For those who bore scope your barrels:
When you start shooting a new barrel does the throat area start to discolor the steel from the high temperatures? Or is this powder buildup still left in the barrel after cleaning?
I notice when I scope my new barrels as I shoot them that I have darkened steel in the throat area (first few inches). I tend to see more of it in the grooves than on the lands. It does not look like powder buildup, it looks more like the steel is discoloring. Want to know if this is typical or if it is because of my cleaning method. I use good quality bronze brushes.
When you start shooting a new barrel does the throat area start to discolor the steel from the high temperatures? Or is this powder buildup still left in the barrel after cleaning?
I notice when I scope my new barrels as I shoot them that I have darkened steel in the throat area (first few inches). I tend to see more of it in the grooves than on the lands. It does not look like powder buildup, it looks more like the steel is discoloring. Want to know if this is typical or if it is because of my cleaning method. I use good quality bronze brushes.