Bluebonnet Results LV/SP TX State

Saturday was breezy but fairly mild for Dietzville. It did get hot and the conditions got worse for the afternoon. We shot 100 yards LV and SP on Saturday. Sunday (today) was windy and gusty....did I say windy....I mean WIIIIINNNNDDDDDYYYYYY with tons of push behind it. What a way to shoot 200 yards for two guns. This is the worst I have seen Dietzville in a while. Glad I wasn't shooting;) Despite the wind we all had a good time and everything went smooth. We did have a hard time shooting without Jackie, Vic, Larry Bagget, and Gene Beggs. We missed you guys....maybe next year.

Kris Whitman


Gary Walters .1892
Gene Bukys .1916
Ryan Harrison .2200
Ron Parker .2252
Jason Leavelle .2670


Charles Huckeba .3752
John Horn .4067
Tommy Gillespie .4145
Arnold Jewell .4264
Sam Duke .4353

LV Grand (TX State)

John Horn .3444
Gene Bukys .3500
Charles Huckeba .3505
Ryan Harrison .3571
Leon Gass .3620
Gary Walters .3808
MIke Conry .3850
Tommy Gillespie .3920
Chris McBride .3938
Sam Duke .3959


Dickie Pustejovsky .2390
Ron Parker .2392
Joe Duke .2470
Chris McBride .2530
Tim Olsterdorf .2660


Britt Robinson .3192
Jacob Gottfredson .3605
Jerry Hensler .3749
Charles Huckeba .3758
John Horn .3787

SP Grand (TX State)

Charles Huckeba .3219
Jerry Hensler .3332
Britt Robinson .3342
John Horn .3419
Gene Bukys .3431
Tim Oltersdorf .3613
Tommy Gillespie .3627
Jacob Gottfredson .3656
Mike Conry .3686
Jay Lynn Gore .3687

Two Gun

Sir Charles Huckeba .3362
John Horn .3432
Gene Bukys .3465
Ryan Harrison .3649
Britt Robinson .3736
Mike Conry .3768
Tommy Gillespie .3774
Gary Walters .3829
Jerry Hensler .3835
Jay Lynn Gore .3874

I would like to thank everyone who came out and shot with us this year. Looking forward to seeing you all again next year.

Kris Whitman
Thanks for the report, Kris. This is the first Bluebonnet I have missed in 8 years. Work seems to be getting in the way more than ever.

Congratulations to Gary, Dickie, John, Britt, and of course, Charles for their wins. .........jackie
Thank You CTBRS and Kris Whitman

A great big "Thank You" to the CTBRS and Kris Whitman for providing a great match to shoot. If you have not been to the Bluebonnet, Then you need to go shoot it and enjoy the Texas hospitality. If you can't have a good time there, then you just can't have a good time.
The shooting was tough but the visiting with friends makes it all worthwhile.
The Wind is My Friend!

One of the shooters at the Bluebonnet made this comment today. After lots of sour looks from all his fellow competitors, He went on to say.
"I own a sailboat and a kite."
I figure with the wind we were having, his kite was probably busted and the sailboat was on the jetties. :D

More Pics

Here are a few pics from the Bluebonnet this weekend. More to come.

Kris Whitman


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Yet More pics

A few more pics from this years Bluebonnet shoot. Here is what Gene and Britt do best....running them. Our buddy Jay Lynn Gore is always fun to be around. Mr. Joe Duke is preparing to battle the wind machine at Dietz. And last but definately not least is John Horn staring down the flags along side Jonathan Kurkendal and Wayne Young.

Kris Whitman


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Congrats to Sir Charles

Gary, Dickie, John,and Britt for your wins in some challenging conditions.

Sorry I could not make it this year. :( The Bluebonnet is my favorite match of the year.

PS Way to go Joe!!! :):):) See you at the next club match.

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Bluebonnet random pics

Gary Walters getting wood ( plastic trophy). Arnold Jewell actually serious at the bench. Jerry Hensler collecting his cheap plastic trophy. Mr. Mike Conry receiving his plastic. John Horn collecting more plastic. Tommy Gillespie collecting his plastic.

Are you guys wishing you were at the shoot yet?


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Last round of pics

And a special thanks to Virgil for calling a great match. The Bluebonnet would not have run as smooth as it did without Virgil keeping everyone on their toes. Great Job!!!

In addition we had a lot of help from the trenches....the boy scouts did a great job running targets and moving frames and backers.....Malford Jost (CTBRS club member) did everything we needed done from Friday afternoon until Sunday when things wound down....Dick Cunningham (CTBRS club member) for helping set up frames and putting up practice targets....Rudy (works at Dietz Gunshop and range) did a great job scoring targets..... and my daughter ran the computer even though Senior prom tried to pull her away from us. My daughter did not want to get too close in this picture because I had been at the range all day and was filthy (and according to her I smelled). Can you image not wanting a nice wet hug in her senior prom outfit?????

Thanks everyone!!!!


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Thanks for the "thanks". This is my third time I've called the Blue Bonnet and am looking forward to calling many more. This match is always well run with a great team and a great match director. The level of shooting talent and good sportsmanship at these matches can't be beat.

Kris, you run a match very well. We appreciate your efforts. I did not get a chance to thank you for an outstanding match (bad hair day and all). I had a great time thanks to loading near AJ. Thats the first time
I have ever shot a teen agg in that kind of breeze. Probably the last time.

Thanks so much for all the hard work you do. I hope Mr. Dietz gets well soon.


Henslers new Smart Flag system

regional meeting

Ryan Harrison Leon Gass Arnold Jewel

Jay L Gore

Huckaba Duke Conry


Dickie P

Gary Walters


Bill Lindley



Art Bosco

Vern Cook

Range Master Virgil H

Frank W Kris Whitman

Daryl Whitman

Sam Duke

Tommy G

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Kris & Jonathan

Thanks for posting all the great pics specially Arnold!!! :)

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Thanks for putting on a great shoot, I really enjoyed it and meeting your brothers and daughter, great family. I want to thank you for the use of your rifle on Sat. It shoots much better than I do. There is nothing like a weekend of shooting, especially with such good entertainment ( Arnold Jewell) and a few others.
See ya at another shoot down the road soon I hope.


What is the general consensus on Jerry's latest electronic flag effort.

I am on the rotation at the Nationals where they will be used in conjunction with regular flags. More reason I should have been there.........jackie
Gary Walters getting wood ( plastic trophy). Arnold Jewell actually serious at the bench. Jerry Hensler collecting his cheap plastic trophy. Mr. Mike Conry receiving his plastic. John Horn collecting more plastic. Tommy Gillespie collecting his plastic.

Are you guys wishing you were at the shoot yet?

Arnold was looking serious because he was trying to win his quarters back from me. By the way, he did. Ray