Brit Robinson

Chism G

Active member
Britt Robinson

World renowned Hall Of Fame Shotgun Trap shooter Britt Robinson.occasionally tries his hand at Benchrest Competition.
Several years ago, at the urging of a friend,I traveled to Midland,Tx to shoot a GCR Match. I remember because one day of the shoot (Sunday) fell on the fourth of July. Midland,Tx is about 350 miles west of Dallas,Tx. A boring drive consisting of mostly flat farm land,cattle Ranches and Oil Fields. I drove my almost new Ford F-250 diesel Truck. Got 12 miles a gallon until I stopped at A Ford Dealership and replaced a clogged up air filter. Diesels don’t work too good without air.

I was a little excited about the trip, because I had recently purchased a set of Rick Graham Wind flags to help me get a handle on “the talked about” winds at Midland.

We arrived at the Midland Range around noon on Friday, In time for an afternoon of practice/tuning and getting acquainted. I had a used rifle(Sporter) built by Cecil Tucker on a Stiller Viper Action with Shilen Barrel. A Custom paint job with Logo “K-MART” Blue light special, Just for laughs.

We got Bench assignments late Friday afternoon. Early the next day,Saturday, I started setting out my Rick Graham Wind Flags in preparation for the upcoming 100 yd match. I was down range when a fellow walked up to me and introduced himself as Britt Robinson. First time I’d ever laid eyes on Britt Robinson. Never even heard the name before. Britt informed me that we would be sharing a bench and that he was on second relay. He asked me whose flags were we going to use. Of course that struck me kinda strange since I had already set up my new Flags. Incidentally, We both shoot right handed.

Without hesitation,Britt said, we’re gonna use my flags. I go ‘what”. Said this to myself. Britt continued. ‘You will like my Flags’.

We proceeded to replace each of my flags with his home made ones. He was sitting at the Bench,yelling instructions to me as to where he wanted his flags positioned. I haven’t been yelled at like that since I was in Army Basic training.:D

Britt's flags looked like they came from an elementary School Art Class. They Had huge vanes with painted Styrofoam balls glued on the front end. The tails looked like they were made from (unobtainium) Ostrich feathers. One of the Styrofoam balls fell off while he was setting up his flags. He glued it back. When he finally got his flags set up, he told me to shoot when the tails were fluttering at a certain angle.

By now,my expectations of having a good day at the range have dwindled. I was also a little pissed. How could these strange looking flags work?

When the cease fire was called at the end of the yardage,it was announced that I had won. Britt followed with a yardage win, I don’t remember whether it was 100 or 200. At that point,I started thinking. It must be the flags.

I tried making some of Britt’s flags ,from his instructions .but I could never get it right. I will never forget that experience. This is the kinda stuff that keeps you coming back for more.

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We proceeded to replace each of my flags with his home made ones. He was sitting at the Bench,yelling instructions to me as to where he wanted his flags positioned. I haven’t been yelled at like that since I was in Army Basic training.:D

that's funny... and very true.

there is no doubt where Britt is on the range when it come time to set flags.
Great story

Glenn thanks for sharing that story with us, heck I was starting to get mad myself while reading! LOL Glad the outcome was better than the start of the match.
Glenn thanks for sharing that story with us, heck I was starting to get mad myself while reading! LOL Glad the outcome was better than the start of the match.

Rich... I laugh about it sometimes when I think about it. Stay around Benchrest for awhile and you'll be telling these kinda stories. Its the nature of the Sport.

Britt came to one of our shoots at Denton,Tx. We went to Dinner Saturday Night at Babe's Chicken Restaurant at Sanger,Tx. A Downtown Historic building has been converted to the upscale Babes Fried Chicken Place.

The Restaurant was my idea. Britt had never been to a Babe's Chicken Restaurant. Britt and I both ordered the Fried Chicken Special. Lots of Chicken with sides.The plan was to take what was left with us,because there was no lunch served at the Match on Sunday. The waitress put all the left over Chicken in a carry out bag and put it at my seat.

We got busy talking and both of us walked out of the Restaurant, I left the Chicken. We were back at the Motel when Britt noticed that I had left the Chicken. You never heard such yelling and screaming. I got a royal chewing. The next day at the match,every time he'd think about it,he'd dig into me again and again about that Chicken. Probably the reason why I didn't shoot well.

Britt is a lot of fun to be around. I have really enjoyed knowing him.


Very good story.......... I really enjoyed it...... Kinda reminds me of my training with Skip Otto..... he`d talk to me very nicely explaining things......... if I did`nt do like he said..... he talk like I was his red-haired stepchild......but all in good intent.... and I learned from it...
Benchrest History

Browse through this site. There is an important message at the top of the opening page. "When a Sport stops teaching its heritage,it loses its identity."

The friends we meet,the moments we share are all part of our Sports Heritage.

I enjoy sharing these stories.

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Britt has to be one of the greatest trap shooters of all time. It is told he shot doubles just as the cleared the machine.
I believe it was Cecil Tucker that told me that Britt bough a BR rifle and asked him for 3000 bullets. 2 weeks later he told Cecil that he needed a new barrel and another 3000 bullets.
That is Britt. We are fortunate that he doesn't travel much as he would give us a trimming.
Greetings from Sky Net

Glen, Your Britt story becomes perfectly logical when you factor in one detail. You see. Britt is a cyborg. I discovered this fact when I spied him adjusting his eyesight with a phillips screw driver he had inserted in his ear. After being caught he admitted to being assembled in North Korea from old Chinese tank parts and human bodies discarded from one of their gulags. His CPU runs Windows 1 software and printouts kept dropping out of his behind reading "Windows has shut down due to a fatal error". I suppose this is why he is the way he is. He can't help it. He is always rebooting his brain. Tim
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Britt often attracted a gallery of spectators when he shot trap. He was indeed a very fast shooter. A group of us were watching Britt in a shoot off one evening and a shooting buddy remarked "He never shoots an angle target! He breaks 'em so quick they never have a chance to become angles!" We never realized he was a Cyborg back in those days, so maybe that explains it. Vic
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