you moving the cross slide in and out or does the video just look like you are?


Jerry, What you see be doing with my right hand is engaging the carriage for the power feed back toward the headstock. Once I get the exact size set with the cross slide, I lock it and it never changes.

The mist cooler is what makes this type of fast production possible. It keeps the mandrel cool, and also libricates it so the case slides on easily.