Bullet Jackets

Well said Charles

Y'all seem to forget that consistency over time is an issue with any manufactured product. When Sierra's are good, they are very, very good. Just like J-4's they are not *always* good. So somebody gets jackets -- or bullets -- from this batch & says "Bleach" and that gets repeated all over the internet & amongst the talk of losers at matches, and from there, it becomes "so & so's bullets (or jackets) are always Bleach" and that becomes a "fact."


We always hear the bad news LOUD AND CLEAR. We seldom talk about the good news.
Just one shooters thought:

How about the integrity of the maker of the product and how many phone calls, letters, emails you have to make to that company to get your purchase fixed/repaired etc. How many of them would do what Berger Bullets did a while back and post to the shooting public to all to see that they had a batch of bullets that were not up to their standards and asked the shooters that purchased them to send them back (at Berger’s expense) and replace them with good ones. Think of the cost to them in doing this; most companies would not have even come close to doing this.

Tom Libby
Some Other Things to Consider

Guys here are somethings you may not know. Chances are if you shoot a custom 6MM or 22 bullet bought in the last two years, you are more than likely shooting a Sierra Jacket. How do I know that? Because I have been supplying the custom bullet makers with 22 and 6mm jackets. The bullet makers love them. The people that shoot them love them. The other huge benefit is we have been able to keep the price down. If not for Sierra jackets custom bullet makers would have to charge in the neighborhood of 310.00 to 330.00 per 1000 for 6MMs.

As for the Quality... the best shooting I have ever done has been with Sierra jackets. This year alone I have won 6 Hall of Fame points, the IBS Nationals 2 Gun, and 4 Gun. I also shot a .1989 2 Gun and a .1928 4 Gun, which are my personal best. Im not trying to blow my own horn just demonstrating that the jackets are very good. These are not the same jackets that Sierra put out in the 1980s and 1990s.

However with all that said jacket availability remains a problem. I am working the issue, so standby for some good news coming soon.


Barts Custom Bullets & Premier Benchrest Jackets
bullet jackets.

fwiw I have some 30 cal jackets 1.150 from the 80,s they are great, run out is less then .0002 so where did you get those that you said were so bad? .
Maybe you just measured them incorrectly. I have some from Santa fe spring California also very very good . > 1.225 those were probably even older.
Both are in spec for match grade bullets. I think the confusion came from an article years ago about run out. Sierra use to have run outs of up to .0005 on their hunting bullets match bullets were less then .0003 at the base.
The problem with Sierra was always availability. you have to catch them on their runs, and when they are caught up with orders.