Carbon Fiber Rods



Anyone using solid carbon fiber one piece cleaning rods from Tipton (or others) and can share good and/or bad experiences? I've only used Hall and primarily, Dewey coated one piece rods, but my last Hall's coating shrunk and then started to peel at a nicked area. It also took a slight permanent bend, so a new rod is needed and the carbon fiber ones won't permanently bend and no coating to shrink or peel. I'm only concerned with its surface imbeding materials that can harm my bores. Any experiences?
Gary ...

I've been using Dewey rods since I started in this sport and find they do a great job. I've been so satisfied with their performance that I have no inclination to change composition. :)
The smaller 22/6mm size rods are much more flexible than a steel rod. Stick with a coated steel or hardened stainless steel rod.


Roy in NC

Anyone using solid carbon fiber one piece cleaning rods from Tipton (or others) and can share good and/or bad experiences? I've only used Hall and primarily, Dewey coated one piece rods, but my last Hall's coating shrunk and then started to peel at a nicked area. It also took a slight permanent bend, so a new rod is needed and the carbon fiber ones won't permanently bend and no coating to shrink or peel. I'm only concerned with its surface imbeding materials that can harm my bores. Any experiences?

I have several I decided to try. they are ok. very handle heavy so tip off a table unless you get the handle end right up close. Make a neat singing sound as the patches go down the tube due to vibration setup.

I second the Denny Phillips rods...that is what I've settled on and they are absolutely the best rods going. ==Greg
Tipton Rods

The 22/6mm is fine, however, the 17cal broke the second time I used it.
I always wanted to get one but the handle is so darn big that I never bought one. Carbon fiber sounds good in theory though, except for the flashbacks I have of seeing a carbon fiber arrow shaft blow up under tension. Boy was that ugly. The poor guy had to be rushed off in an ambulance with a 50-50 chance of ever being able to see again. Luckily, they pulled out all the slivers of carbon out of his retinas and he eventually regained his vision.

But if you're putting that much strain on a cleaning rod, there is something else really wrong!
I have 1 Dewey and 1 Tipton. 22/6mm.
I also have a Service Rifle Tipton. Great for the M1. And muzzle cleaning.
I like the Tiptons. Doesn't look like it will pick up dirt. It is harder than the Dewey coated. I use the Tipton for brushing. It is harder to bend.
Tipton Rods

I had the same experience as cassidy with a Tipton .17 cal rod. Broke the tip off the second time I used it. Didn't take much force to do it either, just popped off. I bought a Dewey and sent the Tipton in to the address on the package. They replaced it promptly no questions asked. Haven't used the new one though as the Dewey works great. Vic
Carbon Fiber Cleaning Rods

Being in the barrel cleaning business, I've used every sort of cleaning rod on the market....except the carbon fiber material. PLEASE NOTE, I'm not knocking Tipton Rods.... Lets be sure you understand this right up front!

Many of my customers have asked me about the carbon fiber rod. This is what I tell them... my experience in the aerospace business has taught
me how VERY ABRASIVE carbon fiber can be, when the shiny surface finish is worn through, so I just would not run a carbon fiber rod through my match barrels. Just one man's opinion.... All other cleaning rod materials I've used, coated or polished steel, are fine, provided they are used with a proper bore guide. TK