buying from the classifieds here.


Hi Folks,

I am looking at purchasing a br rifle here off the classifieds, I am wondering what safeguards if any are in place to protect the buyer? I tried to look up the member here but can not find him in the search.

any info is appreciated,

Ron Tilley
I find this at

I expect it would also apply here.

1] Firstly, the xyzzyxzxy,,,, Classifieds run on the concept of CAVEAT EMPTOR (BUYER BEWARE), and also of individual responsibility.


A] BUYER BEWARE - You as a buyer, and only you, are responsible to do all your due diligence before you agree to purchase anything, and MAKE SURE you do not get defrauded. When you enter into a transaction to purchase an item, you as the buyer ASSUME ALL RISKS. CAVEAT EMPTOR!

B] You are responsible for complying with any and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations which affect the sale and transfer of any and all items sold, purchased, or otherwise transferred from party to party, including firearms and ammunition. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL FFL REQUIREMENTS!

Ask for references. Maybe have a friend hold payment until the buyer is satisfied. FWIW a check never really clears as months later the writer can try to claw it back saying they never authorized the check.

Last year I had the opportunity to move some rifle scopes and spotting scopes. It was amazing how many were willing to send large amounts of money via Venmo and PPFF to a stranger without batting an eyelid. The good thing is that EVERY one got what they paid for.
Last year I had the opportunity to move some rifle scopes and spotting scopes. It was amazing how many were willing to send large amounts of money via Venmo and PPFF to a stranger without batting an eyelid. The good thing is that EVERY one got what they paid for.

EVERY one but PayPal?
EVERY one but PayPal?

Several paid with PayPal and I just ate the fee. As long as I didn't lose money it was no biggie. So PayPal got something. Had there been a problem and they found out it was for a scope it likely would have been F U and the horse you rode in on.
I think this community

pretty much trusts each other. If someone gets taken, the information would be quickly spread. It is a sad state of affairs that there are scammers widely in our society who routinely make a living cheating others. I realize it's as old as time but it's a dern shame.

Get the seller's phone number and talk to him. A lot can be told by talking to someone. Don't use PayPal for gun purchases, they won't stand behind the sale and probably ban you. PP not gun friendly.
Get the seller's phone number and talk to him. A lot can be told by talking to someone. Don't use PayPal for gun purchases, they won't stand behind the sale and probably ban you. PP not gun friendly.

Paypal is definitely anti gun! They froze my account (along with my money) for 8 months when they discovered that I had a firearms related purchase. Anything in the text that relates to firearms will set off their algorithm. I will not use a company that uses my money to support the degradation of the Second Admendment!
Get the seller's phone number and talk to him. A lot can be told by talking to someone. Don't use PayPal for gun purchases, they won't stand behind the sale and probably ban you. PP not gun friendly.

They might also seize your funds under a TOS violation.
pretty much trusts each other. If someone gets taken, the information would be quickly spread. It is a sad state of affairs that there are scammers widely in our society who routinely make a living cheating others. I realize it's as old as time but it's a dern shame.


The classified ads here aren't free, but I'm not sure if that entitles a seller or buyer to any sort of protection. A number of buyers have been screwed on GunBroker.
do not use are just supporting the antigun movement.
i was screwed by a seller on accurate shooter . com,
known seller went down hill law and police , but not for my purchase.
out east somewhere
The classified ads here aren't free, but I'm not sure if that entitles a seller or buyer to any sort of protection. A number of buyers have been screwed on GunBroker.

I've used GUNBROKER several times and had very good luck. They have some buyer protection. I don't know what it is now, but it used to be $500.
do not use are just supporting the antigun movement.
i was screwed by a seller on accurate shooter . com,
known seller went down hill law and police , but not for my purchase.
out east somewhere

The forum boss frowns on using PP too, but not for the same reason/s. He'll bounce your ass if he finds out that you are accepting PP for stuff advertised there.
The forum boss frowns on using PP too, but not for the same reason/s. He'll bounce your ass if he finds out that you are accepting PP for stuff advertised there.

That's not entirely correct. The actual guidelines for PayPal usage are set by PayPal, not any particular site. PayPal's F&F (Friends and Family) option is specifically designed as a free service to transfer or receive money between individuals, not for transactions involving goods (sales).

Here's the actual guidelines, as posted on their site:

Use of PayPal for Sales

PayPal F&F Forbidden for ALL Sales

1. PayPal forbids use of its services for any and all sales of firearms and ammunition. If you do this you will be permanently banned from this Forum.

2. We emphatically discourage use of PayPal to receive payments for primers, primed brass, and powder, as this may be considered "ammunition" under PayPal Guidelines.

3. PayPal "Friends and Family" is NEVER to be used to sell ANY goods or services. Buyers will get no protections and sellers may find payment funds confiscated.
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That's not entirely correct. The actual guidelines for PayPal usage are set by PayPal, not any particular site. PayPal's F&F (Friends and Family) option is specifically designed as a free service to transfer or receive money between individuals, not for transactions involving goods (sales).

Here's the actual guidelines, as posted on their site:

Use of PayPal for Sales

PayPal F&F Forbidden for ALL Sales

1. PayPal forbids use of its services for any and all sales of firearms and ammunition. If you do this you will be permanently banned from this Forum.

2. We emphatically discourage use of PayPal to receive payments for primers, primed brass, and powder, as this may be considered "ammunition" under PayPal Guidelines.

3. PayPal "Friends and Family" is NEVER to be used to sell ANY goods or services. Buyers will get no protections and sellers may find payment funds confiscated.

I'm not sure why he'd care if you violate PP's TOS since that's between you and PP. He cares because he uses PP to accept donations and he doesn't want that relationship jeopardized/compromised so that's the not for the reason you'd think. He has stated that very thing there.

Even if you do use it there that's your business, but don't put it in your ad.
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Hi Folks,

I am looking at purchasing a br rifle here off the classifieds, I am wondering what safeguards if any are in place to protect the buyer? I tried to look up the member here but can not find him in the search.

any info is appreciated,

Ron Tilley

On the bottom of the classified help page is a Contact Us link. Might be wise to ask about your concern there. Also ask the seller about return privileges as pictures can [intentional or otherwise] hide details which might make you want to not keep it.
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I belong to a number of other hunting and shooting related sites as do many of you. They accept PP for donations as well as don't squawk about using PP in your BST ads. In PP's eyes how can a site discussing guns be any different from the sale of them, but they don't seem to look askance at them.
I'm not sure why he'd care if you violate PP's TOS since that's between you and PP. He cares because he uses PP to accept donations and he doesn't want that relationship jeopardized/compromised....

That's the business of doing business, plain and simple.

Donations to that site don't have be done exclusively through PayPal, either. No one has to use PayPal (or any form or e-payment) unless they choose to. There's always money order, bank draft, cashier check or a personal check option.
I always ask for a phone number, address and e-mail address. Then I ask for them to sent me a picture with the item that includes their drivers license. I do that for anything I am selling and have purchased items for thousands of dollars without incident. If they are not willing to do that, I pass.

I always ask for a phone number, address and e-mail address. Then I ask for them to sent me a picture with the item that includes their drivers license. I do that for anything I am selling and have purchased items for thousands of dollars without incident. If they are not willing to do that, I pass.


A great, common sense policy. :) -Al