Bix 'n Andy action?

I have about 7 more detail pictures in different views but I don't have permission, yet, to let them out.
(this ain't my project and it ain't my pictures)

They had about 4-5 different samples of this action at the SHOT show, and 2 different designs of B&A triggers shown.

Edit-now that I have pics of the triggers theirselves, there were at least 4 other trigger assemblies and about 6 different trigger levers.

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One photo shows a cutout in the bottom just ahead of the trigger. I can't tell if it is the ejection port for a drop port or a magazine cutout, or both.

What I thought was two design BA triggers may just be the same trigger with a transparent side plate to show the workings of the trigger??

Can't figure out the fish fin protuberance at the loading port unless it is a thumb rest to assist in loading??
All the following pics are property of Turk Takano and are used with his permission

A Turk Takano photo used with permission

And I thank Turk very much for his efforts in showingcasing these Biksn'Andy products

These new pictures reveal an additional detail or two that I had not noticed before. The cocking extensions have rollers. and part of the firing "pin" that contains the spring has a closed front. I assume that there was some reason for the two piece firing pin, with its front part floating. Does anyone have an idea of what that might be?
Ill just about bet that action will set one back 3 grand!! Looks bad ass though... Always nice to see folks trying to improve on our dying sport lee

A guy I know supposedly bought one for $4k at Shot last week.........It looks like something designed by NASA........