Calfee watercolor, the winner is ....


Team Calfee

.... none other than the ubiquitous James Pappas!

Team Calfee
Congratulations James! It's always nice to win something! It'll look good hanging on your shop wall, and it'll go up in value fast.
Shame on you, Bill! 'Tis the season of charity & good will - for those of us with the opportunity to shoot. :D
Of course you are right, John. Congratulations James. I look forward with anticipation to stopping by your shop and admiring your art.

Seriously, that drawing portrays the dedication of many dedicated craftsmen at their trade. It is a good piece.

Concho Bill
Congratulations James: Now do be careful and auction that piece off in the classifieds, or better yet bring it to THE BARN this weekend. Not a word here!!!!!!! We don't want you to get sideways with Wilbur. Again congrats. Could not have gone to a better fellow. bob
Thanks Douglas & Bill Calfee

Thanks Douglas and Bill Calfee. I am looking forward to seeing the watercolor that Bill painted. Also Douglas I am eager to read your book. Rimfire benchrest shooters owe you alot for taking on a project like this. Also thanks goes to Beau & Lynn for their part in this project. James
Congratulations on winning the Calfee painting.If you don't want to hang it in your shop I've got a Shilen 22 rimfire blank laying around I'd be willing to part with if the painting isn't modified or touched in anyway.

All of the book credit goes to Douglas Rome and of course Bill Calfee for letting Douglas put it all together.I am sending some books to Australia is my only involvement and I doubt Douglas will ever do this kind of project again as its been a big job.

A Huge Thank You goes out to Douglas Rome and Team Calfee for the book and the painting!!!
Lynn aka Waterboy