Bruno's Shooters Supply

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Anybody know what's going on with Bruno's? I've been trying to get a hold of them for a couple of days now with no luck. I've called before hours, during hours and after hours, and the phone is always busy. Tried an dice.

I something amiss, or are they just that busy?

like so many shooting vendors, they are swamped!

Justin, the crazy busy conditions at Bruno Shooter's Supply are well documented these past couple of months or so. Even their website has a notice.

You'd be best off to try to call first thing as they open up. Otherwise, you'll just need to wait, like hundreds (if not thousands) of other customers, at Bruno's and many other vendors.

Unprecedented levels of ordering activity. You did not pick a good time to be out of stuff. Speaking of which, what do you need? Maybe one of your fellow forum members has what you seek. :)
Justin, the crazy busy conditions at Bruno Shooter's Supply are well documented these past couple of months or so. Even their website has a notice.

You'd be best off to try to call first thing as they open up. Otherwise, you'll just need to wait, like hundreds (if not thousands) of other customers, at Bruno's and many other vendors.

Unprecedented levels of ordering activity. You did not pick a good time to be out of stuff. Speaking of which, what do you need? Maybe one of your fellow forum members has what you seek. :)


I saw the notice re: "shipping as fast as we can". Did I miss a different notice?

I understand they're busy, everybody in the industry is, but it's like their phones are off the hook. Can't even get a message machine after hours, which I found odd.

I'm looking to check stock on, and buy a Krieger barrel. Was hoping to talk to someone about it.

I'm looking to check stock on, and buy a Krieger barrel. Was hoping to talk to someone about it.

You can do three things: 1. Keep calling Bruno's. 2. Call Krieger direct and order from them. Or, 3. Call Krieger and ask them who they have shipped to recently, that has the barrel you're looking for. Good Luck. :)
I think Benchrest Central should have a new forum named "Where's Bruno?" . :confused:

Between here and the other accuracy websight this "Where's Bruno" topic has been constant for the last 4 months. I'm sorry some of you guys have gotten stuck in the middle of an order and have been left to dangle in the wind. I have placed orders with a number of firearms related vendors in the past 4 months including Sinclair's, The Gunstop, Midway, P,T&G, Brux, and have not experienced anything like what is reported with Bruno's. There is NO excuse to take anybody's order (ie; and their money) and not follow through in a responsible manner so the customer need not feel abandoned and left to worry. Shame on them!
I have placed orders with a number of firearms related vendors in the past 4 months including Sinclair's, The Gunstop, Midway, P,T&G, Brux, and have not experienced anything like what is reported with Bruno's. There is NO excuse to take anybody's order (ie; and their money) and not follow through in a responsible manner so the customer need not feel abandoned and left to worry. Shame on them!

Looks like the places you ordered from were not suppliers who sell ammunition components. I too, placed an order, yesterday, from Brownells, and got it today at 1;20PM....but it was an 8-40 tap and I paid $41.20 for FedEx Next-Day delivery.

But that was for a not in high demand item that relates to making guns shoot. I had lunch 3 weeks ago with Stan Widener of Wideners Reloading and, that day, a Thursday, he had just hired 3 more people to help package and ship. That same day he reported that his powder magazine was empty!! For 2 days that week they had taken the phones off the hook and were still 4-5 weeks behind on orders. Orders for what? Just about anything they sell that relates to making guns shoot, like primers, bullets, 30-round magazines. etc!!

Here's what their web site looks like, even be patient with Lester and Amy, and all the rest, like Graf & Son for example.

every place is 3 to 5weeeks behind.give them a break.they are trying to keep there customers happy.have never seen this in all my years.even the manufacturer are having a time to keep up.just my 2 cts worth
Heck, Powder Valley is a over a month behind, it was reported some where Bruno's is around 4,000 orders behind, not to mention the continual flow of orders. I ordered bullets from Bruno's 3 weeks ago, got them in a week on the east coast. Have an order in for primers and powder and waiting for them. It will take time for this to clear up, if it does not get worse!

had my order to my door in 3 days. this was 2 weeks ago. my last order from powder valley took about 5 weeks to ship for something they had in stock.

i called the number to ask a question for a couple of days, then just placed my order thru their website for the things they showed to be in stock.

my order consisted various BR reloading stuff plus 3000 6mm bullets.

i'm sure Lester and his staff are doing the best they can with what they have.
Years ago when I did some mail order stuff, there was a regulation/law that said when you took an order, you had 30 days to fill it or be subject to tens of thousands of dollar fines. The only out was to notify the customer before 30 days via mail with an option to wait or cancel.
Seems that law is not being enforced many laws.
Years ago when I did some mail order stuff, there was a regulation/law that said when you took an order, you had 30 days to fill it or be subject to tens of thousands of dollar fines. The only out was to notify the customer before 30 days via mail with an option to wait or cancel.
Seems that law is not being enforced many laws.

Was it a state or a Federal law ? What evidence do you have it is still in effect ? I personally have never heard of such a thing, most likely it said you could not hold someone's money for more than a limited time. Most orders these days are by credit card and card is not charged till item is shipped.
Ya just gotta' order like democrats vote......order early, order often. I've got 7 orders setting out there and like someone said earlier, I just recvd a Powder Valley order from over a month ago, RIGHT ON TIME :)
read it all

I just read all the replies to this question and no one mentioned (that I saw) EMAIL. I ordered bullets for the 6PPC and it took a while but they came and just in time.
Bruno's is filling orders

I ordered Berger bullets 6.5 130 vld's and 140's hybrids and a barrel last night on line. At 7:30 pm tonight I got a shipping notification through UPS. Both orders are shipping today. The only time I had a back order they called me and asked me if I wanted to wait, or a substitute. I got what I ordered (a Jewell trigger) about a month later. So far if their website said it was in stock I've gotten it.

They are busy like everyone else. Set up an online account with Bruno's, place the order, or email and wait on a reply.

These are tough times with no end in sight.

Good luck, Waverly
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buy a Bartlien from the guy in billings montana, J Young he advertises here and will actually answer the phone,

on second thought do not do it as I do not need another guy to finish ahead of me on the list of competitors


I ordered in stock powder from Bruno's 2 months ago. Still waiting. They don't answer the phone or e mails. No way to find out if they actually have the stuff in stock or not. I wonder if the order could even be cancled since there is no way to contact them.
Was it a state or a Federal law ? What evidence do you have it is still in effect ? I personally have never heard of such a thing, most likely it said you could not hold someone's money for more than a limited time. Most orders these days are by credit card and card is not charged till item is shipped.

Dick, this was from the mid 1980's when I was setting up mail order factory bullets. I believe it was a fed law and carried a $40k fine if the customer was not given a written notice of a cancel option 'before' 30 days (money passing hands not considered, just order placement).
A nickle/dime operation can not risk a fine of that magnitude. I can not tell you how vigorously it was/is enforced.
That was my experience.
With what we are talking about here in this post, I would have to guess there is no law like that being invoked.
I ordered 8lb LT32,500 Berger 65gr bullets and a Krieger 13.5 twist 6mm blank from Bruno's web site received it all with in a week.
I've ordered from the web site several times in the last few months anything listed as in stock has arrived within 2 weeks.
Well I placed an order and received an order confirmation with everything in stock on 2/7 and have yet to see or hear anything. Knowing the current market conditions I've been patiently waiting with no complaining. I can completely understand being weeks behind in packing and shipping orders. Then I hear all these people placing and getting multiple orders ahead of mine. Really?? How can this be justified? A daily lottery for who gets on the UPS truck? Wouldn't you think there would be some priority given on a first come first served basis?
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