When M.H. Canjar died his wife Mary tried to continue the business. She remarried and second husband and Mary still tried to continue the business. I own several Canjar triggers and had 4 on order when M.H. Canjar died. I was promised to still receive them within a year. After two years I called and cancelled my order. About a year later I received a call and was told my triggers were ready. I told them the order had been cancelled over a year earlier. I told them my customers and I had waited two and a half years and we went ahead with Jewell triggers.
The patents on these triggers has since expired. Recently I took one of my triggers completely apart and cleaned it. The triggers are pretty simple in design and with CNC and wire EDM technology they could be reproduced pretty easily. I wonder if Mary or their heirs are still alive and could be contacted about working out an arrangement to produce Canjar Triggers again.
Nat Lambeth